Teeth whitening and braces | Articles | Dentistry As-Stom in St. Petersburg

Many people dream of a beautiful smile. Some people have to undergo long-term treatment for it. The first stage is correcting the bite and straightening the teeth. Braces are widely used to correct the position of teeth. To eliminate complex defects, they must be worn for several years.

After removing orthodontic structures, many patients are faced with another problem - darkening of the enamel. Professional teeth whitening will help eliminate the unpleasant consequences of wearing braces. The procedure must be carried out under the supervision of a dentist. Find out how to prepare for it and where you can take it inexpensively in Moscow.

Why does the enamel turn yellow when wearing braces?

Loss of the natural whiteness of enamel when wearing braces for a long time is a common problem. About 80% of patients undergoing orthodontic treatment experience it. Doctors consider the main reasons for tooth discoloration to be:

  • failure to comply with oral hygiene rules,
  • neglect of brushes and irrigators to care for braces,
  • consumption of coloring foods and drinks,
  • smoking cigarettes and pipes.

Closed areas retain their natural shade. But after removing the orthodontic structure, stains on the enamel become visible. Therefore, many patients sign up for teeth whitening after braces.

Braces turned yellow: reasons

As a rule, not all braces change color. Plastic, ceramic, and sapphire bracket systems are susceptible to this. This happens under the influence of food colorings, for example, if you drink a lot of coffee or tea, smoke or often eat dark berries. This is why braces gradually lose their original whiteness.

However, it is worth remembering that the material from which the braces are made cannot turn yellow: the ligatures with which the plates are attached to the arch turn yellow. The reason for the deterioration in the appearance of braces may also be that plaque accumulates on the braces, which becomes more noticeable over time.

Methods for restoring enamel whiteness

Dental clinics offer various procedures for enamel whitening. However, not all of them are allowed after dental correction. Braces lead to thinning of the upper layer of teeth, so preference should be given to gentle methods. It is better to refuse laser and photo whitening. These manipulations can be resorted to only after complete restoration of the enamel, which will take 2-3 months.

Not ready to hide your smile for so long? Dentists offer at-home teeth whitening after braces are removed. Its essence is to apply a special gel to the teeth and wear a mouthguard. Using this procedure, you can lighten the enamel by several tones and maintain the result for a long time.

Home whitening after braces is an unjustified risk

Using popular non-professional home whitening techniques, you can cause significant damage to your teeth. Chemical teeth whitening agents purchased at the pharmacy or recommended on online forums can destroy not only the thin layer of damaged enamel, but also the porous tooth tissue located underneath it. As a result, a patient who has spent a considerable amount on treatment with sapphire or self-ligating braces and is trying to save money on a whitening procedure may simply lose individual teeth.

Preparing for teeth whitening after removing braces

Before teeth whitening, it is necessary to have a professional cleaning. To attach the orthodontic structure, glue is used, which remains on the teeth after it is removed. In addition, when wearing braces for a long time, plaque accumulates on the enamel and tartar forms. Without removing them, it will not be possible to lighten the enamel.

Professional teeth cleaning with Air Flow will help get rid of glue residues, soft and hard deposits. It also helps lighten the enamel by several tones. Two weeks after the procedure, you can whiten your teeth.

Nutritional Features

Patients have to adhere to a certain diet. This does not mean that you will have to eat less or only low-calorie foods. Restrictions will apply to hard and viscous products and drinks that contain a lot of dyes.

You should also be careful with very hot or extremely cold foods. Do not drink ice cream with coffee - temperature changes will lead to loss of elasticity of the structure.

Try to make your diet balanced. This is a good prevention of bacterial infection in the oral cavity. In addition, eat foods rich in protein and microelements (especially calcium, fluoride) to preserve enamel - eggs, fish and seafood, dairy products, fruits and vegetables.

There are several recommendations regarding food intake:

  • Use a knife. Any dish that allows this should be cut into pieces, only then placed in the mouth. Avoid chewing large pieces for a long time. Distribute the load evenly.
  • Don't bite apples, cucumbers, or any other fruits or vegetables with your front teeth. When eating them, also use cutlery.
  • Try to eat at home or in an environment where you can rinse your mouth and use dental floss. Do not neglect this rule after every meal.

