Gel Kamistad: instructions for use

From this article you will learn:

  • release forms and analysis of the composition of the drug,
  • application diagram, patient reviews,
  • price in pharmacies for Kamistad gel, its analogues,

The article was written by a dentist with more than 19 years of experience.

Kamistad gel is a line of preparations for topical use in the oral cavity, intended for anesthesia of the oral mucosa or red border of the lips. The drug is available in 2 forms: firstly, it is Kamistad Baby gel, used in young children during teething, and secondly, the classic Kamistad gel for adults and children over 12 years of age.

The drugs are produced at the factories of the German company Haupt Pharma. In Russia, drugs are distributed through the pharmaceutical company Nizhpharm. The latter is probably known to every consumer from the drug D-Panthenol. Next, we will tell you in what situations gels from the Kamistad line will have a good effect, and in what situations it would be better to prefer drugs from other manufacturers.

Geli Kamistad and Kamistad Baby –

Indications for use –

The drug Kamistad Baby for young children has only 1 indication for use - to reduce pain during teething. If we talk about the form of the drug for adults and children over 12 years old, then for Kamistad the instructions for use contain the following indications for the use of the gel -

  • with gingivitis,
  • pain when wisdom teeth erupt,
  • for stomatitis and cheilitis,
  • in case of injuries to the mucous membrane with removable dentures, braces,
  • after dental interventions (for example, to anesthetize an area of ​​the mucous membrane where an anesthetic was injected, etc.).

Important: it should be noted that Kamistad gel will not be the optimal remedy for all these indications. For example, we do not recommend this drug for numbing abrasions under dentures. The fact is that benzalkonium chloride, which is part of the gel, tends to cause irritation of the mucous membrane, so what can we say about the injured mucous membrane.

For stomatitis, the gel can only have a symptomatic effect, i.e. relieve pain when painful ulcerations occur. But you need to understand that Kamistad does not affect the cause of stomatitis. For gingivitis, this drug will also not be the best choice, and by reading the reviews of the drug below, you will understand why.

Gel Kamistad (composition analysis)

For Kamistad gel, the price in the pharmacy starts from 280 rubles (the price is indicated for 2021). The drug has only one release form - a yellow-brown gel in a 10 g tube. The drug is approved for use in adults and children from 12 years of age. Available without a prescription.

Gel Kamistad: composition

The content of active substances in 1 g of gel is → lidocaine hydrochloride 20 mg, → chamomile flower extract 185 mg.
Excipients - benzalkonium chloride, cinnamon essential oil (camphor oil), sodium saccharinate, carbomer, trometamol, formic acid, ethanol (ethyl alcohol), water.

Composition analysis - the main component of the drug is the anesthetic lidocaine hydrochloride (lidocaine), the content of which in 1 g of gel is 20 mg. In percentage terms, this corresponds to a 2% lidocaine solution. Thus, the latter provides an analgesic effect, and chamomile flower extract has a slight anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and wound-healing effect.

For Kamistad gel, the instructions for use also contain information about the presence of the antiseptic benzalkonium chloride in the composition of the drug. The manufacturer added this component to increase the antiseptic effect of chamomile extract. According to research: when benzalkonium chloride is applied to a damaged mucous membrane, it can cause irritation and also slow down healing.

Photo of the composition on the packaging –


Kamistad is an original medicine from a German pharmaceutical company, used in dental practice to relieve pain due to inflammation of the mucous membrane of the mouth and lips. It has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and local analgesic effects. The drug contains two pharmacologically active components: lidocaine and liquid extract from chamomile flowers. Lidocaine is a powerful local anesthetic whose action is based on suppressing the penetration of sodium ions into nerve fibers. Compared to novocaine, it acts longer and is better tolerated by patients. In addition, studies have confirmed the antimicrobial properties of lidocaine. Chamomile flower extract includes a complex of various substances of natural origin that provide effective disinfection, wound healing and reduction of inflammation. At the same time, the most important medicinal substances are sesquiterpenes, of which this extract contains almost half of the total amount.

