How much does an orthodontist earn in different places - Statistics

Author: ProfGid

An orthodontist is a doctor who specializes in dental anomalies. That is, he studies, performs prevention, diagnosis and treatment of such anomalies. These include abnormal development of the jaws, dentition, individual teeth, and soft tissues in the oral cavity. It is the orthodontist who installs braces and “builds up” lost fragments of teeth. This is a profession in demand, since a large number of people have dental anomalies of one degree or another. She belongs to the “person-to-person” category. By the way, in 2021, the ProfGid career guidance center developed an accurate career guidance test. He himself will tell you which professions are suitable for you, and give an opinion about your personality type and intelligence.

  • Important personal qualities
  • Orthodontic training
  • Universities
  • Courses
  • Best Universities for Orthodontists
  • Place of work
  • Orthodontist salary
  • Orthodontist salary for December 2021
  • Career
  • Professional knowledge
  • Famous orthodontists
  • Examples of companies with orthodontist vacancies
  • Brief description: who is an orthodontist?

    Today, a beautiful smile, straight teeth and correct bite are an important component of a person’s image and appearance. And even if we remove the purely aesthetic factor from consideration, many others remain: for example, due to the incorrect structure of the jaw, a person’s diction may be impaired, it can contribute to the development of diseases of the teeth and gums, and even cause curvature in the cervical and subsequent parts of the spine. Orthodontics is a subsection of dentistry that deals with precisely such problems.


    The first disadvantage can be considered the duration of training. It is worth remembering that good doctors are not born, but become thanks to long and painstaking work and the same work. Therefore, you need to graduate from medical school and then constantly improve your qualifications, which is not suitable for every person.

    The orthodontist is often in stressful situations, since all clients are different and it is impossible to please everyone. In addition, the doctor has to deal with young children, who require an individual approach.

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    High responsibility for one’s work is also a big drawback, since the doctor has virtually no room for error (like all doctors who are responsible for people’s health).

    Features of the profession

    Improper development of jaws, teeth and soft tissues can occur due to hereditary factors or due to acquired problems. Most often this happens during infancy and early childhood: due to artificial feeding, deficiency of minerals and vitamins, prolonged attachment to a pacifier, and so on. In adulthood, problems with the structure of teeth and jaws usually arise due to serious injuries. The main responsibilities of an orthodontist when working with any patient are as follows:

    • Examination of the patient's oral cavity for the presence of dental anomalies.
    • Performing diagnostic procedures (for example, taking panoramic photographs using x-ray equipment).
    • Restoration of lost areas of enamel and broken parts of teeth.
    • Making impressions for the production of braces, dental implants and dentures.
    • Installation and activation of braces to correct misaligned teeth and bite.
    • Installation of space retainers, removable plates and space maintainers (such devices are most often used to treat malocclusion in children).
    • Carrying out control diagnostic measures to assess the result of orthodontic treatment.

    It is important to understand that quite often an orthodontist’s work with one patient lasts more than one month. A specialist examines the condition of his oral cavity, selects treatment, and its implementation may take even more than a year. For example, correcting malocclusion and misalignment of teeth in adults usually requires 1.5-2 years, during which the patient must regularly visit the orthodontist to adjust the position of the braces.


    The average salary of an orthodontist is 25 - 35% of the cost of the contract between the clinic and the patient.

    In order to make good money, he needs to have many clients, a good reputation and a lot of positive reviews.

    To gather more clients, you have to work part-time in several clinics.

    How much does an orthodontist earn in different locations?

    In Russia

    His work is best paid in the Altai Territory - 183,000 rubles. ($3084).

    In the Kostroma region. pay 167.5 thousand rubles. ($2823), and in Ulyanovsk - 150 thousand rubles. ($2528), in the Saratov region. pay the smallest amount - 77.5 thousand rubles. ($1306).

    In accordance with their specialization, orthodontists receive (rub.):

    • children's - 35,000 ($590);
    • dentist - 68332 ($1151);
    • in the clinic - 110,000 ($1,853).

