Salty taste. What diseases does this symptom indicate?
Various strange and unusual tastes that appear in the mouth are alarming and make you wonder if everything is
What is an ultrasonic toothbrush and how does it work? Selection rules
Oral health directly depends on the regularity and quality of hygiene procedures. Not a secret,
Certificate of oral sanitation - why and when is it required?
Sanitation of the oral cavity is a rather important event, which, unfortunately, is underestimated by many. Although this
Homeopathic treatment of stomatitis: principles, methods, preparations
Published by: Laima Jansons March 7, 2017 Stomatitis is painful ulcers that appear in the mouth
Pearl toothpaste reviews
Why is New Pearl toothpaste better than ROCS? Expensive cosmetics that are not worth the money: examination results
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Metrogil Denta, indications for use of Metrogil Denta, oral mucosa, oral cavity, gingivitis, inflammation of the gums, periodontitis, after tooth extraction, oral mucosa, Metrogil Denta indications for use, levomenthol, metronidazole
Metrogyl Denta is an effective drug for the treatment of defects of the oral mucosa: a brief review of the drug from a dentist
Today, dentistry is focused on comprehensive patient care, which begins with the diagnosis of the mucous membrane
Wayward “eights”: remove or treat a wisdom tooth?
Removal of the upper wisdom tooth under the guidance of surgeons with 25 years of experience, in conditions of increased comfort
What to do when a wisdom tooth comes out (grows) and your gums hurt?
From this article you will learn: what to do when a wisdom tooth is cut and hurts, how
Comparative assessment of the effectiveness of three methods of gentle immobilization of the lower jaw for fractures
Treatment of jaw fractures is a characteristic of conservative and surgical treatment methods. Treatment of any injury must begin
Figure 1. Bones and muscles of the jaws
Hypertonicity of the masticatory muscles: clinical and physiological features and prospects for the use of botulinum toxin type A (Lantox) in dental practice
Trismus is a spasmodic compression of the mandibular muscle group (masticatory, temporal, pterygoid). The jaw loses mobility and freezes
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