Opalescence Endo - intracanal whitening Ultradent UL1323

Opalescence teeth whitening is fast, high quality, safe. List in Moscow (Maryino station): types and features of procedures.

The dental complex "President" provides professional teeth whitening Opalescence in Moscow (Maryino) on favorable terms. The safe system allows you to perform chemical lightening without the use of a catalyst, which significantly reduces the risk of damage to the enamel. We guarantee quality, speed and 100% results from the procedures.

What is whitening with Opalescence

Changing the color of tooth enamel is carried out using one of three methods: laser, photo and chemical whitening. Each of the technologies involves the use of an activator gel with urea or hydrogen peroxide. The reaction occurs due to the breakdown of the active substance.

The oxygen released during processing interacts with the enamel. The difference lies in the final bleaching step. The first two techniques use a UV lamp or laser operating on semiconductors.

In the latter, activation of the Opalescence gel occurs when the components of the gel are combined. It does not require a separate factor to activate the process. The session follows a simplified procedure, the procedure time is reduced.

Home whitening Opalescence

The Opalescence home whitening system is designed to whiten teeth by 3 to 4 shades, as well as to consolidate the results of professional whitening. It is suitable for those who do not need radical enamel lightening, or for those who for some reason cannot undergo in-office whitening with Opalescence Boost.

Types of home teeth whitening Opalescence

Opalescence PF

A set of gels whose active substance is carbamide peroxide (concentration from 10 to 20%). The product contains water to prevent tooth dehydration, as well as potassium nitrate and sodium fluoride to reduce hypersensitivity. The kit includes disposable syringes with gel for filling the tray. The mode of wearing trays can be different (from two to ten hours a day) and depends on the condition of the enamel and the expected results of whitening.

Opalescence TresWhite Supreme

A viscous gel based on hydrogen peroxide, which is available in mint, peach or melon flavors. Unlike Opalescence PF, this kit does not require additional manipulations. Opalescence TresWhite Supreme whitening trays are already filled with the right amount of gel. Each set contains 10 trays for the upper and lower jaws. Noticeable results appear from wearing the mouth guard for at least one hour a day.

TresWhite Ortho Mint

Whitening kit for patients with orthodontic appliances. Contains Opalescence teeth whitening gel with 6% hydrogen peroxide with an antibacterial effect. Ten trays for the upper and lower jaws are pre-filled with gel. After installation, the upper part of the tray is separated, and the lower part fits tightly to the teeth, which allows the gel to effectively whiten the enamel under braces.

Opalescence Follow-Up Kit

A set of several trays with whitening and restoring gels, as well as branded toothpaste. Designed to consolidate the results of professional whitening.

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Lightening with Opalescence PF

The formula is designed for hypersensitive teeth. The composition contains potassium nitrate and sodium fluoride. This combination reduces pain to a minimum and effectively reduces the risk of enamel damage.

The concentration of the drug allows you to achieve results in one visit to the doctor. If necessary, several procedures are allowed (the period is determined taking into account the condition of the enamel).

Professional whitening Opalescence

Professional teeth whitening Opalescence is carried out exclusively in the dentist’s office: that is why it is also called in-office. The manufacturer offers several different systems that differ in composition and purpose.

  • Teeth whitening Opalescence Boost (Xtra)
    is one of the most popular. This is a highly concentrated gel with 35 percent hydrogen peroxide. The Opalescence Boost whitening system contains a powerful whitening formula with carotene, which allows you to achieve positive results almost instantly. Used for express whitening of a fragment of the dentition or one tooth. Allows intracoronal whitening of pulpless teeth.
  • Teeth whitening Opalescence PF
    is intended for sensitive teeth. The abbreviation PF means that the gel contains potassium nitrate and sodium fluoride, which reduce hypersensitivity and protect the enamel. During one visit to the doctor, you can apply the gel two or three times, and repeat the procedure after a few days.
  • Intra-canal bleaching Opalescence Endo
    based on hydrogen peroxide is used in conditions of deep pigmentation of the tooth after nerve removal.
  • Opalustre suspension
    containing silicon carbide particles and hydrochloric acid (6.6%). Used to eliminate shallow enamel defects caused by diseases (fluorosis, hypoplasia, etc.). Microabrasive treatment with a suspension allows you to eliminate pigment spots, unevenness and restore uniformity to the enamel. Often used in conjunction with professional whitening to achieve optimal results.

