How to correct a malocclusion in an adult: how teeth are straightened in dentistry

Let us pay attention to a problem that is relevant for almost 80% of Russians. Let's figure out how to correct a malocclusion in an adult, because straightening teeth is quite possible not only in childhood. We need to look at the effective ways in which orthodontists make their patients' smiles beautiful and healthy.

We will try to pay maximum attention to the features and differences of the methods so that, if necessary, you can choose the most suitable one for yourself. And be prepared for the fact that the final decision will still have to be made together with the doctor. Because the type of intervention and program of procedures depend on the nature of the pathology, and only a specialist can accurately diagnose its degree and adequately assess the chances of success.

Types of malocclusion

  • open - the teeth either do not close at all, or a significant gap is visible between many of them;
  • deep – the exact opposite situation, that is, there is an overlap of approximately half the length;
  • mesial – the lower jaw, compared to the upper, is moved forward;
  • distal – the problem is the opposite of the previous one;
  • cross - the right and left sides protrude unevenly, the cutting edges close together.

Other anomalies include:

  • diastema - a gap between the front pair of incisors;
  • three - noticeable gaps between “neighbors” along the gum;
  • twisting - creeping of sixes, fours, fives onto each other;
  • transposition - eruption in the wrong places, right up to the palate.

Any of them is not just inconvenient or bad from an aesthetic point of view, but can also provoke the emergence and development of a number of diseases. It develops against the background of genetic abnormalities and heredity, appears due to injuries and loss of bone tissue.

And if there are no front teeth, how can you transform your smile?

The absence of front teeth is a strong blow to pride. With such a problem, a person withdraws into himself. Situations where the front element of a row could not be saved are not uncommon. What to do then? There are several options to solve the problem:

  • implantation: it is better if the situation allows for the immediate installation of an implant simultaneously with tooth extraction - this solution will help avoid complications in the future (for example, bone tissue atrophy and the need to build it up) and will shorten the treatment time. If a tooth in the upper jaw is being restored, then after its removal and implantation, it will be possible to immediately install a lightweight crown removed from the bite. However, this is only possible in a favorable clinical situation, when the implant has high initial stability,

    Implantation is a good solution for tooth loss

For restorations in the smile area, it is better to choose high-quality implant models that promote long-term preservation of aesthetics and prevent subsidence of the marginal bone at the border with the gum. For example, the brands Straumann and Nobel can boast of this.

  • prosthetic bridges: for anterior units, adhesive bridges can be considered as a temporary solution, the installation of which does not require trauma to the supporting elements. Or classic bridge structures as a more durable option, but requiring depulpation and strong preparation of the “supports”,
  • wearing removable structures: for example, temporary immediate prosthesis “butterfly”. However, for frontal teeth this solution cannot be called a good one, since the bone tissue of the jaw quickly sags under the removable systems, as a result of which the aesthetics of the smile is disrupted, and the structures themselves begin to move, shift, rub the mucous membrane and fall out.

As you can see, there are a lot of options for transforming your smile. All that remains is to make an appointment with a doctor. The specialist will select a method according to your clinical situation and financial capabilities.


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  1. Chernyavsky Yu.P. Prevalence of aesthetic disorders of the frontal groups of teeth // Bulletin of Vitebsk State Medical University. – 2003.

Expert “Due to anatomical features, the anterior units are more fragile, they are susceptible to pigmentation, and are more quickly destroyed by caries and other dental diseases than chewing ones. They are the first to suffer in falls, accidents and various impacts. They are susceptible to demineralization and the formation of white chalky spots (for example, after wearing braces). In all of these cases, patients are thinking about how to transform their smile, and modern dentists are ready to offer a large number of methods to solve the problem.” Dentist-therapist Tatyana Vitalievna Varlamova

Consulting specialist

Dzhutova Aida Vladimirovna

Doctor rating: 8.8 out of 10 (5) Specialization: Implant surgeon, periodontist Experience: 9 years

Signs of correct bite

Normally, the jaws make close contact when closing. In this case, the upper teeth cover the lower ones by about a third, so that the palatal tubercles of the former touch the incisors of the latter. There are no gaps between them both when the mouth is closed and during chewing. The facial proportions are symmetrical.

