How to apply Perfect Smile Veneers?

  • 15801
  • 09-10-2020
  • Author: Mysekret Team
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Dreams of a Hollywood smile, perfect straight and white teeth without the intervention of dentists and exhausting procedures have become a reality. Perfect Smile Veneers is an innovative development that allows you to realize these desires at home without the use of dental onlays.

What are Perfect Smile Veneers?

Perfect Smile Veneers are universal overlay veneers designed specifically for quick and easy use at home. Veneers are presented in two parts: an overlay on the gums and on the teeth, for the upper and lower jaw.

Every part of the Perfect Smile Veneers is made from durable, hypoallergenic materials.

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The gum pad is made of silicone and imitates the natural structure of the soft tissue of the gums. It provides a secure fit, is pleasant to the touch and comfortable to wear.

The dental guard is made of flexible plastic - a combination of nylon and medical-grade polypropylene. This part is particularly resistant to natural dyes and temperature, and, despite its thinness, is resistant to external influences. The plate fits tightly to the teeth without causing discomfort.

Intraoral scanner ensures optical accuracy of aligners

To make the aligners, we used an intraoral scanner, which was used to take optical impressions. That is, the camera takes many pictures, which are stitched into a 3D image in a special program. And this 3D image is sent to the laboratory, bypassing transport and time losses, bypassing shrinkage and all kinds of force majeure circumstances - hypothermia of the impression masses. Accordingly, we get a more accurate, more predictable result.


: The teeth scanning took place there for 15 minutes. And a week later, at a follow-up appointment, I was able to immediately see how my teeth would move.

Doctor Arkashov

: That is, by the time we received the result from the laboratory with the final treatment plan, we had not yet done anything to our patient. The result that we get after aligners will be appreciated by the patient. And we, as a rule, allow you to look at the result of orthodontic treatment. And many patients are satisfied with it.

Who needs veneers?

Perfect Smile veneers help hide a lot of dental problems in the shortest possible time. Their use is especially important on the eve of important events and in cases where a visit to the dentist to correct teeth is not possible.

Perfect Smile Veneers allow you to disguise the following dental imperfections:

  • Chips;
  • Crevices;
  • Lack of teeth;
  • Caries;
  • Yellowness of enamel;
  • Irregularities;
  • Darkened fillings;
  • Irregular shape;
  • Small size.

Perfect Smile Veneers are suitable for use by both men and women, ensuring the creation of an ideal dentition.

The use of veneers is safe and does not affect the natural structure of the teeth and gums. Perfect Smile Veneers are also durable and reusable. When properly used and stored, they can last from a couple of years to ten.

Contraindications for installation

These include:

  • Extreme hobbies with a high probability of dental damage.
  • Inability to give up bad habits, such as chewing nuts and nails.
  • Bruxism.
  • A large filling on the inner surface of the tooth.
  • Loss of chewing teeth.
  • Severe changes in bite.
  • Dental diseases.

Before installing any veneers, preparation of the oral cavity is required. Caries is eliminated; if there are inflammatory processes, they also need to be eliminated.

How to put on Perfect Smile pads correctly?

Having purchased a new product, first of all you need to read the instructions on how to install Perfect Smile veneers. It is extremely important to follow clear instructions to avoid improper placement of the overlays on your teeth and gums, as well as any discomfort.

Instructions for use of Perfect Smile Veneers:

  • Preparation - place the plates in a glass of hot water for several minutes until the white coating becomes transparent;
  • Shaping - we firmly press the veneers to the natural teeth to obtain the required outline of the plate;
  • Hardening - immerse the veneers in cold water for a few minutes until the white coating reappears;
  • Installation - we put on the plates like ordinary plug-in elements.

The versatility of Perfect Smile Veneers lies in the ability to shape the onlays identical to natural teeth.

Only with proper preparation will Perfect Smile veneers last a long time, will not cause inconvenience and wear well: they do not fall out and do not interfere with talking or eating.

Many buyers complain about the poor quality of the product, not knowing how to use veneers correctly. Therefore, we recommend watching a video on how to put on Perfect Smile Veneers:

The importance of following recommendations for installation and operation of overlays is sometimes underestimated. The quality of your future smile depends on the correct preparation and placement of the plates. Placing veneers according to the rules allows you to avoid possible difficulties and save time before an important event.