Eliminate hard foods

This is meat, apples and other fruits, vegetables with strong skins, and nuts fried over a fire. Despite the fact that the design of braces is quite strong, excessively hard food can cause harm to it.

The most reliable systems, in terms of susceptibility to mechanical damage, are metal, classic ones. Plastic, ceramic or sapphire are considered more fragile. Therefore, you should handle them carefully.

Avoid sticky foods

You will need to remove from your diet not only hard foods, but also those that have a viscous consistency, for example, caramel, candies such as toffee. They get very stuck in the spaces between the teeth and arches and are then difficult to clean out.

Don't use dyes

The last restriction on the menu concerns products with bright coloring properties. They should be abandoned, especially if the patient wears a plastic structure. This includes tea and coffee, beets, various sodas, and red wine. We also include cigarettes in this category. While wearing braces, you should give up this bad habit.

How to get used to braces faster?

Immediately after installing the braces system, almost all patients feel discomfort and want to get rid of it as soon as possible. This is a normal reaction, because it is really unusual to carry a whole structure in your mouth. We hasten to console you - in 1-2 weeks you will stop noticing your braces.

The main thing is not to make a tragedy out of treatment and not to try to sharply limit yourself in diet and regimen. Today, braces are fashionable. Wear them with pride, always knowing that you are making a good investment in your own health and beautiful smile.

If noticeable discomfort persists and does not go away, contact your doctor. Perhaps he will change the position of the clasps, eliminate protruding parts of the arch, or protect the mucous membrane with the help of special wax. In addition, your orthodontist will give you some personalized advice on what you can do to help you feel normal again.

How to do whitening?

The teeth whitening procedure is one of the most effective and highly popular among dental patients. Its rather high cost is not the most pleasant moment, but the result obtained justifies all financial investments and costs.

When contacting a dentist with a similar problem, you can count on the following methods to solve the problem:

  • hygienic cleaning with the help of which removes plaque and tartar, and also restores the natural color of the enamel;
  • laser cleaning, which requires perfect cleanliness but gives excellent results;
  • the use of special whitening strips that remove the yellow color of teeth and return them to their natural color.

How to whiten teeth at home?

This may seem strange, but at home it is quite possible to get very good whitening results using the following techniques:

  • the use of whitening gels, which give excellent and, very importantly, long-lasting results;
  • the initial stage of tartar and plaque can be easily removed by regular brushing of the teeth and mouth, which should also include the use of dental floss and rinses;
  • using herbal infusions, for example, sage leaves, which will have a beneficial effect on the condition of the gums.

Cleaning and whitening at home should be carried out with a high degree of accuracy and caution, because teeth have become more sensitive, and any aggressive impact can have the opposite effect on them than expected.

Teeth Whitening Options

Today there are a large number of methods that can be used to restore tooth enamel, but are they all suitable for those who have just completed treatment with braces? Each person has individual characteristics; the condition of the oral mucosa and enamel plays an important role. That is why it is important not to self-medicate at home, but to consult a specialist. Only he will be able to select the desired composition and concentration of substances. This type of whitening will not only be effective, but also safe.

Professional teeth cleaning

The very first thing to do after removing braces is to carry out professional comprehensive hygiene. Clean the enamel using ultrasound, Air Flow and thorough polishing using a brush and paste. Finally, a strengthening fluoride varnish is applied. This procedure, already at the first stage, will allow you to at least slightly remove pigmentation, remove remaining plaque and transform the shade of the enamel. In addition, fluoride varnish will strengthen the enamel, which will allow for better whitening in the future.

Professional whitening

These methods include the use of a laser or halogen lamp (photobleaching). The doctor applies a gel with hydrogen peroxide or other active ingredients to the surface of the enamel. Next, heat or light is applied, as a result of such effects, active oxygen is released, penetrates into the tissues and discolors the pigmented areas, brightening the teeth. Among the advanced technologies are ZOOM, Amazing White, LumiBrite. The methods are effective and safe because they are carried out under the strict supervision of the attending physician.

