How to use Blendamed 3d white Luxe whitening strips?

In the modern world, people are very concerned about their appearance, because it is an indicator of success, prosperity, health, and neatness.
Beautiful same a smile attracts the attention of others and encourages communication.

But dental services are quite expensive, so the Blend-a-Med company offered budget-friendly at-home whitening - teeth whitening strips .

What it is?

You should know! This is an adhesive base coated with a layer of active gel, the main component of which is hydrogen peroxide. They are designed to whiten teeth by several shades at home.

Whitening strips are very popular all over the world and are produced by many oral hygiene companies.

But among all the manufacturers, we can safely single out the most active one - the Blendamed company and its product - Blend-a-Med 3d white Luxe whitening strips.

Composition and properties

A beautiful smile is one of the components of a pleasant image and good mood. Therefore, when choosing a toothpaste with a whitening effect, you need to be very careful. Blend-a-med 3d white luxe is one of the most famous series, which has proven itself well among consumers.

The product has a soft composition and does not cause any discomfort while brushing your teeth. The product contains glycerin, water, hydrogen peroxide and other substances. The series includes several products that differ slightly in composition.

But there are always bactericidal components that destroy harmful microorganisms that cause caries and other diseases of the oral cavity.

Thanks to the use of Blendamed 3D white, you can achieve the following effect:

  • Lighten the enamel by 1-3 tones.
  • Protect enamel, preventing it from weakening and destruction.
  • Remove hard plaque from teeth.
  • Eliminate age spots on enamel.
  • Reduce tooth sensitivity.
  • Protect gums and other tissues.

In addition, Blendamed 3D White Lux copes well with the main existing problems:

  1. Gum diseases. This will gradually weaken the protection of the teeth. The complex effect of such a paste will slow down or completely eliminate such processes.
  2. Strong sensitivity to hot and cold drinks, food, frosty air inhaled through the mouth, sour, salty and sweet. This causes pain. Toothpaste in this series helps restore thinned enamel.
  3. Unpleasant odor from the mouth. This problem occurs due to many factors, but is most often associated with diseases of the oral cavity. In particular, this applies to bacteria that accumulate in large quantities on the teeth. The paste will destroy them, thereby eliminating the problem with the unpleasant odor.

In addition, the product copes with tartar on teeth and is used to prevent caries.

Benefits of whitening strips

This product is useful for many users because it is effective in removing long-term plaque from the surface of teeth formed from exposure to tea, coffee, and smoking .
In addition, whitening strips help after using braces . Since when eating food, a bacterial plaque is created under them, destroying the enamel, the teeth become covered with pigment spots and require professional cleaning every month.

Many cannot follow all the rules for caring for braces and the oral cavity, and after they are removed they do not recognize their teeth - they darken.

For your information! This is when the hydrogen peroxide contained in the strip will come to the rescue. By interacting with the top layer of teeth, it will whiten them, as well as disinfect the oral cavity and help strengthen the enamel.

How to use the Blend-a-med 3D White Luxe “Perfection” system

It is known that proper skin care consists of at least two steps: thorough cleansing and subsequent protection. Blend-a-med brings this approach to oral care with its 3D White Luxe two-step system.

  1. You need to start using Blend-a-med 3D White Luxe “Perfection” with the innovative Blend-a-med 3D White Luxe “Perfection” toothpaste with special microgranules, which works like an exfoliant, removing up to 100% of the surface darkening of the enamel in three days, strengthening the enamel and protecting against caries. With this toothpaste, your smile becomes brighter and whiter. In addition to whitening components, Blend-a-med 3D White Luxe “Perfection” paste contains soluble sodium fluoride, which strengthens enamel and helps prevent the development of caries, making your smile healthy, snow-white and dazzling.
  2. Complete the procedure with Blend-a-med 3D White Luxe Whitening Booster. Its effect can be compared to that of a sunscreen moisturizer. Just as it protects your skin from UV rays, a whitening booster protects your teeth from plaque buildup for 24 hours.

The Blend-a-med 3D White Luxe whitening enhancer technology is based on polyphosphates in the form of soluble microgranules that eliminate surface darkening of the enamel and form a stable protective layer, preventing the formation of new darkening for up to 24 hours. Using a whitening system, you can safely enjoy coffee, wine and other coloring products without fear of your smile losing its whiteness.