What types of dentures are there for damaged teeth?

It often happens that the crown part of the tooth begins to collapse, but the root is completely healthy and sits firmly in the gum. In such cases, dentists do not recommend removal, because the root can be preserved and the crown part can be replaced with prosthetics - this is a more gentle and beneficial method for the patient to restore the defect. What dentures are available for such cases? There are several types of so-called microprostheses that will help restore the integrity of the dental crown:

  • Tabs.
    Simply put, these are large fillings made of ceramic or metal alloys that are made in a laboratory. The inlays exactly repeat the shape of the destroyed part of the crown and can serve as both an independent microprosthesis (restorative inlays) and a support for an artificial crown (stump).
  • Crowns.
    The crown is the part of the tooth that we usually see and on which both the beauty of a smile and the quality of chewing food depend. Dentists install artificial crowns that cover the damaged tooth and completely cover the defects. They are made from metal-free ceramics (excellent aesthetics, good strength), metal ceramics (good strength and aesthetics) and plastic (suitable only for making temporary crowns, because such material is not very durable and stains over time).
  • Veneers.
    For teeth in the “smile zone,” it is possible to install not entire crowns, but thin ceramic overlays on the front surfaces – veneers. They are installed if sufficient volume of the rear wall has been preserved and the microprosthesis can be securely fixed. Veneers are made from ceramics, and recently there are also designs made from zirconium dioxide. The simplest and most inexpensive option is composite veneers, formed from filling material directly on the patient’s teeth.

Orthopedic dentist at the 32 Dent clinic Veronika Aleksandrovna Ivantsova: “Microprostheses are good because they can restore both small defects (mainly veneers and lumineers) and seriously damaged teeth. We recommend our patients to fight for their own teeth to the last and, if possible, to preserve the dental unit - in no case to remove it.”

Which dentures are best to install: choose by cost

The most affordable microprostheses are inlays - they cost from 18,000 rubles. However, it is not always possible to get by with just one tab, so it is advisable for the patient to make a choice, guided not only by savings, but also by the advice of his doctor.

Veneers with lumineers will cost approximately the same - about 20-35 thousand rubles. Crowns differ slightly in price depending on the material: metal-free ceramics will cost about the same as a veneer, metal ceramics will cost 9-17 thousand rubles. Here you should choose according to the degree of destruction of dental tissues: if the defects are minor, you can get by with installing veneers. But in the case where the crown part of the tooth is seriously damaged, the installation of an artificial crown will be required.

If you have a problem similar to that described in this article, be sure to contact our specialists. Don't diagnose yourself!

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Instructions for use

In addition to the installation instructions, it is necessary to take into account the manufacturer's instructions for using the Perfect Smile Veneers design. It is important to store the product correctly and promptly clean it from food residues.

Basic rules when using Perfect Smile Veneers:

  • The pads must be stored in a special container included with the product;
  • The plates should be washed regularly for cleaning and disinfection;
  • It is better to soften the veneers and give them shape immediately before installation;
  • It is not recommended to attempt to use the pads for purposes other than their intended purpose;
  • The plates must not be broken, bent or subjected to other traumatic effects.

When used correctly, Perfect Smile Veneers can last for many years and will not require immediate replacement.

You can wear veneers throughout the day, but at night it is recommended to remove them and wash them.

The product should be washed according to the manufacturer's instructions:

  • Perfect Smile Veneers can only be washed in warm water;
  • It is not recommended to use soap substances intended for hair and body;
  • You should not use devices with solid particles, for example, scrubs, toothbrushes, especially with hard bristles;
  • Avoid using chemicals;
  • It is better to rinse the plates under running water;
  • The product should dry naturally.

The best way to clean veneers is to use warm water and baking soda; you can also use toothpaste or powder, but apply them with your finger. After the procedure, the plates should be lightly blotted with a towel and left to dry in a well-ventilated area.

Benefits of Perfect Smile Veneers

Perfect Smile veneers stand out among their counterparts and other analogues due to their affordable price, versatility and the absence of allergic substances in the composition. They also do not require the participation of dentists during installation.

