Pain after wisdom tooth removal: causes and how to get rid of it?

Types of removal Causes of complications How long does the pain last What is the pain associated with? Aching jaw Painful to swallow Throbbing pain How to relieve pain? Recommendations after removal
Dental treatment can be therapeutic or surgical, and pain can occur after any type of intervention. If your wisdom tooth hurts after treatment, in most cases, this is a normal physiological reaction of the tissues to the procedure performed. Usually, painful sensations are quickly relieved with painkillers and go away on their own within a couple of days. But there are situations when pain after removal of the figure eight occurs due to complications or a violation of the technology of the therapeutic manipulation.

The dentist will definitely consult the patient about how the recovery process after the intervention should normally proceed, and if any symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. If all the doctor’s recommendations regarding the rehabilitation period are followed, but the painful sensations only increase, this is a direct indication to come for another appointment.

Types of deletion

Wisdom teeth (eights, third molars) are larger than other dental units in the row. They differ not only in size, but also in the complex anatomy of the root system. Eight has from 2 to 6 roots

, which are often closely intertwined with each other. Given the complex arrangement of wisdom teeth, when they are removed, a significant wound is created.

The risk of complications will directly depend on how difficult the figure eight extraction was. With simple extraction, when the tooth is intact, the roots are not intertwined, and there are no other pathologies (pulpitis, periodontitis, etc.), the risk of complications is minimal. In such a situation, the doctor uses forceps or an elevator to remove the tooth from the socket.

If the wisdom tooth is incorrectly positioned (horizontal eruption, severe curvature), intertwined roots, significant destruction of the coronal part, or the presence of inflammation, a more global surgical intervention may be required. An incision in the gum, cutting a tooth into pieces with a drill, removing root fragments through the jaw bone and other manipulations significantly increase the traumatic nature of the procedure. Aching pain, swelling after removal of the figure eight, increased temperature (up to 37.5℃), hematoma on the cheek - this is a normal reaction to the intervention, which lasts no more than 5-7 days.

When is it advisable not to remove wisdom teeth?

There are situations when the “seventh” or “sixth” chewing teeth must be removed. And in this situation, a wisdom tooth that has grown correctly may still be useful. It will become one of two supports for the future bridge. However, in this case, a healthy sixth (or fifth) tooth will suffer, because it will have to be treated for an abutment crown.

Now a little about sad things

. 10-15 years will pass, the bridge will “work out” its required operating time. And sometimes it will no longer be possible to insert an implant - the atrophied jaw bone under the bridge will not allow it: in the absence of teeth, any person develops edentulous bone tissue. Thus, on the horizon of life there appear removable jaw dentures and newfangled gels that make them easier to wear.

Now a little about the positive

In such situations, you can initially consider dental implantation in specialized
medical centers, where they will help restore bone volume and take control of the dental situation.

Why complications arise

After extraction, a wound is left in the gum and bone in which a blood clot (fibrin) forms. It “seals” the wound, preventing infection, and becomes the basis for the formation of new tissue that fills the space formed after the removal of the 8. After uncomplicated removal, healing lasts about a week. On days 3-4, the blood clot is gradually replaced by granulation tissue, which gradually fills the entire socket. Already after a month, the granulation tissue is completely replaced by connective tissue, and after 3 months - by bone.

Removal of third molars can have negative consequences that appear almost immediately after the intervention. Among the most common complications:

  • “dry socket” - when a blood clot does not form or dissolves too quickly;
  • paresthesia - damage to the nerve endings around the removed unit;
  • alveolitis - inflammation of the socket;
  • bleeding;
  • cyst - fibrous formation at the site of an extracted tooth;
  • endogenous periostitis (flux).

In rare cases, stomatitis, osteomyelitis, jaw trauma, and perforation of the bottom of the maxillary sinus are observed. The occurrence of complications is usually associated with ignoring the dentist’s recommendations regarding oral hygiene during the healing period, decreased immunity, and violation of surgical technique.