Also among the characteristic features:

  • absence of speech defects;
  • no clicking or other similar discomfort in the joint;
  • ease of biting food.

And vice versa, if problems are observed in any of the points just listed, this is an alarm bell and a reason to consult an orthodontist, and immediately, without waiting for the situation to worsen.

Our prices

Tooth restoration with light-curing composite (Filtek Ultimate)from 4,200 rub.
Tooth restoration with light-curing composite (Filtek Z250, Filtek Z550...)1 surface2,700 rub.
Artistic restoration (Enamel Plus)from 4,500 rub.
Decorative jewelry for teeth (rhinestones)2,000 rub.
Optra Gate Overlay300 rub.
Optra Dam Plus Overlay400 rub.

Why you need to straighten your teeth

Please note that the question is not whether it is worth correcting the bite - it simply needs to be done, and for several reasons:

  • To avoid increased abrasion, caries, removal - when everything is normal, all incisors are evenly used when chewing, and in case of disturbances, some work more, others less; The former lose enamel faster and chip, the latter are less resistant to bacteria.
  • To prevent diseases of the temporomandibular joints as a result of their mutual displacement. This pathology is also unpleasant due to bruxism, muscle spasms, clicking and crunching.
  • To protect the gums, tongue and inner cheeks from injury caused by out-turned or tilted incisors.
  • In order to grind food well during eating, not to create additional stress on the gastrointestinal tract and not to provoke problems with stool, enterocolitis, gastritis.
  • To prevent problems with ENT organs and breathing, eliminate the source of bacterial accumulation and not give a single chance to sore throat, sinusitis, and otitis media.

People who have experienced complexes about their chin and then decided to have surgery or wear braces can tell a lot about whether to correct their bite. After medical help, they are much more willing to show their smile when communicating.


Trainers are a special device for straightening teeth, resembling a mouthguard. This method is as effective as aligners, but more affordable.

The advantages of this method:

  1. Can be used to straighten children's teeth;
  2. It will not only help straighten your teeth, but also relieve problems such as pacifier or finger sucking, improper breathing or tongue positioning;
  3. Helps straighten teeth for children and adults;
  4. Does not require constant use, overnight is enough;
  5. You can buy it yourself;
  6. With the help of trainers, you can correct problems with diction, malocclusion and abnormal tooth growth;
  7. Do not interfere with eating or talking;
  8. Do not require special maintenance;
  9. Low price.

Disadvantages of this method:

  1. Long treatment period - from a year or longer;
  2. At first wearing it causes discomfort;
  3. There is a possibility of the mouthguard falling out during night wear.

To completely correct crooked teeth, you need to go through three stages of treatment. At the first stage, soft blue trays are used. They promote habituation and prepare the dentition for harder structures. At the last stage, the patient uses retainers (a device for preventing the curvature of teeth), which is worn only at night and is a metal case that is fixed in the palate of the mouth and remains practically invisible.

Diagnosis of anomalies

There are obvious cases, such as a pronounced diastema or torsion, you can notice them yourself when standing in front of a mirror. But there are also minor disorders that are no less dangerous to health, and only a specialized doctor can identify them.

Usually, hidden defects are easily recognized by a dentist - when he conducts a preventive examination, removes plaque or places a filling. Then he describes the problem and gives a referral to an orthodontist, who will determine how to straighten the jaw, bite, and a couple of adjacent teeth. To do this, a specialist will conduct a thorough examination of the patient’s mouth with a computed tomography or x-ray.

The anomaly can also occur during life, for example, after injury. Therefore, it makes sense to visit a doctor regularly, every six months, so that he either confirms that everything is in order, or promptly notices unwanted changes, which are easier to stop at the initial stage.

Enamel remineralization

If small cracks and white chalky spots appear, indicating demineralization of the enamel, hypoplasia and fluorosis are present, then remineralization procedures in dentistry will help correct the situation in combination with other measures and prevent its aggravation, when doctors apply products with a rich mineral composition to the enamel, where includes calcium, magnesium, fluorine. At home, you can also additionally use remineralizing pastes and gels, for example, Tooth Mousse. Overall, this measure will help improve the appearance of your smile.