Perfect Smile Veneers are the easiest and fastest way to sculpt your smile compared to ceramic, porcelain and composite veneers.

The benefits of using veneers include:

  • Convenient to put on and take off;
  • Durability and durability;
  • Possibility to install yourself;
  • No cracks or chips after repeated use;
  • Masking of the entire row of teeth;
  • Do not require preliminary grinding of teeth;
  • No adverse reactions or harm to enamel;
  • Reliable fixation of plates;
  • The pads are ultra-thin and do not interfere with eating or talking.

Among other things, a significant advantage of Perfect Smile is its protective function. Veneers can be used as a special barrier for teeth that are sensitive to hot and cold foods.

Reviews from dentists and users

Many practicing dentists speak positively about Perfect Smile Veneers, noting their convenience and lack of side effects. At the same time, they recommend not to forget about dental treatment and to use veneers not on an ongoing basis, but when necessary.

Vladimir Smirnov, dentist:

I first heard about Perfect Smile Veneers from my patient, who was interested in the possibility of using them during the treatment process. The patient just needed a lateral incisor and needed a break before the subsequent procedure. Having carefully studied the topic of the issue, I advised using the product on an ad hoc basis until the implantation site has completely healed. The patient did the installation himself and sent the results of his work that same evening. Having assessed the aesthetics, I came to the conclusion that this product is indispensable in the arsenal of anyone who is preparing for dental procedures and cannot sport a snow-white smile for a certain period. Perfect Smile Veneers are the ideal in-between accessory to help support teeth and temporarily hide imperfections, which I now recommend to all patients during the recovery or healing period between important procedures.

Anton Veshnyakov, dentist-prosthetist:

As part of my job, I create dentures that are necessary for dental procedures. Quite by accident, I heard about Perfect Smile Veneers from a close friend who was doing dental treatment. Together we began to study the issue and then ordered a product for testing. When tested, the veneers turned out to be very high quality and comfortable. They are also hypoallergenic and fit perfectly on any jaw type, which is a very important quality for dentures. My friend was satisfied with the results, and I now strongly recommend using the product to all clients while waiting for dentures.

Evgenia Zhukova, dentist-esthetician:

A beautiful white-toothed smile is the main goal of my work. I often meet patients who want to achieve excellent results, but without major interventions. Unfortunately, this is not always possible. In such cases, I advise patients to resort to the help of Perfect Smile Veneers. This product fulfills all my needs as an esthetician, and is universal in shape - suitable for both men and women. I believe that overlay veneers are the best solution for people who are unable to undergo major dental procedures. However, this remedy is not a panacea and does not treat diseases of the teeth and gums, so a visit to the dentist is mandatory.

Opinions about Perfect Smile Veneers differ in many ways. Some users believe that removable veneers are not suitable for frequent use, while others, on the contrary, are delighted with the product and strongly recommend its use.

The appearance of negative feedback is largely due to the fact that not everyone knows how to put them on correctly or simply did not read the instructions. People who follow all the instructions note the quality and convenience of veneers.

Angelina, marketer, 37 years old:

I first saw the Perfect Smile Veneers advertisement on TV and became interested in the product. At first there were many doubts about the effectiveness and reliability of the product, but the desire to achieve a beautiful Hollywood smile overpowered the mistrust. Having received the desired parcel, the first thing I did was decide to put the product into practice. After reading all the instructions and studying the instructions for use, I was finally able to install new “teeth” and, lo and behold, my smile simply amazed everyone! The onlays fit perfectly, replicating my natural teeth down to the smallest detail. The first time was a little unusual, but there were no unpleasant sensations. Now I will order a second set for the lower row of teeth and several more sets especially for my relatives. A brilliant smile is worth it!

Perfect Smile Veneers: “before” and “after”
Valentina, teacher, 46 years old:

A neat appearance and a polite smile are extremely important for a teacher. However, there is not enough time to visit the dentist and money for expensive procedures. The solution was found thanks to the Internet. Perfect Smile Veneers are the first products of this type that I decided to use and was pleased with the purchase. The plates are installed quickly and easily; with proper preparation, they fit like a glove, as if they were made to special order. From the aesthetic side, everything is also good - the onlays look like natural teeth and do not create an artificial effect. Wearing veneers does not take much time, allowing you to shine with a beautiful smile throughout the day.