The Blend-a-med 3D White Luxe two-phase system is part of the best Blend-a-med beauty collection.

For reference: Blend-a-med also produces other teeth whitening products. To achieve maximum whitening results at home, use Blend-a-med 3D White Luxe whitening strips once a year. While toothpaste and a whitening booster daily remove superficial enamel stains and protect teeth from forming new ones, Blend-a-med 3D White Luxe whitening strips work on the deeper layers of enamel, removing years of staining that toothpaste cannot remove.

Before using Blend-a-med 3D White whitening products, consult your dentist.

Blendamed product release form

The Blend-a-Med 3D White Luxe series release form includes two products.

This is
a whitening paste Blendamed 3D White Luxe , which has a gel-like consistency with small inclusions in the form of blue granules, as well as Blend-a-Med 3D White Luxe strips , which are thin transparent plates coated with a gel that brightens the enamel.
The product is packaged in boxes of 28 pieces (14 pairs).

Line Blend-a-med 3d white

The Blend-a-med 3d white luxe series includes the following toothpastes:

  1. "With pearl extract." In addition to these components, silicon is also included in the composition. The product has a mild and gentle whitening effect. Additionally, a film is formed that will reflect light. The price of toothpaste in Russia is approximately 200 rubles.
  2. "Healthy glow" This paste also contains silicon. The product not only thoroughly cleanses the teeth, but also strengthens the enamel with special minerals. The price is up to 300 rubles.
  3. "Anti-tobacco-freshness." The product contains mint extract. It removes unpleasant odor and makes your breath fresh. Price – approximately 230 rubles.
  4. "Glamour". This toothpaste has a standard composition and action for this line. Price – approximately 250 rubles.

In addition, you can separately purchase strips with a whitening effect, which also belong to the Blend-a-med 3d white luxe series.

The cost of packaging is approximately 300 rubles. To obtain a whitening effect, you need to take a course that lasts about 1-2 weeks.


The main component of this whitening product is hydrogen peroxide , the content of which is no more than 5%.

Note! Hydrogen peroxide oxidizes, and oxygen ions, penetrating deeply into tooth tissue, destroy enamel contaminants. The remaining components enhance the effect of the main bleaching agent.

It includes :

  • Polyvidone (polyvinylpyrrolidone) - it is used as a gel thickener, is considered safe and has no side effects;
  • Polyethylene glycol-8 – acts as a moisturizing component, practically safe;
  • Acrylate copolymer – viscosity regulator, emulsifier (mixing of immiscible components), absolutely safe when used as intended;
  • Monooleate (polysorbate 80) – a thickener, an additive that gives taste, the component has a calming effect, is harmless;
  • Sodium hydroxide – restores the acid-base balance, has a calming effect;
  • Saccharin (acesulfan-K) is an artificial sweetener;
  • Sodium laurinsulfan is a foaming agent.

Instructions for use

When following the instructions, you need to remember that brushing your teeth immediately before using the strips is not necessary.

Stay up to date! You should definitely make sure that the product’s expiration date has not expired. Then you need to peel off the protective film from the gel-like side of the strip.

Apply the strip to your front teeth and align it with the gum line, gently press the strip for 2-3 seconds for better contact. Leave bleach on for 1 hour, then remove .

Do not leave the whitening strip on for longer than expected - this can cause inflammation of the dental nerves, irritation and sensitivity of the teeth and gums.

The bleach comes into contact with soft tissue, but is mild in nature and usually disappears within a few days.

After whitening, be sure to rinse your mouth with water or brush your teeth to remove any remaining gel. In addition, at first you need to stick to a white diet.


According to reviews of Blend-a-med 3d white luxe, the following advantages are noted:

  • after cleaning, a pleasant feeling of cleanliness and freshness appears in the mouth;
  • after about a week, the dark areas of the enamel begin to lighten, and after the same time, the spots completely disappear;
  • The protective effect and feeling of cleanliness in the mouth remains even after the usual rinsing of the mouth with water after meals, if you brush your teeth with such a paste in the morning.

In addition, many note that it turns out to massage the gums well.

What are the contraindications for using teeth whitening products?

Like any product that contains chemical elements, whitening strips have contraindications.