    In Moscow, the average salary is 85 thousand rubles, and in Yekaterinburg - 90 thousand rubles.

    These specialists are in greatest demand in the Moscow region, the Krasnodar region is in second place, and the Leningrad region is in third place.

    27.4% of all employers offer salaries up to 32 thousand rubles, 25.6% - up to 64 thousand rubles, 25% of vacancies - 96 thousand rubles. and 8 offers with payment over 128 thousand rubles. ($2157)

    Beginning specialists in the capital earn from 19 to 24 thousand rubles. ($404), and experienced ones - 40 - 50 thousand rubles. ($842).

    A qualified specialist in a large private clinic receives up to 400 thousand rubles. ($6741) per month.

    In Ukraine

    In the Kyiv region. The average salary of specialists in this profession is 135,620 UAH ($5,080).

    In state clinics, a pediatric orthodontist is paid 10.7 thousand UAH ($400), while the minimum salary is 3800 UAH ($142), and the average is 9000 ($337).

    The largest number of vacancies is in the Kyiv region. - 40%, Kharkov - 33.3%, Lviv - 20% and Volyn - 6.7%.

    Employers offer salaries from 5 to 39 thousand UAH in 66.8% of cases, from 107 to 141 thousand UAH - 16.7% and the same number of offers with a monthly payment of over 141 thousand UAH ($5280)

    How to become a professional?

    To become an orthodontist, you need to study at a specialized university for five years and undergo 4 years of postgraduate training.

    Many students are given the opportunity to combine university studies with work.

    After the third year, you can become a dental assistant or a hygienist who does cleaning, whitening and other simple manipulations.

    When applying for a job, you must provide all documents confirming your qualifications:

    • diploma;
    • certificates of completion of paid training courses;
    • portfolio with photographs of patients’ teeth before and after treatment.

    After several years of impeccable work, the specialist earns a good reputation and will receive lucrative offers to work in private clinics on the recommendation of management or the clients themselves.

    Using modern opportunities, dentists post photos of the results of their work on social networks to promote their services.

    Another way to develop is to open your own private dentist’s office.

    Cost of services in Russia

    The price of simple manipulations depends on the cost of materials.

    Crowns, dentures and veneers are made by a dental technician. 200% of the markup is spent on paying for the work of staff - nurses, nurses and assistants.

    All this is included in the cost of services:

    • putting a filling using anesthesia and complete treatment costs 5-6 thousand rubles;
    • manufacturing and installation of a simple crown - 22 - 27 thousand rubles ($455);
    • crown made of zirconium dioxide - 35 thousand rubles. ($590).

    The salary of a beginning dentist in a regional city is 10 - 15 thousand rubles.

    An experienced orthodontist in a large private clinic receives 100 - 120 thousand rubles. ($2022) per month.

    Real specialists are attracted not so much by salary as by favorable working conditions, the condition of the equipment (preferably the most modern), the presence of an assistant, optics, camera and computer.

    A consultation with an orthodontist alone costs from 700 rubles.

    In Ukraine

    The price components are the same as in Russia. Cost of some services in a private clinic (in UAH):

    • consultation with a specialist - 100;
    • installation of a self-ligating brace system on one jaw - 7,000 ($262);
    • installation of a lingual brace system - 15,000 ($562);
    • elastobond - 4200 ($157).

    Important personal qualities

    Since orthodontist vacancies still belong to the medical field (albeit to its dental branch), specialists in this field are required to have a desire and willingness to help people. You also need excellent vision, well-developed fine motor skills, perseverance, patience, and the ability to maintain a high level of concentration for a long time when performing monotonous work. And, of course, some communication skills won’t hurt, especially when serving underage clients.


    The first advantage is a high degree of satisfaction with your work. The orthodontist has the opportunity to see the results of his work, which not only return a person to a full life, but also give a good mood and a beautiful smile. People's gratitude is often the greatest reward for a doctor.