Veneers Perfect Smile Veneers: “before” and “after”
Alexander, administrator, 40 years old:

Dental problems are one of the most painful ones, especially in my line of work. For many years now I have been a regular in dental offices and am trying to cope with this problem. Now I’m in the process of preparing to install several teeth, but I can’t walk with “gaps” in my smile. As a solution, the dentist recommended temporary use of Perfect Smile Veneers. After ordering the product, I hesitated about the correctness of the decision made, but when the time came for installation, all doubts disappeared. The veneers sat strictly along the line of natural teeth and hid all the imperfections. Bosses and clients noted a beautiful white-toothed smile, without even realizing that the teeth were false. The product looks very natural and does not interfere with work or conversation, which is very important. Now Perfect Smile Veneers have become an indispensable part of my dental treatment.

Perfect Smile Veneers: “before” and “after”

When preparing the material, consultation was carried out by:

Olga Kirilova (cosmetologist). A specialist with higher medical education and extensive work experience. Helped hundreds of patients cope with various skin problems. Conducts non-hardware and hardware procedures. Proficient in laser and phototherapy techniques.

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What teeth to put in if the jaw is completely “empty”?

Unfortunately, it also happens that a person is left completely without teeth on one of the jaws, and sometimes on both at once. What should he do in this case? Of course, you can just come to the dental clinic and ask: “I want to insert teeth - which ones are better? Tell". But it is advisable to understand at least a little about the issue of prosthetics in order to make the best choice. What does dentistry offer for complete edentia? Here are the main ways to restore teeth in this case:

  • Complete removable dentures.
    Very easy to install structures, which are artificial gums (base) made of acrylic or nylon with crowns fixed on it.

    When a patient decides to install complete removable dentures, which is better to choose - acrylic or nylon? There is no clear answer here; you need to look at the specific clinical situation and the wishes of the patient himself. In some cases, nylon is preferable, since it looks much better, is more comfortable to wear and can be installed by people in extreme professions (acrylic will not suit them, because due to its rigidity it can cause injury in the process of a fall or other unforeseen event). But sometimes it’s better to go with acrylic, which is stronger and better withstands chewing loads. When choosing removable dentures for teeth (which is better), you should ask your dentist - he will give individual recommendations.

  • Prosthetics on implants.
    There are several options for such dental restoration: bridge structures on implants (in case of complete edentia, they are installed in “sections”: several dentures on one jaw), removable dentures on implants (this method is especially recommended for the lower jaw, on which the usual removable structure does not hold very securely) and even clasp ones. Implantation serves as a support for the main prosthesis and makes it more reliable. If the patient is not afraid of serious stress on the body and is ready to invest a lot of money in restoring the health of his oral cavity, he can carry out a complete implantation of the entire dentition; modern technologies allow this possibility.
  • All-on-4.
    A modern and very reliable method of restoring teeth, which is much more economical than full implantation. The essence of the method is that four implants are implanted into the jaw, on which the main structure is then installed, restoring the entire dentition.

Dental surgeon, implantologist at the 32 Dent clinic Sergey Leonidovich Yakubovsky: “We recommend All-on-4 prosthetics to patients with complete edentia as a gentle and very reliable way to regain their teeth. Full implantation is quite a serious burden on both the body and the patient’s wallet. And here there is an opportunity to restore the dentition at an affordable price, for a long time and with good aesthetics.”

Which teeth are better to insert: prices for prosthetics

Complete removable structures will cost 15-55 thousand rubles. If you plan to install them on implants, the cost of implantation will be added here, so the price will be higher - from 58 to 80 thousand rubles. All-on-4 prosthetics will cost approximately 50-60 thousand rubles (depending on the chosen main prosthetic design and types of implants).

Which dentures are best to install?

? It is advisable to at least have a rough idea of ​​what you want when going to the dentist. And the doctor will help you navigate and choose the optimal method for a particular case, tell you about all the pros and cons of the chosen method and carry out proper installation. The main thing is to choose a good doctor!

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