Advantages and disadvantages of technology

By choosing Opalescence brand products, you get a number of benefits that are not available with other types of procedures. In particular, the main advantages of new developments are:

  • a price that is several times lower than other types of professional bleaching;
  • the ability to select a drug taking into account the individual characteristics of the dentition.

Some experts believe that laser and photo whitening provide a longer lasting effect, but there is a risk of getting a chemical burn. However, we have repeatedly proven that when a competent doctor works, the quality of the procedure does not suffer. The risks of burns when choosing the services of specialists from our center are reduced to a minimum.

What does color depend on?

The natural shade of most people's teeth is light, slightly yellowish. Healthy enamel itself is colorless and transparent. Accordingly, the color of teeth is primarily determined by the shade of dentin and can vary from beige-yellow to watery-gray. It is also significantly influenced by the state of health of the organs and the body as a whole. Shade may vary:

  • due to injuries;
  • removal of nerve tissue;
  • other treatment performed;
  • stress;
  • smoking;
  • drinking large amounts of tea, coffee, and other coloring foods;
  • age-related changes;
  • tetracycline effect;
  • fluorosis.

In these and many other cases, whitening with the Opalescence system will be most effective.

Who is Opalescence suitable for?

The choice of the Opalescence line of drugs is considered optimal in the following situations:

  • deterioration of aesthetics under the influence of external factors (coloring foods and drinks, smoking, coffee and tea);
  • diseases of the enamel, and as a result, deterioration of its aesthetic appearance;
  • solution to lighten the natural tone of the enamel.

Please note that the service is not available if there are contraindications. These include childhood/adolescence, pregnancy and lactation, some types of chronic diseases (a full list is provided by the doctor during the consultation).

How to prolong the results of whitening?

The so-called “white diet” preserves noticeable lightening for a longer period. It is prescribed in the first week after the procedure, and then at the discretion of the doctor.

The essence of the “white diet” is that it limits not the amount of food, but specific foods. We are talking about foods and drinks that have a “coloring” effect and can negatively affect whitening.

Moreover, it is important that the patient adds more protein and calcium-containing foods to his diet. They will protect weakened enamel from external influences and thereby strengthen teeth.

What you should not eat or drink for at least 10 days after the procedure:

  • Coffee (especially instant);
  • tea (especially herbal or tea bags);
  • rose and red wines;
  • ketchup, adjika, soy and other “bright” sauces;
  • spices with red pepper and turmeric;
  • strawberries, blueberries and other colorful berries;
  • sparkling water;
  • sweets (especially chocolate).

In addition, you will be advised to use dental floss and special mouth rinses more often. The whitening effect will be ruined by smoking and alcohol, citrus and sour foods, salt and sugar. Every time before a meal, it is useful to drink a glass of plain water (15 minutes before).

If it turns out that you cannot refuse foods from the prohibited list, try to brush your teeth or at least rinse your mouth with a solution immediately after eating them.

Our dentists will tell you more about the Opalescence teeth whitening system. Make an appointment to get your first free consultation at the Dental Practice clinic.

Why patients trust us

The quality and safety of the results of our center’s specialists is associated with compliance with the regulations when executing the order. We practice step-by-step work in which we perform:

  • Consultation. The oral cavity is examined and contraindications are identified. An action plan is drawn up.
  • Preparation. The optimal color is selected taking into account the natural characteristics of the enamel. The Vita scale is used.
  • Main part. The oral cavity is prepared (protection is applied to the gums, the working area is allocated with a rubber dam). Mixing the composition and applying it. Next, remove the gel. Usually the operation takes no more than 20-30 minutes.

The final procedure is washing and drying the teeth. Treatment is carried out with drugs that reduce the sensitivity of tooth surfaces. Products that restore enamel are applied. If necessary, a repeat procedure is prescribed.

You can find out more about the possibilities of the service, prices and times of visiting doctors on the official website of our center. We schedule procedures at a time convenient for the client. Detailed information on questions, as well as making an appointment, is carried out by phone or a personal visit to our dental center in Maryino.

Stages of work

1. Consultation with a dentist
2. Preparation of the oral cavity

3. Laying the gel and installing a temporary filling

4. Permanent filling


  • darkening of the tooth enamel of a pulpless tooth;
  • unaesthetic appearance of the enamel layer due to previous dental diseases;
  • tooth trauma that provoked hemorrhage into the pulp;
  • penetration of pigments from tea and coffee into the tooth through cracks in the enamel.
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