Odors and pregnancy: why does a pregnant woman become sensitive to odors and what to do about it?

“I realized that I was pregnant even before the delay. Because everything around suddenly began to SMELL. People in the subway, dogs on the street, myself. I could smell the smell of smoke 200 meters away, and gasoline 500 meters away. And that would have been fine, but all these smells made me feel sick.”

Many pregnant women notice that not only their perception of completely ordinary and long-familiar smells has changed, but also their attitude towards them. Your favorite perfume makes you feel sick, and your husband’s sweaty feet make themselves known long before they appear in sight.

Why is this happening? Why does pregnant women have such a heightened sense of smell?

Doctors do not have a consensus on this issue. Here are the most common explanations for this phenomenon.

1. Hormonal changes in the body affect the perception of odors. The hormone progesterone, necessary to maintain pregnancy, is synthesized by three endocrine glands at once: the ovaries, the placenta and the adrenal cortex. And its level in the blood must be high enough for the pregnancy to be successful. Progesterone, among other things, determines nutritional deficiencies in the mother’s body and builds a program to eliminate these deficiencies. And smells are markers of the attractiveness or unattractiveness of certain substances for the pregnant woman’s body. So, with a lack of calcium, a woman wants to eat chalk (and she finds the smell of chalk very pleasant). In parallel with this, a protection program is launched - so that the woman does not eat something that is harmful to her, or is not near a source of danger (does not breathe in fumes of toxic substances, for example). Therefore, aversion appears to some odors: it is these substances that the body considers unnecessary and harmful for a woman and her growing baby at this particular moment.

But this does not explain why sometimes an expectant mother is drawn to sniff gasoline, asphalt, acetone and other harmful and even toxic substances. Therefore, let's move on to the next point:

2. When there are hidden metabolic disorders in a woman’s body, the command of progesterone changes, and instead of searching for substances that cover the deficiency, the opposite happens. Since in our time almost all products are produced using chemicals, we breathe exhaust fumes, and drink water from bottles, the human body loses its orientation in all this variety of chemicals, and the system for monitoring what is safe and what is not gets confused.

So is it possible to focus on the body’s signals regarding what a woman wants and what she doesn’t? When should the body be trusted, and when can it be dangerous?

Of course it is possible. But with some caution. Because there is another reason for changes in sensitivity to odors during pregnancy.

3. According to some reports, aversion to the smells of certain products or substances arises not only because of the product itself, but also because of how this product subsequently behaves in the body of this particular woman. For example, if she has problems digesting animal protein, then the smell of meat will become unpleasant to her, if there is a deficiency of iron and protein, which this meat can give her. But the body knows that the intestines cannot obtain the substances necessary for a woman and her unborn child from meat, so it “turns on aversion” to the smell of this product.

Knowing that he would now do more harm than good.

Popular questions

Hello, I have been experiencing discharge with an unpleasant fishy odor, especially during sexual intercourse.
I tried pimafucin suppositories, there were no results, please tell me what to do? Hello! To clarify the diagnosis, I recommend conducting an examination - analysis of femoflora screening 12, which will clarify the cause of bacterial vaginosis. Before receiving the test result, you can begin treatment by using Elzhina complex suppositories for 6 days in combination with Gynocomfort gel with tea tree oil. The obtained result will allow you to adjust the treatment.

Will the smell disappear if I use GINOCOMFORT?

To eliminate odor in the genital tract, Gynocomfort gel with tea tree oil is suitable. In addition to anti-inflammatory components, it also contains lactic acid, which will increase the number of lactobacilli and will optimize the pH environment in the genital tract.

Good evening. I have discharge with an unpleasant odor, which gets worse after intercourse. Could this be Gardnerellosis? And how to treat?

Hello! First of all, you should see an obstetrician-gynecologist and undergo an examination to determine the exact cause and identify pathogenic microflora. This will help you correctly draw up a treatment and recovery plan. While waiting for results, you can start using Gynocomfort gel with tea tree oil, which will have an anti-inflammatory effect and speed up the healing process. The gel is applied once a day for 14 days.

Hello, Oksana! I developed a very strong vaginal odor. There’s simply no time to go to the hospital. Please suggest an effective treatment, suppositories, tablets, etc. Thank you in advance.

A change in the smell of discharge from the genital tract can accompany a number of diseases from bacterial vaginosis to specific inflammation. Therefore, it is not possible to recommend a universal remedy without conducting an examination aimed at identifying the pathogen and conducting an examination to clarify the prevalence of the process. The use of Gynocomfort gel with tea tree oil will help improve your well-being and prevent the spread of inflammation until the results of examinations are received, as well as speed up the healing process. The product is used 1 dose 1 time per day for 7-14 days as needed. For an accurate diagnosis, contact a specialist

What to do with all this? To listen to the body or not to listen?

Problems with the perception of odors usually indicate the very nutritional deficiencies that the mechanism triggered by progesterone is designed to look for. A detailed biochemical blood test will show if something is missing.

Look at which natural products contain the vitamins and microelements you need, perhaps they are what you are drawn to, and it is their smell that is most attractive to you.

