Smell in the nose during coronavirus: smells of ammonia, burning, acetone, smoke, ammonia. Why the strange smell?

Causes of the problem

Ammonia is a substance that is produced by the human body during the digestion of protein. Halitosis can occur due to:

  • Poor nutrition. An ammonia taste in the mouth occurs when you consume excessive amounts of protein-rich foods. In this case, the internal organs, including the liver, do not have time to cope with the increasing load. In this situation, the removal of ammonia from the body slows down. With increased protein nutrition, fats are broken down faster and form ketone bodies - the cause of the smell of ammonia from the mouth.
  • Insufficient fluid and food intake. If the volume of fluid you drink is insufficient, the load on the organs of the urinary system increases. Long-term retention of decay products in the body leads to bad breath. During fasting, it processes protein and fat reserves concentrated in the liver. In this situation, a large amount of ketones accumulate in the human blood.
  • Diseases of the liver, through which all harmful components, including ammonia, are filtered. With pathologies of the organ, the processing of substance compounds becomes difficult.
  • Taking vitamin complexes that contain nitrogen and amino acids.

Let's look at other common causes of halitosis.


The problem is characterized by an increase in blood glucose. As a result, the cells do not have time to receive the necessary nutrients. There are 2 types of diabetes, but with any type of disease there is an accumulation of glucose in the blood. To compensate for the lack of necessary elements, the body begins to intensively burn fat. The situation causes the production of a large number of ketones. Substances accumulated in the body in large quantities lead to the appearance of an ammonia odor from the mouth, skin and urine.

The skin of patients in hyperglycemic coma smells like ammonia. Along with these symptoms, the patient experiences pale skin and rapid heartbeat. The condition requires urgent professional intervention

Pathologies of the urinary tract

Among the diseases that provoke the smell of ammonia from the mouth, nephrosis and kidney failure should be noted. The problem is also observed with renal tubular dystrophy.

When the urinary tract malfunctions, the outflow of harmful substances in the human body slows down. They concentrate not only in the urine, but also in the patient’s blood. Kidney disease is additionally indicated by swelling of the limbs and pain in the lumbar region.


When the disease occurs, the organ produces large amounts of thyroid hormone. This substance is responsible for metabolic processes. Increased production of the hormone leads to a sharp decrease in the patient’s weight. Among the characteristic signs one can also note: the smell of ammonia from the mouth and skin; menstrual irregularities (in women), psycho-emotional instability, sweating, frequent bowel movements.

What is ozena?

This pathology affects the mucous membrane in the nose, and as it progresses, it affects the cartilage and bones. Medicine cannot yet name the exact reasons for the development of this disease, but people with underdeveloped frontal sinuses, excessively wide wings of the nose and an expanded facial part of the skull are predisposed to it.

The risk increases with poor nutrition, living in unsanitary conditions, and degeneration of the nasal mucosa, which disintegrates as a result of this process.

Ozena can be eliminated using conservative methods, for example, prescribing suppositories, tampons, and rinsing. Often patients require surgery to correct the shape of the nose. In this case, respiratory functions are completely preserved, but there is constant dryness. As a result, crusts appear that provoke an unpleasant odor. As the disease spreads, the larynx and middle ear are affected.

The smell of ammonia also occurs in the nose with diseases such as parosmia, allergies, sinusitis, and rhinitis. Parosmia is a condition characterized by impaired sense of smell due to various pathologies of the respiratory tract. At the same time, a person smells ammonia or another strong smell, but those around him do not feel it.


Bad breath most often indicates internal problems. You can determine what exactly a person is sick with based on the complex of symptoms that appear. With hyperthyroidism, patients experience a constant feeling of hunger against the background of a sharp weight loss, tachycardia, and a tendency to depression.

You can suspect kidney problems by swelling on the face and frequent urination. Additionally, patients may notice dull spasms in the lumbar region. A characteristic symptom of diabetes is a constant feeling of thirst and pale skin. In children, the pathology is accompanied by other signs:

  • increased fatigue;
  • lethargy;
  • peeling of the skin on the face and elbows.