Home whitening

This implies the use of the same professional products, stripped by a doctor, based on individual characteristics. The same gel works, only in lower concentrations. According to the specialist’s instructions, the patient must wear special mouth guards with gel for a certain time.

Important! After whitening, you should try to limit yourself in consuming products with bright dyes and thoroughly clean your teeth, then the result can last for 2-3 years.

On the Internet you can find a lot of information on the topic: how to whiten teeth at home. Recipes are offered using baking soda, salt and hydrogen peroxide, using lemon juice and pureeing fresh strawberries and wild strawberries. Not all patients who have had their braces removed have the patience to wait the allotted time for the whitening procedure and wait until the enamel is restored. Having decided on such experiments using folk recipes, you need to understand that teeth are very sensitive after wearing braces, which means that such procedures may cause more harm than good.

Of course, those who have had braces for a long time want to smile a perfect smile. That is why it is better to wait a little longer and undergo professional enamel whitening - the effect will bring a lot of joy and you will no longer have to be ashamed of your teeth.

1Krikheli N.I. Modern methods of teeth whitening. 2According to the portal “Healthy Lifestyle. An information resource for those who care about their health."

Gentle method

This problem may have a simpler solution that does not require such radical measures, namely the most common hygienic action based on the use of AirFlow water-abrasive cleaning. Its use eliminates the negative impact on enamel, since it does not involve the use of aggressive chemicals. Many experts recommend performing this cleaning method first after removing the system, and if this option does not give the expected result, then after some time the issue of bleaching can be put on the agenda.

Service price

The cost of enamel lightening will depend on the chosen method.

Methodology Cost for 1 procedure, rub.
Photobleaching 5000-10000
Laser whitening 10000-15000
ZOOM 15000-20000
Set of gel and mouth guard 3000-6000
AirFlow Cleaning 1500-3000

The following factors may influence the total cost:

  1. Initial shade.
  2. The number of procedures required to achieve the desired result.
  3. Type of clinic.
  4. Region of residence.
  5. Materials used.

Why is it so important to brush your teeth?

A malocclusion almost always means that a person has hard-to-reach areas in the oral cavity. They accumulate a large amount of plaque and small particles of food, which can be difficult to clean with a regular brush. Also, the braces themselves hinder proper care, because dirt can also get under the parts of the structure.

For home care, modern manufacturers produce special orthodontic brushes; their bristles have different lengths and shapes; they can have several or one tuft of bristles. Additionally, you can purchase small brushes, an irrigator for treating the oral cavity with strong pressure of liquid, and much more.

However, no home care can compare with professional cleaning in the dental hygienist’s chair. It should be carried out at least once every two to three months, this will help reduce the risk of tartar and enamel caries. Today, there are several methods of safe cleansing, each of which is suitable for patients with and without braces.

Pros and cons of the procedure

Whitening is a popular service in dental clinics. Like all dental services, this procedure has its advantages and disadvantages that should be considered before undergoing it.


  • Creating a beautiful smile with white teeth.
  • Removing stone and plaque prevents the development of caries.
  • High efficiency.
  • Duration of the result.


  1. There is a high risk of increased tooth sensitivity.
  2. After the procedure, it is necessary to limit the consumption of coloring products.
  3. Whitening will not work on filled teeth or dentures.

What is special about Avalon polyurethane braces and what defects can be corrected with their help.

In this publication, we will take a closer look at the ligature brace systems from Cassis.

Here https://zubovv.ru/ortodontiya/breketyi/vestibulyarnyie/kompozitnyie-nadezhnyih-sposob.html we will discuss the pros and cons of composite braces.


The ascorbic acid contained in lemon is beneficial not only for human gums, but also for the entire body. As for whitening with lemon, there are many options for this procedure, the simplest of which involves using one slice of a simple lemon to treat the enamel. Let’s also say a method based on adding a few drops of lemon juice to the toothpaste, which, by the way, will also help with bleeding gums.

Such products should be used carefully, no more than once a week; those who have increased tooth sensitivity should be especially careful.

Category Hygiene Published by Mister stomatolog


After wearing braces, darkening of the enamel almost always remains. Any whitening method can effectively correct the situation.

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Tags: braces vestibular braces

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