If not, if you don’t even want to look at foods rich in the substances you need, but the smell alone makes you feel sick or turn you inside out, don’t rush to start stuffing this product into yourself. Look for the necessary substances in other products whose smell and taste will be pleasant to you.

Let's consider all of the above in a specific situation. A woman does not have enough calcium in her body. A sign of this may be an unhealthy craving for sweets. Paradoxically, it is calcium that is used to break down sugar (sucrose) in the gastrointestinal tract. Here is the same example when the body “confused” what is useful for it and what is not. Cottage cheese and dairy products are considered the best sources of calcium, but a pregnant woman cannot even look at them, let alone eat them. We are looking for other sources of calcium, among which sesame and poppy seeds come first. Sesame paste with Jerusalem artichoke syrup (a healthy sugar substitute that does not require calcium for digestion) is an excellent source of calcium and a wonderful treat.

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Why does my vagina smell sour?

Sometimes patients complain of vaginal discharge with the smell of sour milk. The genital tract is inhabited by lactobacilli, which create an acidic pH environment in the vagina. Therefore, a sour odor may appear in the intimate area as a result of the activity of lactobacilli.

Normally, the sour aroma goes away on its own 2-3 days after it appears. To remove the odor, hygiene procedures with intimate gel are used. If the sour aroma remains, you need to seek help from a gynecologist.

It is very important to pay attention to the presence of other alarming symptoms:

  • burning;
  • itching in the perineum;
  • swelling of the labia;
  • unusual discharge from the genitals;
  • redness of the external genitalia.

Often the cause of a sour aroma is candidiasis, which develops as a result of the proliferation of Candida fungi. With this disease, the patient experiences a cheesy discharge.

How can you make your life easier if smells make you feel unwell?

Let's break all the smells into several categories. Let us immediately note that non-acceptance of certain odors may indicate a problem, or it may not indicate anything. Therefore, you should not look for difficulties where there are none. For example, it is often said that aversion to the smell of some people indicates a bad attitude towards them. This is wrong. After childbirth, your sense of smell returns to its previous level, and many of the smells that you felt during pregnancy simply cease to be felt.

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Why does vaginal discharge smell “fishy”?

When visiting a gynecologist, women often complain of a fishy odor from the genital tract. The fishy aroma intensifies during sexual contact and the use of intimate hygiene products. Most often, this symptom is associated with the development of gardnerellosis.

The gardnerella bacterium is part of the normal microflora of the vagina. When favorable conditions are created, it begins to actively multiply, causing inflammation in the genitourinary organs. The smell appears as a result of the interaction of bacterial growth products with sperm proteins.

Optimal conditions for the development of gardnerellosis are created in the presence of the following risk factors:

  • weakening of the immune system;
  • changes in hormonal levels during menopause;
  • frequent miscarriages, medical abortions and curettage;
  • disturbance of intestinal microflora;
  • failure to comply with the rules of genital hygiene;
  • frequent douching;
  • refusal of condoms, frequent change of partners.

A bad fishy odor is also observed with chronic thrush. The cause of this disease is the activation of fungi of the genus Candida.

Both diseases are accompanied by a change in pH balance, which also leads to the appearance of a rotten fish aroma. This symptom cannot be ignored, since diseases tend to progress.

Why does the vagina smell of semen?

After unprotected sex, the aroma of seminal fluid may remain in the genitals for several days. This is a normal condition for a healthy woman. However, the appearance of such a symptom without sexual intercourse indicates a disturbance in the composition of the microflora. This condition is not dangerous for reproductive health, but correction of the vaginal microflora is necessary.

There are cases when the aroma of semen is accompanied by irritation of the mucous membranes of the vulva and uterus. Such symptoms are a clear sign of infection. Therefore, you need to contact a gynecologist to make a diagnosis and prescribe therapy.

When should you see a doctor?

If the color or consistency of the discharge changes or if there is an unpleasant odor, consult a doctor. You should also consult a doctor if you experience itching or pain when urinating. Watery or bloody discharge may mean your water is breaking or you have a mucus plug. If you are less than 37 weeks pregnant, this may indicate the onset of preterm labor. In this case, you should consult a doctor at the first symptoms. If at any point during your pregnancy you experience vaginal bleeding (more than minor spotting), see your doctor or call an ambulance right away.

Why does urine smell bad?

If a woman's perineum smells like urine, it may be due to poor hygiene. However, the true reason often lies in the psychological state of the patient. Stress, anxiety, and a woman’s internal complexes can cause nervous disorders and disrupt the functioning of the genitourinary system. Against the background of such conditions, stress urinary incontinence develops.

Urine leakage can also be caused by pelvic organ prolapse. This condition often develops during menopause due to decreased estrogen production. A lack of sex hormones causes weakening of the pelvic floor muscles and prolapse of the bladder. This pathology is more often observed in obese women.

In both cases, urine involuntarily leaks from the bladder during physical and emotional stress. Small portions of it can penetrate the vagina when coughing, sneezing, sports activities, or emotional activity. The joint work of a gynecologist and a urologist will help solve the problem.

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