Healing ointment for lips: names, composition, indications and contraindications

Healing lip ointment is a product that helps restore sensitivity and tenderness of the skin. Preparations that have healing properties, regenerate damaged cells well, help eliminate burning sensations and dryness. In addition, many products care for the epithelium of the lips, making them velvety and soft.

Features of the problem

Healing lip ointment has a beneficial effect when ulcers appear due to traumatic exposure. It helps in cases where problems with the skin of the lips begin due to biting soft tissues, improper brushing of teeth, colds, and herpes.

Damage to the lips most often occurs for the following reasons:

  • dry indoor air;
  • habit of licking and biting lips;
  • allergies to cosmetics, hygiene products and all kinds of drugs;
  • dryness of the epithelium due to unfavorable natural conditions;
  • deficiency of vitamins and microelements;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • mechanical damage to the lips.

Using only ointment for lip problems is not enough. It is important to find out the cause of the formation of wounds and cracks on the skin and eliminate it.

Why do lips dry out?

Dry lips occur due to several factors, such as:

  • dry or windy weather;
  • frequent stress;
  • habit of licking lips;
  • taking medications that affect the functioning of the salivary glands and muscles around the mouth;
  • increased body temperature during illness;
  • intoxication processes;
  • allergic reaction to cosmetics;
  • diabetes;
  • kidney diseases;
  • bad habits.

Lips often become dry in people who are on diets or follow a vegetarian diet. In such cases, the condition of the lips worsens due to a deficiency of fat-soluble vitamins, which are found in foods of animal origin.

What is suitable for healing

When choosing lip products, you need to pay attention to certain points. Firstly, the ointment must contain components that create a protective layer and retain moisture. These include beeswax and paraffin.

It is ideal if the composition contains hydrants, that is, substances that attract and retain moisture. These include coconut oil, hyaluronic acid, propylene glycol and so on. Secondly, for those who are often exposed to sunlight, experts advise using products with an SPF factor. And it is also important to give preference to preparations with vitamin complexes, oils and plant extracts.

Ointment "Solcoseryl"

Healing ointment for lips "Solcoseryl" is a complex product that accelerates cell regeneration processes. The main active ingredient is hemoderivat, that is, the blood of calves. Proteins are removed from it in the laboratory. This processing method makes it possible to preserve biological properties and at the same time eliminate the risk of prions (microscopic protein causative agents of dangerous ailments).

Hemodrivat is part of the group of activators of regeneration processes. Thanks to it, the process of cell reproduction and division is accelerated, so the skin is restored much faster. The substance participates in cell metabolic processes, stimulates the transport of oxygen, glucose and other nutrients.

Solcoseryl healing lip ointment contains:

  • hemodialysate;
  • cholesterol, which is used to create cell membranes;
  • cetyl alcohol, which saturates the skin with moisture and retains it even in deep layers;
  • Vaseline, which acts as an auxiliary component and forms a protective layer on the lips.

The main contraindication to the use of the product is hypersensitivity to the components. The ointment is safe to use and has no contraindications for age. It can be used by pregnant and lactating women.

Ointment "Bepanten"

Ointment for cracked lips with a healing effect “Bepanten” effectively combats the problem. The main active ingredient is multivitamin B5, which helps restore cells, moisturizes and nourishes the skin. The product has no side effects, and its use eliminates herpes.

If we talk about other beneficial properties of the ointment, the following should be highlighted:

  • normalization of metabolic processes in cells, which strengthens collagen fibers and activates mitosis;
  • rapid absorption into the skin and immediate effect, so the regeneration process begins immediately;
  • moisturizing, thanks to which the skin does not flake and looks healthy;
  • the ability to treat the mucous surface;
  • providing an anti-inflammatory effect, which eliminates redness and swelling;
  • possibility of use by pregnant women and children, since most of the components of the product are natural;
  • lack of toxic effects, because all elements are excreted in urine and feces.

The use of Bepanten ointment is prohibited in case of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Cracks on lips


Modern dentistry is more than a medical institution.
Aesthetic services are consistently in demand among our patients. Teeth whitening and professional cleaning, installing sky bridges and straightening the smile line with veneers - all this is what our patients choose to look beautiful, young and well-groomed. At the same time, we, doctors, believe that true beauty always goes hand in hand with health. Today we want to talk about such a pressing problem as the appearance of cracks on the lips in the spring. The skin on the lips is thin and vulnerable, it does not have sebaceous glands, which means there is no fatty film that would protect against cold, heat or wind. Sometimes with the onset of spring, cracks appear on the lips. Probably every woman has encountered this phenomenon. Cracks spoil the appearance, cause inconvenience, interfere with a natural and open smile, causing discomfort. Today's UniDent article is about what causes them, how to prevent them and how to cure them at home yourself.