The smell of ammonia from a child’s mouth may be associated with a lack of vitamin D in the body. In infants, a similar symptom should be associated with poor quality of mother’s milk. In order to identify progressive diseases in time, doctors advise showing the child to the doctor immediately when an alarming symptom appears.

What does the smell tell you?

  • A fishy urine odor is a sure sign of trimethylamine accumulation. The cause may be a rare pathology - trimethylaminuria, but most often it is a bacterial infection. Bacteria produce this substance, which in small concentrations resembles the smell of rotten fish.
  • The pungent smell of acetone or rotten fruit may indicate diabetes, starvation, or severe infectious diseases during which normal glucose metabolism is disrupted.
  • The strong foul smell of rotting vegetables or even rotten eggs can be either a symptom of kidney infections or a consequence of increased consumption of spicy, salty foods, alcohol and asparagus.
  • A strong ammonia smell can be caused by a high concentration of bacteria in the infected organ, dehydration, poor nutrition, etc.
  • A fairly rare problem is a violation of amino acid metabolism, as a result of which the urine takes on the smell of maple syrup. However, this pathology is registered in childhood.


Smell from under the crown of a tooth

A person can independently determine halitosis. There are several methods for diagnosing at home:

  1. Place a small paper napkin under your tongue for a few minutes. After time has passed, the smell of the material is assessed.
  2. Lick the skin on the wrist and after a few seconds evaluate the odor on the test area.
  3. Hands are cupped near the mouth and air is exhaled through the mouth. The quality of exhaled air is assessed by olfactory receptors. Instead of palms, you can use dishes (a plate or glass).

If you notice a stale odor on your breath, you should immediately contact your dentist. He will determine the cause of the violation using a set of diagnostic measures:

  • assessing the symptoms of the disease and the patient’s lifestyle;
  • examination of the oral cavity;
  • gastroscopy;
  • CT and MRI;
  • radiography;
  • stool, blood and urine tests.

The photo shows the gastroscopy procedure

Based on the test results, a consultation with specialized specialists is scheduled: cardiologist, gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, urologist. Instrumental and laboratory diagnostic methods are prescribed depending on the patient’s condition and his complaints.


The real reason for changes in the composition and concentration of urine can only be identified after testing. There is a general, biochemical and bacteriological study. They all differ in principle and purpose:

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  1. A general urine test can reveal the level of leukocytes, the presence of blood and leukocytes in the excreted fluid. This analysis reveals inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system.
  2. Biochemical research gives a detailed picture of the conditions of the kidneys and the level of metabolic substances.
  3. Bacterial culture of urine is necessary to determine the pathogen that caused the pathology. During the study, the sensitivity of microbes to antibiotics is revealed.

If there is a burning sensation in the urethral canal and discharge, a man must undergo smear tests for sexually transmitted diseases. Only after a complete examination can the doctor prescribe the correct treatment.

Ways to eliminate ammonia bad breath

In order to eliminate ammonia odor from the mouth, it is necessary to carry out complex treatment. To combat pathology, drugs and traditional medicine are used. Additionally, patients are advised to adhere to a certain diet.

The selection of medications in each specific case will depend on the disease that caused the bad breath. The problem can also be caused by taking certain groups of medications. In this case, the bad breath will disappear after stopping the course of the drug. If the time of occurrence of halitosis coincides with the start of therapy, then, most likely, bad breath is associated specifically with drug treatment.

List of drugs that may cause an ammonia smell from the mouth:

  • ACTI-5. Prescribed to stimulate appetite in children.
  • Glycine. Used to reduce the symptoms of neurological problems manifested by restless sleep and inability to control emotions.
  • Methionine. The drug is prescribed for diseases of the liver and bile ducts.

When haliosis occurs, special emphasis is also placed on nutrition. A carbohydrate-free protein diet leads to increased stress on the urinary organs. As a result, a bad odor appears from the oral cavity. If there is a suspicion that the causes of the problem are related to nutrition, then the diet is corrected. The menu includes fresh vegetables and fruits, cereals, and vegetarian soups. With normalization of nutrition, bad breath disappears within 3-4 days.