Treating periodontitis correctly

Periodontitis is an inflammatory process in the gum surrounding the tooth. It can lead to weakening of the ligamentous apparatus of the tooth and its loss. We will lose a perfectly healthy tooth due to gum problems. Moreover, such inflammation is extremely painful and dangerous. The reason for its occurrence is due to changes in our diet. The food has become softer, there is no need to put stress on the teeth when chewing it - and this is the result. The teeth have weakened. Urgent assistance from a periodontist is needed, who will thoroughly clean the subgingival pockets of stone, plaque and infection, and place medications in the cavities affected by the infection. Usually this is quite enough to quickly improve the situation. To completely eliminate relapses of the disease, it is extremely important to regularly remove tartar and plaque from the surface of your teeth. Advanced cases also require taking antibacterial drugs.

Pain after wisdom tooth removal

Patients are always interested in the question, how many days does the jaw hurt after wisdom tooth removal? Pain after surgery is a standard tissue response to injury. Normally, the pain subsides within a few hours or within 3 days after extraction (in case of complicated removal). The pain a patient experiences after wisdom tooth removal indicates the success of the procedure.

  • The first discomfort and pain appear 2-3 hours
    after the intervention (when the anesthetic wears off).
  • The first 3-4 days
    there is aching pain, redness and swelling of the soft tissues. If the extraction is successful and the hole is properly cared for, the pain will gradually disappear.
  • Over the next 2 weeks
    , if there are no complications, the wound will heal completely, and minor pain may occasionally occur in the late afternoon.
  • After 3 weeks,
    all discomfort should disappear.

If a wisdom tooth has been pulled out and it hurts for more than 5 days, the intensity of the pain increases, it becomes throbbing, debilitating, accompanied by fever, swelling - this indicates a complication and requires immediate medical intervention.

Simple and complex removal

How complex the operation will be directly depends on the location of the eighth molar, the correctness of its growth, the complexity of the root system and the integrity of the tooth being removed. For example, if there is severe caries damage, the doctor will have to cut it into several pieces and only then remove it.

Easy removal

Simple extraction is the extraction of a tooth using forceps, without the help of any other dental instruments. During a simple extraction, the molar is easily removed from the gums, usually without complications. Most often, figure eights of the upper jaw are removed this way, because they are clearly visible and their roots are located exactly in the gum. In rare cases, there is a problem with the removal of upper molars. Accordingly, tissue regeneration also occurs quickly. On the 3-4th day, instead of a blood clot, young connective tissue forms, after 2-3 weeks filling the entire depth of the hole. On average, bone tissue is formed after 3 months.

Complex removal – what to expect?

Complex removal is one that requires drilling out the jawbone or cutting through soft tissue. This is mainly required when extracting figure eights from the lower jaw, since the root system here is more complex. Often there is abnormal growth (impacted or dystopic tooth), in which case only complex extraction is indicated. In the area of ​​the lower jaw, the vessels pass close to the root system and there are more nerve endings, so it is always more difficult to remove lower molars. If the doctor considers it necessary, stitches are applied after the operation.

How long pain and healing last after wisdom tooth removal depends on the following factors: the presence of an inflammatory process during the procedure, the complexity of the operation, the degree of trauma after removal, the characteristics of the body, proper hygienic care, and taking medications after surgery. A timely operation is accompanied by rapid tissue regeneration, without the need for antibiotic therapy.

Attention! A wisdom tooth hood is a soft tissue that covers an impacted tooth. This is an “extra” formation in the oral cavity, and it is very important to remove it before inflammation begins. The hood is an additional source of inflammation. If it is not excised in time, an inflammatory process may begin and antibiotics may be required.

What could be causing the pain?

If the pain after removing the figure eight does not subside within 5-7 days, but rather intensifies, this may indicate the following complication:

  • Alveolitis
    is an inflammation of the socket associated with the absence of a blood clot, poor hygiene, infection of the wound, or the presence of a bone fragment in the socket (if the tooth was extracted in parts).
  • Severe damage to the blood vessels
    of the surrounding tissues - in addition to pain, there is a hematoma, swelling of the gums and cheeks.
  • Allergy
    to anesthetic, hemostatic sponge (if it was used during the procedure).

As inflammation develops, pain is accompanied by an unpleasant odor, purulent discharge from the socket, the formation of gray plaque, enlarged lymph nodes, increased temperature, and deterioration in general well-being. In this case, you need to see a doctor immediately.

Aching jaw

When the jaw hurts after wisdom tooth removal, it is usually due to the fact that the surgeon put pressure on it to gain access to the molar. Or during the procedure, blood vessels, nerve endings, and ligaments of adjacent dental units were injured. These symptoms are quite normal, if there is no difficulty opening the mouth, there is no pronounced swelling of the gums or soft tissues of the face.