Kamistad has proven itself well in clinical trials, some of which were carried out by domestic specialists. One such study was conducted at the Samara Medical Institute. It involved patients suffering from infectious-allergic diseases of the oral mucosa and developing erosive syndrome. The drug was prescribed in the form of a gel application. The gel was applied three times a day for 5-6 days.

During the study, all the undeniable advantages of kamistad were fully demonstrated. Thus, the drug quickly and for a long time had an analgesic effect. Persistent anesthesia was sufficient to perform all necessary dental procedures and significantly improve the patient's condition. In addition, the drug exhibited a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, disinfected the wound surface well (against the background of its action, a 2-fold decrease in the microbial number was noted) and activated the restoration of the epithelium. The study participants showed a much faster disappearance of signs of inflammation (pain, swelling, hyperemia, unpleasant odor and fibrinolytic plaque) and normalization of the functions of the oral mucosa (salivation, epithelization and phagocytic reaction), which dentists abbreviate as " SOPR". The experience of using the drug Kamistad eloquently demonstrates its high effectiveness in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the oral mucosa of infectious-allergic etiology and a favorable safety profile. Thus, the reliable analgesic effect of the drug, the natural antiseptic component, which eliminates the need for additional “chemicalization” of the body with drugs of synthetic origin, as well as good tolerability, allow it to be used both in an outpatient setting (for example, in a dental office) and independently.

Gel Kamistad Baby (composition analysis)

For Kamistad Baby gel, the price in the pharmacy starts from 300 rubles (the price is indicated for 2021). This is a transparent gel with a yellow-brown tint, available in 10 g tubes. The drug has no age restrictions and is available without a prescription. As we said above, the drug is intended to relieve minor pain during the eruption of the first teeth, and is suitable only for the youngest children.

For Kamistad Baby, the instructions for use contain the following information about the composition of the drug -

The content of active substances in 1 g of gel is → chamomile flower extract, → polidocanol.
Excipients – propylene glycol, carion (sorbitol), glycerin 85%, monopolsprit, trometamol, carbomer, honey flavor, acesufulfame potassium, cooling flavor, disodium EDTA, water.

Composition analysis - the main component of this drug is certainly not chamomile flower extract, which has only a slight anti-inflammatory effect and does not have analgesic properties, but polidocanol. In turn, this component already works by reducing the sensitivity of sensory receptors, and also interrupts the transmission of nerve impulses along sensory (afferent) nerve fibers and, thus, leads to a decrease in pain.

The drug has a high safety profile, but the downside is a rather weak and moderate analgesic effect, which the manufacturer tried to compensate for with the anti-inflammatory effect of chamomile extract, as well as a special cooling flavor that distracts the child’s attention from the discomfort in the area of ​​the teething tooth. The drug does not have a very pronounced taste of honey.

→ Kamistad original instructions (PDF) → Kamistad Baby instructions (PDF)

Kamistad gel: instructions for use

Instructions for use are the same for both forms of the drug. Both regular Kamistad gel and Kamistad Baby gel can be used 3 times a day. Each time this should be done only after meals and oral hygiene. Before applying the gel, it is advisable to dry the area of ​​the mucous membrane on which you plan to apply the gel - with a dry gauze swab (this will improve the penetration of the gel and its fixation on the moist mucous membrane).

After this, squeeze the gel onto a clean finger (about the size of a pea), and apply to the painful area of ​​the mucous membrane, rubbing lightly. After this, it is advisable not to eat anything or rinse your mouth. It is advisable to drink no earlier than after 20-30 minutes. As an option, the gel can be squeezed not onto your finger, but onto a cotton swab (especially if you currently have nowhere to wash your hands).

