Causes of condylomas on the tongue and methods of their treatment

The condition of the tongue can tell a lot about a person’s health. Plaque, the appearance of compactions and growths indicate the presence of viruses or malfunctions in the body. Condylomas on the tongue appear due to the papilloma virus, which can infect the skin and mucous membranes. Small elongated growths appear in the mouth one by one or in a group. Genital warts on the tongue can cause discomfort, pain or burning, so you should immediately consult a doctor who will suggest an appropriate treatment method.

How does the virus enter the body?

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The main route of infection is sexual. Moreover, regardless of the form of sexual contact - anal, vaginal or oral. A condom reduces the risk of infection, but it is not a panacea.

With a much lower probability, HPV can enter the body through contact and household contact - through touching, hugging, personal hygiene products, manicure tools, etc. Most often, danger awaits in public places - bathhouse, swimming pool, sauna, bus, etc.

The presence of damage and microcracks on the skin favors infection. A vertical route of infection is also possible - from mother to child. The virus can be transmitted to an infant during fetal development or when passing through the birth canal.

HPV symptoms

Genital warts in the mouth often appear under the frenulum, the growths have a pale pink tint, and large ones are gray. Symptoms may include the following:

  • pain and burning while chewing or talking;
  • sensation of the presence of a foreign object in the mouth;
  • damage to the growth that releases blood;
  • increasing the infection zone;
  • frequent damage to growths, leading to fungal disease or infection.

In addition, the advanced stage of human papillomavirus disease can penetrate the larynx, as evidenced by other signs. For example, a constant cough, sore throat, complete or partial loss of voice, and the patient may also periodically be bothered by pharyngitis or laryngitis.

Genital warts on the tongue come in various shapes: pointed, round or almost flat. The location is on the sides of the tongue or under it; the seals are pink with a whitish head at the top, as can be seen in the photo.

Condylomas under the tongue can gradually increase in size, but in most cases they do not exceed 4 mm. Also, formations appear on the palate or gums and have an elongated shape. Flat warts appear on the surface of the epithelium of the cheeks and lips and have a pronounced red color.

Reasons for the appearance of formations

The presence of HPV in the body does not guarantee the development of its clinical manifestations - the appearance of growths. It may remain in standby mode for a long time until favorable conditions occur. Activation of the virus is associated primarily with weakened immunity. This condition is provoked by both environmental conditions and the presence of various diseases.

Human papillomavirus

Lifestyle reasons:

  • stress and nervous tension;
  • disrupted daily routine;
  • unbalanced and unhealthy diet;
  • presence of bad habits – smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs;
  • avitaminosis;
  • long-term use of cytostatics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics;
  • unfavorable environmental conditions;
  • excessive mental and physical stress;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • hypothermia, overheating.

Causes associated with the presence of diseases:

  • acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, influenza;
  • herpes type 2;
  • oncology;
  • endocrine system disorders;
  • anorexia;
  • chronic anemia, etc.

Weak immune resistance can also be inherited.


The HPV virus is insidious; it remains in a “dormant form” for a long time and manifests itself only under comfortable conditions. A person may not even realize that he is a carrier of HPV.

This disease can be diagnosed by an otolaryngologist or dentist during an examination. Papillomas on the tongue are often confused with small ulcers that go away on their own within a week.

To accurately determine the diagnosis, you need to undergo additional tests in the form of donating blood to determine the presence of the HPV type, and a visit to a urologist or gynecologist is also required to identify possible papillomas on the genitals. A blood test for syphilis and HIV is required.

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To isolate the DNA of the causative agent of the virus, samples are taken from the patient and sent for PCR diagnostics. A piece of condyloma obtained by biopsy is also used for detailed histological examination.

How to distinguish papilloma from condyloma

Knowing the difference between papilloma and condyloma is necessary to determine further actions. While some can remain on the body throughout life and cause only cosmetic discomfort, others carry the risk of malignant degeneration.

Index Papilloma Condyloma
Structure Homogeneous Heterogeneous, small, papillary
Form Round or oval, located on a soft stem Arbitrary, located in clusters, in the form of ridges. Characterized by a narrowing from the stem to the end
Size Up to 10 mm. As a result of traumatic exposure, it may increase by 2-15 mm. Also capable of growing
Color Weak or intense pigmentation Virtually no different in color from surrounding tissues
Localization Preferably on the skin On the mucous membranes, mainly of the urogenital area; on skin folds subject to friction from clothing
Peculiarities Causes aesthetic discomfort. Rarely inflamed, usually only due to injury It often becomes inflamed and infected. Possible ulceration of the body of the growth, pain
Main route of infection Contact and household Sexual
Exciter type Typically 2, 7 and 28 strains 6, 11, 16, 18, 39, 54, 56, 73 strains
Risk of malignancy No Yes

Clinical picture

Condylomata acuminata are formations of flesh-pink color, lobulated, ranging in size from 2 millimeters to ten centimeters, with exophytic growth, in which the apex of the genital condyloma is often wider than the base. Externally, the growths may resemble cauliflower or cockscomb.

