Ultrasound of the salivary glands is an ultrasound method used to assess the condition and diagnose diseases
Many parents believe that oral hygiene begins with caring for the first, baby teeth.
3D diagnostics and principles of visualization of 3 molars of the lower jaw Rogatskin D. V. Radiologist LLC
Root canal filling One of the most popular methods of dental treatment after pulp removal is
Bactericidal and modified cements - Unitem (Vladmiva) - a universal improved zinc-phosphate dental cement with
An orthodontic plate is a special device necessary to correct the bite and teeth. The design includes
From this article you will learn: how effective novocaine is, what is better – novocaine or lidocaine,
Anonymous Around the clock Attention! The material contains information about substances, the use of which can cause serious harm.
A dental medicinal lining is used to cover the bottom of a carious cavity, if it is located
What is the essence of the one-day implantation method? The main obstacle to restoring a natural tooth