Fluoridation will help strengthen tooth enamel

Up to what age is correction possible?

For many decades it was believed that the impact would be successful only in childhood, and during primary and secondary school, and not later. But with the development of orthodontics, things have changed. Today, achieving a healthy smile is not difficult at any stage of life - the main thing is that the person himself wants it, so that he is ready to patiently follow a number of medical prescriptions.

What is the problem with correcting bites in adults?

A child's jaw is in the process of growing, so it is more flexible and easier to change. At the age of 15, this is generally easiest to do: the incisors move relatively easily, they are fixed more securely - you have to wear braces for a year, no longer.

For a mature person, a similar procedure will take from 2 to 3 years, because his bone tissue is already formed. It is impossible to expand the space between the teeth, to move them apart; there is simply no free space. In some cases, you even have to remove, say, completely healthy eights.

Another nuance is that, say, at the age of 30, you will also need to consolidate the achieved result, and it will take a long time - from 20 to 40 months. Sometimes people wear retainer structures for almost the rest of their lives. This is explained by the fact that the incisors have already become “accustomed” to their positions and tend to take them again after the braces are removed.

How to choose a good doctor

With a large number of offers of dental services in Moscow, it is difficult to make a choice where and in what way to straighten teeth without braces for adult patients. The reputation of the clinic, the equipment used, the quality of the materials used, and the qualifications of the doctors are of great importance.

First of all, pay attention to the following factors:

  • extensive practical experience, working with similar clinical cases, certificates;
  • conducting a thorough preliminary examination and competent recommendations;
  • availability of modern computer technologies for treatment planning;
  • positive reviews online and in the professional environment, recommendations from other patients;
  • working with high-quality materials and manufacturers of orthodontic products with an impeccable reputation.

In most cases, orthodontic services are quite expensive. Saving on treatment costs can adversely affect the final result and lead to complications. At the Federal Scientific and Clinical Center of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia, you can straighten your teeth under optimal conditions, without compromising the quality of work.

Causes of curvature over time

As mentioned, crooked teeth in adults can develop over time. Usually, habits or other external factors negatively affect the dentition. The most popular reasons for the appearance of crooked permanent teeth in adult patients:

  • Long-term bad habits. You should not bite your nails, tear off threads and fabric with your teeth, crack nuts, etc. It may seem that all this does not have a significant effect, but in fact, over time, the teeth change position, succumbing to regular exposure.
  • Loss of one element in a row. The remaining teeth move apart, trying to fill the void, and may well become crooked.
  • Tooth wear, jaw osteoporosis, gum recession and other aging problems. They don't necessarily cause crooked teeth, but they can be one of the reasons.

How much does the procedure cost?

The cost of the technique depends on the individual characteristics of the condition of the teeth nearby. What matters is: how much materials the dentist needs to spend, how difficult the patient’s situation is, and the type of restoration. Most often, clients sign up for restoration of anterior teeth with composite material, which is the most expensive.

At the Nurimed dental clinic, the price of the services provided does not exceed their quality. Sign up for artistic correction and again delight yourself and your loved ones with a bright smile.



Metal-free dental crown made of zirconium dioxide 40,000 rub.
35,000 rub.
get -47 %

Dental implantation RUB 18,500.
until 01/15/2022 35,000 rub. 18500 rub.
get -27 %

Teeth in 1 day on Straumann implants using ProArch technology!
300,000 rub. 220,000 rub.
get -17 %

Quadrotti dentures (without palate) 60,000 rub.
50,000 rub. get

Who are aligners suitable for?

In their work, the clinic’s doctors use aligners from the American company Invisalign. They are made of safe polymer and are absolutely safe for the body. The mouthguards are comfortable to wear and effective. The results of Invisalign treatment are comparable to the use of braces. They cope with all malocclusions. Aligners are installed for all patients, regardless of how old the patient is.

The main rule for successful treatment is to wear a mouthguard at least 20 hours a day. Propricus dentistry has everything you need to carry out orthodontic treatment by any method.

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