You can't use them:

  • Pregnant and lactating women, since in the last months of pregnancy and when breastfeeding, the enamel becomes weaker and less resistant to aggressive environments;
  • Persons under 18 years of age , since the body is not fully formed;
  • People who have a large number of fillings, crowns and fixed dentures (they cannot be bleached);
  • People who cannot tolerate the components included in the product;
  • People with gum disease and damaged enamel;
  • For asthmatics, epileptics, allergy sufferers.

Blend-a-med 3D White Luxe “Perfection” toothpaste

In the photo: packaging of Blend-a-med 3D White Luxe “Perfection” toothpaste
The innovative formula of Blend-a-med 3D White Luxe “Perfection” toothpaste includes special microparticles that carefully remove darkening of the enamel embedded in the surface of the teeth, emphasizing beauty of your smile and helping to protect it from the appearance of new pigmented plaque.

The invigorating aroma of winter coolness will give you a feeling of freshness for a long time.

Removes up to 100% of surface darkening of enamel in 3 days.

Innovative microparticles break down surface darkening of the enamel and protect against its formation in the future.

The formula is safe for enamel.

An icy mint aroma for an incredibly long-lasting feeling of freshness.

Average price of whitening strips in Russia

You should know! Since this product is a very popular product today, the price in Russia ranges from 1999 rubles to 3469 rubles, the average price is 2719 rubles.

In Moscow, the price range is from 1275 rubles to 3994 rubles .
The product can be purchased in the following online stores, In St. Petersburg, the price of the product is slightly higher than the national average - from 2390 rubles to 4530 rubles, they can be purchased in online stores.
This tooth enamel whitening product can be purchased at any pharmacy chain.


Blend-a-med 3d white luxe has the following disadvantages:

  • The booster, which can be purchased as a supplement, has a slightly sweet taste that not everyone likes;
  • The paste has a persistent and strong taste and aroma.

These are minor imperfections that can be corrected by rinsing your mouth thoroughly.

It is recommended that before buying toothpaste, you consult with a dentist who will help you choose the right option from the line. Only daily brushing will help protect your teeth from caries and keep your mouth healthy.

Feedback about use

Users note that, like any product, whitening strips have positive and negative sides .

From positive reviews:

This is not the first time I have used this product, and the result is immediately noticeable - my teeth actually whitened by several shades. What a convenient product to use! Simply - simply take them out of the box, stick them on your teeth - and wait for the result. The price is reasonable. I, a student, can afford it. And this is great, because at my age a beautiful snow-white smile is not the last thing. The drug does not irritate the gums and does not ache my teeth; I must bear in mind that I have always had problems with sensitivity in my mouth! I really liked the tool. I recommend to everyone.

I read about Blendamed strips and was skeptical! I was frightened by the reviews that after using this product, uneven stains appear on the teeth. I tried it at my own risk. And... for the first three days there was no result. Then stains appeared on my teeth - I wanted to stop the procedure. But I’m not used to retreating! I completed my experiment. The stains went away within a few hours, and my teeth turned white. I highly recommend it, because even uneven teeth like mine whiten well.

Cheap and cheerful - that’s what I would call the Blend-a-Med 3d white Luxe whitening strips. The course is intended for 10 days, I saw the effect only after I used all the strips from the package. There is an effect, but not for life. I think that it can be used for some kind of celebration, for example, for a wedding. I did the procedure at home 7 days before the event and you look great. But you can’t use it all the time, because hydrogen peroxide cannot be called an absolutely useful chemical for humans.

But, since people have individual intolerance to chemicals, there are a number of negative reviews: “expensive,” “my teeth whitened unevenly,” “didn’t whiten.”

"Perfection" by Blend-a-Med

Blend-a-Med's 3D White Luxe Perfection Whitening System includes 2 products. This is the “Perfection” toothpaste itself and a special booster. This product is intended for people whose enamel has an unhealthy tint or has various stains.

The “Perfection” system can lighten it and remove stains in just 3 days. In addition, it protects teeth from caries.

Contains sodium fluoride. It is intended to strengthen the enamel. There are also special microgranules that remove stains and then form a film that protects teeth from the negative effects of various coloring products. The cost of such a system is approximately 650 rubles.

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