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    The second advantage is the high demand, since good specialists are needed always and everywhere.

    An important factor is the possibility of advanced training. Accordingly, this gives hope for career growth. A doctor who has set himself an ambitious goal (in the best sense of the word) will definitely be able to make a successful career.

    The high level of wages is also an irrefutable advantage.

    How to increase income

    To receive additional income to the main one, the following accruals are provided:

    1. Prize. If a doctor who treats teeth well has a constant flow of clients every day, all his office hours are occupied, there is no downtime, the clinic adds a bonus to the employee’s salary. It depends on the number of clients served.
    2. State supplement. This type of additional income is used in government institutions. Doctors receive it as a percentage of the number of patients and the cost of treatment, which are not included in compulsory health insurance.
    3. Other types of income. Doctors receive and treat patients without making an appointment or recording them in registers. This type of reception is available not only in private hospitals, but also in public ones. The payment is slightly less than the established rates for treatment.

    Additional payments

    1. A premium, which is made up of a percentage of services paid by clients. That is, the more patients a doctor sees, the higher the increase in rate.
    2. Supplement from the state - in municipal clinics, dentists and other doctors are assigned an additional payment for additional services for patients - these are examinations, operations and other procedures that are not included in insurance or are necessary for people without an insurance policy.
    3. Some doctors have the ability to perform private procedures that are not reflected in hospital records, but this is illegal.

    How much do they pay in the world?

    Unlike America, in European countries the dentist's salary is lower, but not by much. As elsewhere, in European countries the dentist is respected. This is a prestigious profession.

    Average salary for dentists in the world:

    NameAmount, USD/month

    Training and career building

    You can study full-time at a medical university (duration of study – 5 years), or you can study remotely for six years. Upon graduation, it is necessary (as is the case with all medical profiles) to undergo residency. The first way to build a career is to constantly improve your skills, which allows you to reach a new professional level. The second is changing the doctor’s specialty to head of department or chief physician. The third is building a scientific career.

    How much do they earn in Russia?

    The earnings of dentists depend on the region of residence in Russia.

    A specialist with at least 3 years of work experience has the following average earnings in government agencies, in rubles:

    • Kazan – 30,000;
    • St. Petersburg – 50,000;
    • Samara – 25000;
    • Ekaterinburg – 35000;
    • Krasnodar region - 13,000;
    • Volgograd region – 13,000;
    • Rostov region – 20,000;
    • Samara region - 25,000;
    • Novosibirsk region – 30,000;
    • Moscow region – 50,000;
    • Leningrad region - 40,000.

    Dentists receive the highest salaries in central Russia, near cities with a population of more than 1 million people. In the Southern regions, income is significantly less.

    Benefits for dentists

    Benefits for doctors of this category are the same as for everyone else in accordance with Russian legislation.

    Medical workers in cities can count on:

    • Provision of office living space.
    • Partial refund of funds for housing and communal services.
    • Providing a plot for individual construction.
    • Social mortgage.
    • Partial refund of mortgage funds.

    Healthcare workers in rural areas can count on:

    1. All benefits as for employees in cities.
    2. Doubling your work experience: 1 year of work – 2 years of work experience.
    3. Supplements to wages.
    4. Participation in social programs.
    5. Receiving a subsidy for the purchase of housing - 1,000,000 rubles.

    Dentist Salary in USA

    Dentist in America is a profession that will provide you with a stable income throughout your life, will allow you to pay all bills, children’s education, maintain a large house, a good car, and full medical insurance. In old age - receiving a decent pension.

    This profession is one of the most prestigious and highly paid. The average income in the USA is $10,000. monthly. In cities with a population of over a million, it’s $11,000/month, in provincial towns – $9,000/month.

    To work, a dentist from Russia in the United States must not only obtain a visa and work permit, but also confirm an education diploma and pass specialized exams to meet the requirements for specialists in this category.

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