Why do cracked lips appear in spring?

The fact is that the delicate skin of the lips reacts to temperature changes, which are frequent during the changing seasons. In addition, spring vitamin deficiency plays a role, especially deficiency of vitamins A and E.

The skin of the lips also reacts to bad habits - smoking, love of strong coffee and salty foods.

In addition, some people have the habit of frequently licking their lips. Saliva, which contains enzymes and acids, also irritates and dries out the lips.

Dry, cracked lips can indicate certain diseases, such as diabetes. Therefore, if the cracks do not go away for a long time, it is better to consult a doctor.

If there are no diseases, but your lips are still cracking, you can try to cope with this problem yourself.

Preventing chapped lips

To protect your lips from the vagaries of the weather in spring, before going outside, you need to lubricate them with a protective balm or hygienic lipstick. The composition of such a product should be natural and include beeswax or vegetable wax, lanolin. These substances create a protective film.

Vitamins C and B12, as well as sun protection factor, will also help. It is better to choose a lipstick or gloss that contains these ingredients and renew the layer regularly.

It’s a good idea to nourish your skin with vitamins not only from the outside, but also to ensure they are supplied with food. To do this, you need to eat natural products, not fast food. The more varied the diet, the better for the skin. If you have to go on a diet, you can pick up a vitamin complex for yourself at the pharmacy.

Lip skin restoration

But what to do if there are already cracks? Engage in skin restoration and do everything for their speedy healing.

Those who are not allergic to honey can try honey masks. It takes a minimum of time. Just apply honey on your lips and wait 10 minutes - that's all. It’s even better if you apply this mask at night. Of course, not in a thick layer, but simply after applying the mask, walk around for a short time, then dry your lips a little with a napkin and, most importantly, do not wash off the mask completely.

A mixed mask - honey with olive oil - is useful and nutritious. This mixture can also be left overnight according to the same rules. The effect will be noticeable, the cracks will heal quickly.

It’s a good idea to lubricate your lips with oil alone, this will also benefit the skin.

A salt compress before bed is suitable for care. Dissolve half a teaspoon of sea salt in a glass of water, moisten a cotton swab with this mixture and press it to your lips for 5 - 10 minutes. Then apply oil or rich cream.

Regular care will help get rid of unpleasant cracks in the skin of your lips, look well-groomed and make your smile healthy and beautiful.

We wish you to smile joyfully and enjoy your health every spring day!

With love, UniDent.

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Boro Plus ointment

If there is a wound on the lip, Boro Plus healing ointment can help. It has an antiseptic and healing effect, and also has a positive effect on the epidermis. It is based on natural herbal ingredients:

  • ginger;
  • aloe;
  • tulasi;
  • sandalwood;
  • neem leaves.

Such herbs can soothe the skin, prevent damage to all kinds of diseases and moisturize. The ointment contains no antibiotics or hormones. It does not cause addiction or allergic reactions, therefore it is completely safe. In addition, this makes it possible to use it for children.

There are several types of this ointment. The pink product contains turmeric, vetiver, aloe, tulsi and sandalwood. Green cream is distinguished by the presence of kapur kachari. Additional components include:

  • natural fragrances;
  • water;
  • lanolin;
  • talc;
  • dimethicone;
  • paraffin.

This healing ointment for lips after herpes contains a unique tulsi component. It is a powerful antiseptic agent. The product fights bacteria, moisturizes and nourishes the skin.

It is worth noting that this healing ointment for dry lips may be contraindicated only in case of individual intolerance to one of the components of the drug. Side effects include peeling, hives, rashes, redness, burning and itching.

Treatment of dermatitis

Treatment of dermatitis is a whole range of measures, including therapeutic and physiotherapeutic procedures with the prescription of general and local medications (creams, ointments). The main goal of therapy is to eliminate disturbing symptoms (itching, burning, rashes) and prevent secondary infections. Overall success in treatment is possible only with strict adherence to medical recommendations.

Dermatitis must be treated individually in each specific case. Sometimes it is enough to eliminate contact with the irritant. In difficult cases, drug therapy is selected with the prescription of local agents and antihistamines.[3]

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