Along with etiological therapy, symptomatic control of pathology is also carried out. To minimize the unpleasant symptom, various aerosols and sprays that freshen breath are used. Such funds include:

  • Hexoral, produced in the form of an aerosol and solution. They rinse the mouth with it 2 times a day, without diluting with water. The duration of the procedure is 30-40 seconds. The aerosol is sprayed into the oral cavity twice a day. The medication is contraindicated in children under 3 years of age and in patients with intolerance to the components of the drug.
  • Stopangin, produced in the form of a spray and solution. Use after meals no more than 2 times a day, regardless of the form of release. The medicine is contraindicated in preschool children and people with pharyngitis.
  • Chlorhexidine. The solution is used to treat the oral cavity in a crushed form (as indicated in the instructions). The drug is prescribed to children with caution.

Signs of halitosis can also be effectively relieved with the help of alternative medicine. There are several recipes used to combat bad breath:

  1. Alcohol tincture of St. John's wort: several tbsp. l. dry raw materials are poured with ½ glass of vodka and left in a dark place for 24 hours. The strained broth is mixed with warm water in a ratio of 30 drops per 200 ml, respectively. Rinse your mouth with the product 2-3 times a day after meals.
  2. Strawberry tincture: 2 tbsp. l. leaves of the plant are boiled in 0.5 liters. water and drink 100 ml before meals.
  3. Oxalis solution: 2-3 tbsp. l. crushed raw materials are brewed in 0.5 liters of boiling water. The product is infused for several hours and used to rinse the mouth 2-3 times a day. Oxalis is famous for its powerful antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects.
  4. Cranberry juice. The drink eliminates bad breath and effectively fights urolithiasis. To prepare the product, take 500 g of berries and squeeze the juice out of them. The cake is transferred to a saucepan and filled with 500 ml of water. The drink is boiled for 3-5 minutes, then drunk in unlimited quantities. To improve the taste of the drink, you can add honey (not sugar).

To eliminate ammonia breath, it is also recommended to drink as much clean water as possible. You need to consume at least 2 liters of fluid per day for an adult and 1.5 liters for a child

What causes the smell of ammonia in the nose?

A smell in the nose can appear due to various reasons, which implies a variety of mechanisms for the occurrence of this symptom. We point out the fact that the feeling of acetone in the nasal cavity is not a problem, but a consequence of the presence of some pathology. The sensation of acetone and ammonia can be caused by many ailments, which we will discuss below.

The first mechanism of action is associated with the development of pathogenic microflora in the nasal cavity. The human mucosa is populated by an abundance of microorganisms. While the immune system is strong, it easily restrains the growth of our single-celled “friends”, preventing them from growing. But when the immune system fails, bacteria begin to actively multiply, producing a huge amount of their own waste products into the nasal cavity. Many of them may smell unpleasant.

  • If the cause of the unpleasant aroma lies in bacteria, then both you and those around you will feel this smell in your nose;
  • If the smell is heard only by you, but others cannot hear it, then there is a disorder of smell. There are many reasons: injuries, abuse of vasoconstrictors, colds, acute respiratory viral infections with a runny nose, and so on.

Acetone breathing from the nose appears in another case - when the concentration of acetone in the blood increases above normal. This occurs only in about 10% of cases, and we will talk about the reasons for this phenomenon further. Most often, when a person complains of the smell of ammonia from the nose, the doctor suspects diseases of the nasal cavity (80%) and oral cavity (10%).

Cases have been recorded when the smell of acetone does not haunt a person all the time, but only in certain situations or at a specific time of day. And sometimes this is nothing more than a hallucination - with brain damage and some mental illnesses this is possible.

When we are talking about a child, it is possible that a foreign body could get into the nose and the body reacts to this aspect in this way. Actually, this can also happen with adults.

We recommend reading: Snot on the back wall of a child.


To prevent this problem, you need to follow several rules:

  • thoroughly clean teeth and soft tissues of the oral cavity from food debris and plaque;
  • do not exhaust the body with diets and therapeutic fasting;
  • give up bad habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • undergo annual preventive examinations;
  • promptly treat infectious and gastroenterological diseases, since they most often lead to halitosis.

