Wisdom tooth pericoronitis: symptoms, causes, treatment
What to do if a wisdom tooth grows horizontally into another tooth
Author of the article: Soldatova Lyudmila Nikolaevna Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Clinical Dentistry of the St. Petersburg Medical and Social
Alveolitis after tooth extraction: why it occurs, how to identify and treat
Symptoms of a tooth abscess The inflammatory process in the tissues of the tooth and gums occurs in stages, accompanied by various
oral hygiene
Prevention of dental caries in adults: general methods, primary and secondary measures, methods and means
The most important area of ​​dentistry is the prevention of dental caries. It is necessary for both children and adolescents, and
Photo - Enteroviruses. Coxsackie's disease
What is enterovirus infection?
Every year, with the onset of summer, we try to carve out a few weeks and go to the sea, swim
What does the sensation of hair in your mouth mean? Causes and treatment of the symptom
Black hairy tongue syndrome is an unexpected and even frightening term. Such a strange name
Which toothbrush is better: electric, sonic or ultrasonic, differences
How does a sonic toothbrush work? Selection, application and rating of the best models
It is impossible to imagine complete daily oral care without a toothbrush. From this device
Is it possible to dislocate your jaw when yawning - information for patients
Structure The formation of the mandibular region is the result of the evolution of the human body. In the process of development, the entire structure
What does the taste of soda in the mouth mean: causes and methods of combating
According to statistics from the Medical Society of Physicians, more than 50% of the adult population seeks help from
5 nuances that are important to know about ICON for caries treatment
Modern dentistry demonstrates a number of persistent trends, including: painlessness, focus on preventive effects, use
How to apply a sling bandage to the jaw and other areas of the head
There are many types of jaw bandages, and they can be made by hand or are already sold
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