The incubation period can range from 2-3 months to 2-3 years or more. The growth rate of formations varies, which is often associated with the state of local immunity, the presence of concomitant STIs, and sexual activity.

How to cure

To date, there is not a single proven treatment for HPV in the world.

The tactics for combating papillomas and condylomas are as follows:

  • removal of formation;
  • antiviral therapy – to suppress the activity of the virus;
  • immunomodulatory therapy – to improve the functioning of the immune system.

To get rid of the growth, various methods are used:

  • laser removal;
  • cryodestruction;
  • radio wave exposure;
  • electrocoagulation;
  • chemical removal;
  • traditional surgery.

The choice of method is made by the doctor depending on the type of formation, its location, size, etc.

Treatment methods

How to get rid of condylomas on the tongue quickly with the help of medications:

  1. Antiviral drugs, for example, Panavir.
  2. Therapy with immunostimulating agents. These include Cycloferon, Kagocel, Timalin, Kipferon, Taktivin, Echinacea, etc.
  3. The next step is to use drugs to stop the virus from damaging cells.
  4. Medications for treating the oral cavity to eliminate the risk of infection - Miramistin, hydrogen peroxide.

Sakania Luiza Ruslanovna

Dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist, trichologist

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It is important to know that you cannot use such products as Feresolom, Celandine! These liquids contain alkalis that burn the mucous membrane. If there are diseases of the genitourinary system, a person is first prescribed treatment for STDs, and then for papillomas.

If the prescribed treatment with medications does not bring positive results, then removal of condylomas is required. It is carried out using laser, radio frequencies and surgical methods. It is extremely undesirable to carry out electrical destruction in the area of ​​the tongue and mucous membranes due to the high probability of burns.

Special attention should be paid to the treatment of young children. Radical measures in the form of surgery should only be used as a last resort. Genital warts in a child’s mouth can be quickly cured with interferon preparations (Genferon, Viferon, Kipferon). To get rid of many papillomas on the tongue, you need to carry out step-by-step treatment procedures. To begin with, it is recommended to carry out antiviral treatment and take immunostimulating drugs, and then remove the damage using surgery or laser therapy. Such services are offered by both private clinics and public hospitals. The advanced stage requires several removal sessions. After treatment, the patient is prescribed medications to accelerate healing, for example, Imudon or other products based on natural ingredients, as well as regular treatment of wounds with an antiseptic.

Timely contact with a specialist allows you to distinguish this disease from rashes during syphilis, fungal infection or malignant neoplasms. Also, small ulcers may appear on the tongue or the inside of the cheeks, but they disappear on their own within one week, unlike papillomas. Complete treatment of condylomas does not guarantee getting rid of the virus forever. It is necessary to regularly take mineral complexes and maintain a balanced diet high in protein and vitamin B.

Laser removal

This is a modern method of excision of formation, which has become widespread.

Its popularity is due to its advantages:

  • painlessness;
  • low-injury;
  • bloodlessness;
  • speed of the procedure;
  • minimal risk of infection;
  • short rehabilitation period;
  • no scars.

Thanks to the precision of the laser beam, it is possible to remove growths even in particularly sensitive areas, such as the intimate area, eyelid, etc.


This removal method is only used for skin tags. It consists of a short-term effect on the formation of liquid nitrogen. Pathological tissues are destroyed by flash freezing.


The advantages of cryodestruction include easy tolerance by the patient, no need for anesthesia and no risk of scar formation. Disadvantages are difficulty in controlling the depth of impact and a longer rehabilitation period.


In the absence of therapeutic measures for a long time, condylomas can lead to the development of a number of serious consequences.

Among such pathological conditions, first of all, difficulties in the functioning of the respiratory and digestive systems are distinguished, which sometimes leads to asphyxia if the pathological process spreads to the larynx.

Often, while eating, the growths are injured, which is accompanied by severe bleeding.

Experts consider degeneration into a malignant form to be one of the most dangerous complications. It is for this reason that it is necessary to constantly monitor the course of the disease from the moment of its onset.


The method is aimed at cauterizing the growth using electric current. With its help, you can remove papillomas and condylomas on any part of the body, including delicate ones. However, for the urogenital area and eyelids, it is better to give preference to methods that are less painful.


The formation is destroyed under the influence of high temperature, due to which the surrounding tissues are also damaged. In addition, patients note poor healing, and sometimes scarring and relapses. The advantages of this type of removal are sterility, bloodlessness, the ability to adjust the current strength and control the depth of exposure.

Folk remedies

On the Internet you can find many recipes and techniques for removing papillomas and condylomas. However, you should not self-medicate. Only a doctor can safely and effectively get rid of the problem. Any attempts to bandage the formation with thread, cauterize it with celandine juice and other popular folk methods can provoke complications.


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