Careful oral care, nutritional monitoring and regular preventive examinations with doctors help prevent the occurrence of ammonia breath. Visits to doctors at least once a year allow you to suspect and promptly eliminate problems that provoke the symptom. It is also recommended to test at home to assess the freshness of your breath. If you notice persistent bad breath, you should immediately contact a specialist and undergo all necessary diagnostic measures.

How to get rid of it

Ideally, you need to see a doctor who will prescribe neuroprotectors and vitamin-mineral complexes. To speed up the regeneration of nerve endings, Glycine, which is easily found in every pharmacy, and B vitamins can be used.

The doctor must select the appropriate dosage, taking into account the patient’s complaints.

The ammonia aroma disappears when the infection is completely cleared from the body. This means that the normalization of the sense of smell is a sure sign of final recovery.

If ammonia vapors interfere with eating food that seems foul-smelling, you can switch to fresh foods - potatoes, rice. As a last resort, try protein shakes, which are prepared for athletes from special mixtures, but without flavoring additives or flavorings.

Doctors advise temporarily avoiding foods with strong flavors – in particular:

  • fried meat and poultry;
  • concentrated sauces and marinades;
  • fresh garlic and onions;
  • chocolate;
  • products containing mint and menthol (including chewing gum).

It is also advisable to refrain from visiting stores selling perfumes and household chemicals, construction sites and shopping centers. It is better not to visit baths and saunas because the air is too dry, irritating the nasal mucosa and prolonging its recovery period.

How to remove nasty smells?

Getting rid of the smell of urine can only be achieved if the causes are carefully studied and adequate treatment is prescribed. Among folk remedies, we can recommend any diuretic preparations, drinks made from cranberries, lingonberries, rose hips, horsetail, and knotweed. That is, those herbs and plants that have cleansing, diuretic and anti-inflammatory effects. In addition, the key point in treatment is to adhere to a proper balanced diet, avoiding alcohol, salty, fatty, hot, pickled and spicy foods.

Very smelly stool or gas: This could be lactose intolerance

If your small intestine doesn't have enough of an enzyme called lactase, which can break down milk sugar into lactose, you will experience some form of lactose intolerance. Your small intestine sends undiluted milk sugar into the bloodstream directly into the colon, where it begins to ferment due to gut bacteria. This can cause bloating and thin, smelly stools. It is reported that about 8-10% of people suffer from lactose intolerance. However, this may be different in each and at different intensities.

Why does my vagina smell?

An unpleasant odor from the vagina can most often indicate the presence of an infection: pathogenic microbes tend to emit specific gases that are sources of an unpleasant odor. In infectious diseases, it can be different: putrid, sour, pronounced and weak, often accompanied by itching and burning of the external genitalia. However, sometimes it is the odors of an intimate place that can clearly indicate a problem that is worth seeing a doctor, and every woman should know about this. Therefore, if you have a smelly vagina, it is better not to use home remedies, and the best way to get rid of the bad smell is to make an appointment with a gynecologist!

✘ Note to men! One thing you should never do is tell your girlfriend that her vagina stinks. Women are quite sensitive to their private parts, and if you happen to be so close to your partner's genitals that you can feel their strong smell or nasty taste, then be creative and report your unpleasant discovery in the most delicate manner possible!

Causes of unpleasant odor in intimate areas

Bad vaginal odor is a rather alarming symptom, especially if it is accompanied by other signs of an inflammatory process. However, such an olfactory characteristic is not always a sign of inflammation; in some cases it is associated with metabolic disorders and peculiarities of the endocrine system.

However, the main causes of unpleasant vaginal odor are:

  1. dysbiosis - an imbalance between beneficial and pathogenic bacteria in the vaginal environment; such a condition can form when the protective functions of the mucous membranes are reduced or when favorable conditions are created for the growth and reproduction of pathogenic bacteria;
  2. thrush (affected by a fungal infection of the genus Candida) - with this disease, white curdled discharge with an unpleasant sour odor appears;
  3. gardnerellosis or bacterial vaginosis - infection with gardnerella, the disease is accompanied by a strong putrid fishy smell, “rotten herring” with boiled onions coming from the vagina and panties;
  4. colpitis is an inflammatory reaction that affects the mucous membranes of the vaginal walls and the external genital area; the development of colpitis can be triggered by coccal flora or STDs;
  5. chronic sluggish inflammatory processes in the uterus and appendages, accompanied by slight discharge with garlic and onion odor;
  6. failure to comply with the rules of intimate hygiene of the external genitalia, neglect to regularly clean the folds of skin around the clitoris and labia from accumulated plaque;
  7. Ignoring hygiene procedures after intimacy leads to the smell of sweat and sperm coming from the vagina.