It hurts to swallow

After extraction of the lower 8, you may experience a sore throat or pain when swallowing. This symptom appears against the background of severe damage to soft tissues, with severe swelling of the gums, cheeks, or due to trauma to the trigeminal nerve. If the trigeminal nerve was affected during the operation, there is not only pain, which can radiate to the temple, ear, neck, but numbness on the face, in the area of ​​the removed unit, and increased salivation. Also, a sore throat may occur if there is inflammation or purulent process around the affected molar. This symptom can last up to 2 weeks. To avoid complications, you should visit a neurologist or dentist.

Throbbing pain

If your gums ache after wisdom tooth removal, but the discomfort is quickly relieved with an analgesic and disappears after 2-3 days, this is evidence of normal healing. On the contrary, throbbing pain in the jaw or gums indicates possible inflammation, damage to blood vessels and nerves. With neuritis (damage to the jaw nerves), it can radiate to the neck, throat, temple, ear, eye. The pain increases, prevents you from falling asleep, and interferes with normal life - in this case, you need to immediately consult a dentist, this is a sign of inflammation.

Galvanic syndrome

This is the case when physics interferes with physiology. Painful sensations are caused by microscopic current discharges, which have an extremely unpleasant effect on the vulnerable mucous membrane of the mouth. The syndrome occurs due to the fact that in your mouth there are fillings and other dental structures that contain many metals and alloys that are widely used in modern dentistry. An artificial tooth contains a lot of conductive materials and as a natural result: the current irritates the delicate mucous membrane, which leads to the development of inflammation, and this process can spread further to the throat. Eliminating this problem is quite simple, although it is associated with material and aesthetic losses. It is necessary to remove the current conductor - the dental structure. Experience shows that the pain disappears almost instantly, although the inflamed tissues will need time to recover. Well, there is a need to replace the removed structures. Usually, in this case, the doctor prescribes you a course of restorative immunotherapy to minimize all the negative effects of irritants. And problems with missing teeth will be solved by ceramic materials. They are beautiful, natural and have no problems with conductivity.

How to relieve pain and discomfort

  • Do not touch the blood clot in the socket with your tongue, toothbrush, hands or foreign objects;
  • make oral baths from herbal decoctions and antiseptic solutions;
  • if the pain radiates to the ear or another part of the head, take a painkiller;
  • exclude hot food and drinks.

If your gums hurt for several days after wisdom tooth removal or you have a headache, you don’t need to worry too much. Analgesics prescribed by your dentist will help you cope with these symptoms. If the discomfort does not go away after a week, painkillers do not help much - you need to go to the doctor. If the temperature is above 37.5℃, which does not decrease to normal, the development of an allergic reaction (to an analgesic, hemostatic sponge), or a sharp deterioration in health, you should consult a doctor immediately.

How to take care of your teeth to avoid problems

  • We brush our teeth at least 2 times a day;
  • We use dental floss and dental elixir;
  • We visit the dentist at least 2 times a year, and also immediately as necessary;
  • We regularly carry out the procedure for removing tartar;
  • We choose toothpastes on the recommendation of your doctor, and not based on television advertising;
  • We refuse enamel-damaging whitening pastes. If desired, a whitening procedure can be performed at a dental clinic.

Doctors constantly remind us of the need to be more attentive to our health. Dental health is an important component of the overall health of the body. The consequences of a careless attitude towards dental health can be extremely unpleasant.

How long does it take for the mucous membrane to heal after removal?

The duration of the healing process depends on a large number of factors. First of all, the difficulty of removal matters. The removal technique also has an effect, that is, extirpation of the roots in parts, cutting of the tooth. It is important to take into account the initial condition when visiting the dentist. The hole will take longer to heal if the tooth is located outside the dental arch, grew in the jaw at an angle, or was located horizontally in the dentition. The presence of an inflammatory process near the tooth, especially signs of purulent inflammation and pericoronitis, also increases the healing period.

When sutures are applied after a simple removal, within a week the patient will forget about the procedure, but it is too early to think about prosthetics or implantation. With complex removal, the healing process will take slightly longer. If complications arise after surgical treatment, wound sanitation, treatment, and suturing are required, then the time for complete healing may increase to 20 days. Complete restoration of the mucosa takes at least three weeks. Only after this can implantation and prosthetics be performed in the area of ​​the removed wisdom tooth.