If you decide to buy Kamistad for pain relief of the mucous membrane under the prosthesis, then the best option for applying the gel is as follows. Apply the gel to a clean denture (on its lower surface adjacent to the mucous membrane) - then put the denture on the jaw. In this case, it is not necessary to dry the mucous membrane. The gel is applied to the part of the prosthesis that is adjacent to the painful area of ​​the mucous membrane (

Scheme of use for stomatitis

The adult form of the gel can be used to relieve pain from painful ulcerations that form in herpetic and aphthous forms of stomatitis. However, this will not be the main treatment. For stomatitis of any origin, complex therapy is required, which, depending on the cause, may include antiseptic rinses, antiviral agents, antihistamines, etc. How to properly treat stomatitis, read the articles -

→ Treatment regimen for stomatitis for adults → Treatment regimen for stomatitis in children


These should have contributed to the action of the gel.
Indications for use: my case was first on the list - pain syndrome, inflammation of the oral mucosa. This gel will help out in many unpleasant cases: gingivitis is quite common in many people with weak gums, irritation from dentures and braces is well known to people who have them, the eruption of wisdom teeth does not go unnoticed for everyone, dental procedures are sometimes made easier by the Kamistad gel "". Country of origin: Germany.

On the cardboard box, which contains a small tube, only 10 grams of gel, the series is printed, as well as the production date and expiration date.

All information that is on the box is duplicated on a metal tube.

To store the gel, if you do not live in Africa, a simple first aid kit is quite suitable.

Instructions for use are included with the gel. The entire description follows a well-known algorithm: composition, description, pharmacogroup, pharmacological action.

We have already analyzed the evidence. Contraindications. Everything here is clear and without nuances; it should not be used by pregnant and lactating women, children under 12 years of age, or those who are allergic to the components. To be honest, I have never heard of anyone being allergic to chamomile, but lidocaine is such a “comrade” that can cause trouble for those who have an allergic reaction to it.

Application. It's simple: smear the sore spot and rub in, use three times a day. What did I do? I couldn’t apply the cream to the wound directly in my mouth, I just squeezed a little gel onto my finger and then applied it with rubbing movements. Before use, I rinsed my mouth well. The gel doesn’t sting at all, it’s practically tasteless, there’s a slight, distant taste of chamomile, rubbing it into the wound was still painful, but the lidocaine began to work literally in a minute, if I managed to lick the gel, the tip of my tongue also went slightly numb. The light freezing effect worked differently for me each time, although I tried to use approximately the same amount of gel.

I didn't have any side effects. Regarding the overdose. In the first two days, I used the gel not 3 times, as per instructions, but all 5, because I wanted to quickly get rid of these painful sensations in my mouth and finally eat normally and drink hot coffee, as I like. So far I have been forced to drink it warm, and this does not give me any pleasure.

Further in the instructions there is standard information: release form, storage conditions, shelf life (by the way, 5 years), as well as information from the manufacturer and importer.

I expected this gel to act faster. I understand that the treatment is complicated by the fact that it is a mucous membrane, a constantly wet environment, and involuntarily I constantly tried to lick the wound, alas, it did not heal quickly “like on a dog.” Now, after 4 days, I can eat more or less normally, but I had to exclude spicy, sour, bitter, salty foods, because irritation begins again and the wound hurts. So, for two days I applied it 5 times a day. Another two days - 3 times a day. Now I only apply it at night, but I still feel discomfort. I think that the treatment process was also delayed due to the fact that I did not immediately buy the gel, but hoped that “maybe it will go away on its own” ((

The consistency of the gel is thick, mustard color.

I recommend the “Kamistad” gel with lidocaine and chamomile flower extract, this product really works, the fact that the gel has practically no taste is a big plus. But because I don’t like chamomile in principle, it leaves an unpleasant aftertaste for me, since I evaluate my own feelings and can allow myself to express my own opinion, the rating will be 4, even 4+. The main thing is not to delay solving the problem in order to speed up the treatment process. Kamistad gel is not a scarce drug, the price is quite high, I was lucky and bought it for 260 rubles, a friend managed to buy it a couple of weeks earlier for almost 350... by the way, it was from her that I learned about this medicine. This is how a problem grew out of a small bite on the inside of my cheek, and the Kamistad gel helped me deal with it.

Health to everyone and fewer reasons to go to the pharmacy!

Kamistad gel: reviews

Reviews for Kamistad Baby will be far from enthusiastic - if your child experiences severe discomfort from teething. It makes sense to use it only for minor discomfort. The effect of the drug is not too long-lasting, but it can only be used no more than 3 times a day. Therefore, if the discomfort is more severe, you will probably have to use not only Kamistad, but one of the following drugs.