Itching and odor from the vagina always indicate the presence of an infectious inflammatory process. Colpitis and vaginitis are inflammation of the vagina and external genitalia, which occurs in most cases of gynecological diseases. Pathology can be caused by chlamydia, gonococci, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, trichomonas, fungal and viral infections. Nonspecific vaginitis is caused by staphylococcus, streptococcus and Escherichia coli.

Thus, a strong odor from the vagina is an indicator of the active stage of the inflammatory process with a significant predominance of pathogenic flora over beneficial microorganisms. This condition requires immediate treatment as soon as its cause is determined.

Fishy vaginal smell

One of the most common types of discomfort in the intimate area of ​​the weaker sex is the aromas of rancid inhabitants of rivers and reservoirs coming from there. Of course, if you neglect daily hygiene and do not wash the areas between your legs, this may be related to this issue. But girls who are dirty and don’t keep their genitals and anus clean are rare, fortunately for everyone. More often than not, the reason for this confusion is the following.

An unpleasant smell from the vagina, reminiscent of rotten herring fish, may be a sign of vaginal dysbiosis. In addition to the smell, this pathology may be accompanied by a feeling of itching and burning of the external genitalia. Dysbiosis is unpleasant not only due to the presence of a fishy smell and discomfort, it increases the risk of inflammation in the uterus and ovaries, and complicates the course of pregnancy in women.

A strong smell of fish with rotten notes accompanies an acute inflammatory process, affecting not only the genital area, but sometimes also the urinary system. The clinical picture is complemented by such signs as moderate off-white discharge and its accumulation on the vaginal walls. In some cases, women may have a fishy odor from the intimate area without discharge, but most often it is accompanied by this symptom. It occurs due to the excessive development of pathogenic bacteria in the natural microflora of the vagina.

Sour vaginal odor

A bad, sour odor from the vagina may indicate the development of thrush. Active reproduction of a fungal infection of the genus Candida, in addition to a sour odor, is also accompanied by itching and significant white curdled discharge characteristic of this disease.

Why does your vagina smell like onion or garlic?

The smell of onion from the vagina can also be a sign of a fungal disease of the genital organs, and this smell tends to intensify after sexual contact and in case of hormonal imbalance (menstruation, pregnancy, menopause, frequent stressful situations).

The smell of garlic from the vagina may appear in response to the food that a woman eats. This may be food well seasoned with garlic, the smell of which sometimes leaves the body along with sweat and other secretory fluids. This doesn't mean you have to skip your favorite foods—just wash them down with plenty of liquid. Also, the smell of garlic can be a consequence of the same bacterial vaginosis, when the total number of lactobacilli in the vaginal environment drops sharply and there is a danger of the growth of pathogenic flora. Due to “harmful” bacteria, a characteristic odor appears, as well as cloudy intimate discharge with a thick and sticky consistency.

Sometimes these symptoms can be significantly pronounced and with the slightest violation of hygiene, the smell of garlic or spoiled onions from the panties becomes very noticeable. To get rid of it, you need to undergo examination and treatment prescribed by a gynecologist.

Rotten smell from vagina

Why does an unpleasant smell, such as rotten meat, come from an intimate area? A putrid odor from the vagina may be a sign of gardnerellosis - an acute inflammatory process in the genitourinary area, provoked by the vaginal anaerobic bacterium gardnerella. In large quantities, Gardnerella causes specific symptoms: dirty white soft discharge covering the vaginal walls. The smell of rotten fish is due to the fact that gardnerella is capable of producing proteolytic enzymes, which, interacting with proteins, contribute to the creation of polyamines that decompose into putrescine and cadaverine, sources of the “rotten” smell. This disease can be easily treated if treated in a timely manner.