Normally, gums must go through several stages:

  • Tissue tightening. Visually, the hole becomes smaller if no stitches were applied.
  • Formation of a blood clot. It is extremely important not to disturb it, since exposing the bottom of the hole will cause alveolitis. It is this clot that protects the gum tissue from bacteria in the oral cavity.
  • Formation of plaque on the socket or epithelial layer. This stage lasts up to 7 days. The film should completely cover the hole.
  • Formation of epithelial tissue at the surgical site. Lasts until 24 days from the date of removal.
  • When going to the dentist, it is recommended to immediately plan your day. This is especially true if there are already signs of inflammation or the teeth are severely damaged, that is, a difficult extraction is expected. Recommendations after wisdom tooth removal include, first of all, complete rest on the day after surgery. You should not make sudden movements, bend over, visit baths and saunas, or take a hot bath. It is prohibited to play sports or do any work while bending over. The best option would be complete rest. There is no need to do any special procedures on the day of the operation.

    Smokers are advised to abstain from cigarettes if possible for three days or more if there are signs of complications. Nicotine causes vasoconstriction and disrupts tissue nutrition, which slows down regeneration processes. In addition, the risk of wound infection increases.

    After a couple of days, you should visit the dentist who performed the procedure to assess the condition of the tissue and the healing process. This must be done even if the patient is not bothered. If signs of complications appear, pain and swelling increase, and bleeding does not stop, consult a doctor without waiting for the appointed date.

    If sutures were placed on the wound, they are removed after 8-10 days, or a follow-up examination is scheduled if self-absorbable material was used for the sutures.

    Do not touch the wound or try to remove part of the clot or remnants of the medicine in the form of sponges. This will only worsen the situation and cause complications.

    What do we have to do?

    On the first day, do not rinse your mouth. From the second day, procedures can be carried out. In this case, you do not need to intensively rinse the contents of the hole; just hold the solution on the sore side for a few seconds and spit. You need to repeat the procedure several times a day, especially after meals.

    Chlorhexidine, furatsilin, miramistin, and potassium permanganate can be used as a rinsing solution. It is also possible to use herbal decoctions, for example, sage, chamomile, calendula or dental collection.

    Pain may occur after the anesthetic wears off. To eliminate them, the dentist must prescribe analgesics. If there is no prescription, you can take any painkiller that the patient is used to using for pain. If the pain increases and the tablets do not help, you cannot increase the dosage. An increase in symptoms indicates a complication that requires medical intervention.

    If you don't want to take medication, you can use a cold compress. These can be ice cubes wrapped in a towel. They need to be applied for several minutes, avoiding hypothermia of nearby organs, in particular the ear and tonsils.

    If there is a high risk of inflammation, as well as if there is purulent discharge at the time of surgery, the dentist will definitely prescribe antibiotics. The doctor calculates the name of the drug and duration of use individually.

    Features of nutrition after surgery

    After wisdom tooth removal, it is forbidden to eat for two hours. If after the specified time the effect of the anesthetic still persists, it is better to wait until sensitivity appears. Eating food with a numb tongue and cheeks can cause injury to the mucous membrane.

    On the first day after surgery, you can only eat warm food and drinks. Products should be soft, for example, cereals, chopped soups, yoghurts. Next, you should follow simple recommendations for several days:

    • Avoid hot or too cold food.
    • Avoid eating hard foods such as crackers and nuts.
    • Chew food only on the healthy side so as not to put stress on the wound.
    • After eating, be sure to rinse your mouth.
    • You can include more fruits and vegetables in your diet to boost immune strength, or supplement with complex vitamins from the pharmacy.

    You cannot drink alcoholic beverages. It is also recommended to reduce sweet foods in the first days, as they create a favorable environment for the development of bacteria.

    Features of oral hygiene after removal

    On the first day after extirpation, you should abandon the usual brushing of your teeth, limiting yourself to a light rinse before going to bed to remove any remaining food. The next day, you are allowed to use a toothbrush and toothpaste, but the surgical site is treated with special care. When brushing your teeth, do not forget that you cannot actively rinse your mouth. After three days, the wound will have healed and you can return to your usual hygiene regimen and brush your teeth twice a day.

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