These could be Viburcol suppositories - this is a homeopathic herbal preparation for reducing irritability and relieving anxiety. Either children's Panadol in the form of suppositories or suspensions, or children's Nurofen in the form of a suspension. It is worth keeping in mind that sometimes parents mistake the symptoms of herpetic stomatitis in their child for symptoms of teething (read about how to recognize the herpetic form of stomatitis in children here ).

Gel Kamistad - reviews of the adult form of the drug

Advantages of the drug -

  • although not too long-lasting, it still has a pronounced analgesic effect (the pronounced effect lasts for 40-60 minutes, after which it decreases to moderate, and after about 1.5 hours the effect is no longer felt),
  • moderate anti-inflammatory effect,
  • The gel adheres well to the oral mucosa.

Disadvantages of the drug -

  • disgusting taste that you want to forget,
  • not too long-lasting pain relief,
  • the antimicrobial effect is too weak, which is provided by a small con (therefore, it makes no sense to use this drug for gum inflammation - in this case it is better to use gels that have both an analgesic and a more pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, for example Cholisal).

Symptoms of stomatitis

  • soreness of the oral cavity;
  • bad breath;
  • formation of ulcers in the mouth;
  • increased body temperature (in severe and widespread form).

At the initial stage of stomatitis, the oral mucosa dries out in the affected areas and becomes shiny. After 1–2 days, a barely noticeable white coating appears. At the next stage of stomatitis, ulcers appear, which are called aphthae. The chronic form of stomatitis is diagnosed when several pathological lesions form in the oral cavity more often than once a year.

Kamistad and similar drugs –

As we said above, the price for Kamistad gel in pharmacies starts from 280 rubles per 10 g tube. The price is almost the same for both adult and pediatric forms of the drug.
It must be said that today the drug does not have cheaper analogues. However, below we list pain-relieving dental gels with a different composition, which can also be used in children and adults. Kamistad: drug analogues

  • The drug Kalgel –

    This dental gel also contains lidocaine and cetylpyridinium chloride as an antiseptic.
    The analgesic effect of this gel will be less, because... its lidocaine concentration is 6 times lower. Can be used from 5 months of age. The drug Kalgel - price from 350 rubles per 10 g tube. Kalgel or Kamistad: which is better due to the lower concentration of lidocaine in Kalgel - the depth of pain relief will be significantly lower. However, firstly, the drug can be used 5 times a day, and secondly, if you need a pronounced antiseptic effect and only a slight pain reliever, then Kalgel will be the best choice.

  • Cholisal (instructions for use) –

    This gel has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, as well as a good analgesic effect that is longer lasting.
    It can be used for inflammation of the gums, for pain relief in erosions and ulcerated areas of the mucous membrane with stomatitis, including in young children. But when teething in infants, it should not be used, because... Thanks to the anise content, the drug strongly stimulates salivation. The cost of the gel will be from 400 rubles per 10g tube.

  • Solcoseryl (instructions for use) –

    if you need to anesthetize painful erosions due to stomatitis and at the same time significantly accelerate their epithelization, then this gel will be the best choice. However, you can start using it after the acute phase of inflammation has subsided. But for 2021, the price for a 20g tube will be about 2,500 rubles.

Kamistad during pregnancy and lactation -

Kamistad gel is contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding. If you need a drug to anesthetize the mucous membrane/relieve inflammation, then in this case the optimal alternative is only CholisalGel,” because According to the manufacturer's instructions, this dental gel can be used throughout pregnancy and breastfeeding, but “with caution.”

The term "caution" implies that you should not use this gel unsupervised and continuously - it must be prescribed by your dentist, and you must notify your obstetrician-gynecologist before you start using it. We hope that our article on the topic: Kamistad gel instructions for use was useful to you!


1. Dental education of the author of the article, 2. Personal experience as a dentist, 3. Personal experience of using Kamistad gel, 4. “Therapeutic dentistry. Textbook" (Borovsky E.V.), 5.

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