By the way, one of the most common signs of bacterial vaginosis is a herring smell from the vagina. There may be no additional symptoms for this pathology, but laboratory smear and culture tests clearly indicate the presence of a large amount of opportunistic flora and a decrease in the number of beneficial microorganisms - lactobacilli and bacilli.

"Urine" odor in an intimate area

The smell of urine from the vagina occurs during frequent stressful situations, with excessive emotionality and excess weight in a woman. This condition is called “stress incontinence,” or “stress incontinence,” and is characterized by involuntary leakage of fluid from the bladder during exercise, laughing, sex, coughing, or any activity that may increase intra-abdominal pressure. This pathology, of course, can be corrected by contacting our gynecologist.

Often, the unpleasant odor of urine from the vagina is a sign of an imbalance in the microflora of the genital organs. The proliferation of pathogenic bacteria, primarily pathogenic ureaplasmas, on the mucous membrane and their vital processes lead to the fact that intimate areas begin to smell like stale urine.


✔ A sweet smell from the vagina is usually not considered a pathology and can be a consequence of eating a large amount of sweet fruits (not sweets and baked goods, but fruits). If the appearance of a sweet smell still bothers you, take a smear and bacteriological examination of the smear to exclude a possible infection.

✔ The smell of iron from the vagina may indicate the presence of blood in the discharge. This occurs during menstruation, or during cervical erosion, when the structure of the epithelial tissue is disrupted and characteristic ulcers appear on the mucous membrane. The discharge in such cases is practically no different from normal, however, after sexual intercourse, a brownish liquid can sometimes be detected. The smell of blood from the vagina can also intensify after sex: this is due to trauma to the damaged mucous membrane. To find out the cause of the smell of iron and blood, you need to contact a gynecologist.

✔ If the vagina smells like acetone, this suggests diabetes. With this pathology, a large number of ketone bodies accumulate in the tissues, which cause the smell of acetone. If you suspect a disease, you need to donate blood for sugar and consult an endocrinologist. But diabetes is not the only possible cause of an acetone odor from the vagina; they may also be:

  • lack of fluid, violation of the drinking regime, which increases the concentration of urine and the appearance of a characteristic odor;
  • a diet with a predominant consumption of protein foods and limited carbohydrates;
  • metabolic disorders, hormonal and metabolic disorders.

✔ The smell of sperm from the vagina, if it is not associated with recent sexual intercourse, may indicate a change in the composition of the microflora. If it is not accompanied by irritation of the genital mucosa, it does not pose a danger to the woman’s health. However, to correct the balance of the vaginal environment, it is still necessary to prevent further aggravation of the situation. Sometimes a 5-7-day course of treatment is enough to completely restore the disturbed vaginal microflora.

✔ During the postpartum period, a woman usually has vaginal discharge similar to menstruation. Over the course of 1-1.5 months, the nature of the discharge changes: it becomes noticeably lighter until it becomes completely transparent. Such discharge does not have a pronounced and unpleasant odor and does not give any unpleasant sensations. If you are not sure that vaginal odor during pregnancy and after childbirth is within normal limits, do not hesitate: consult a doctor!

✔ What does the vagina smell like after sex? The appearance of an unpleasant odor from the intimate area after sex is always associated with waste products of microorganisms. Microbes can enter the vaginal cavity along with the sperm of the sexual partner, or the woman’s natural balance of beneficial and pathogenic flora is simply disrupted. Male sperm is an excellent biological environment for microorganisms; for this reason, an unpleasant odor from the vagina appears directly during or after sexual contact.

Smell of fish

While the properties of urine after eating asparagus were a natural consequence of metabolism, urine that has a fishy odor, although physically harmless, may be a more burdensome illness.

Trimethylaminuria (TMA), also known as fish odor syndrome, is a rare metabolic disorder in which the body lacks the FMO3 enzyme. This compound is involved in the conversion of trimethylamine, which is found, for example, in fish. When FMO3 is deficient or impaired, the body cannot break down TMA. Excess substance is excreted in the urine and then found in saliva.

Fish odor syndrome

For unknown reasons, the disease is more common in women. Scientists suspect that female sex hormones such as progesterone and estrogen worsen symptoms.

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