Recovery after plastic surgery – speeding up and strengthening the WOW effect!

Rehabilitation after plastic surgery

- an important stage of aesthetic transformation, which requires time and collaboration between the patient and the plastic surgeon. When recovery after surgery needs to be accelerated, for example, on the eve of an important event or going out, a cosmetologist can come to the rescue. An esthetician knows:

  • how to relieve swelling after blepharoplasty;
  • how to get rid of bruises after body liposculpture;
  • how to get rid of visible scars after surgery
  • ...and many other beauty secrets ;)

We found out which beauty procedures will make the recovery process after plastic surgery on the face and body faster and more comfortable and have prepared this review for you.
During recovery after mammoplasty, facelift, blepharoplasty and other operations, it is important to follow all the surgeon’s recommendations

, consult with a doctor about procedures and care programs, do not forget about
follow-up examinations
. In combination with proper nutrition (proteins, antioxidants, enough clean water), rest, quitting smoking and alcohol (at least temporarily) - recovery in itself is faster. In some cases, the plastic surgeon prescribes additional medications - painkillers, a course of antibiotic therapy - so that recovery after plastic surgery is comfortable and without complications.

The restorative course of beauty treatments that we offer to our patients allows us to achieve the following results:

  • get rid of swelling and bruises in a short time;
  • reduce pain and discomfort;
  • improve skin quality and its ability to regenerate;
  • get rid of scars after surgery or make them less noticeable.

Rehabilitation after plastic surgery: why do we need special recovery programs?

You can find out more about recovery after mammoplasty, liposculpture and other aesthetic interventions on our website, and in more detail - at an appointment with a plastic surgeon

Hematomas and swelling after surgery, unfortunately, are inevitable. The minimum period required for tissue restoration after blepharoplasty and facelift is 14-30 days.
Rehabilitation after body surgery usually lasts 2 times longer. Of course, much depends on the specifics of the surgical intervention and the individual characteristics of the body.
Each patient always has a choice: to undergo an additional rehabilitation course or not. However, it is important to understand that rehabilitation programs are not only aimed at reducing rehabilitation or reducing pain. Electrostatic and lymphatic drainage massage, ultraphonophoresis and injection procedures have a beneficial effect on the skin at the cellular level. The restoration course is an excellent solution for those who strive for the best aesthetic result, want to take care of their skin and begin rehabilitation after plastic surgery with self-care, which is necessary to consolidate the impressive effect!

Physiological edema

Swelling of the legs can be caused by physiological reasons, that is, be a consequence of special circumstances affecting a healthy body, and not a manifestation of a disease. These reasons include:

  • salty food. Salt binds water. And if you eat a lot of salty foods, especially at night, you may notice swelling in the morning;
  • alcohol. Alcohol also retains water. Therefore, after drinking alcohol, a person looks puffy. The problems are not limited to the face; the legs can also swell;
  • hot weather. In the heat, blood vessels dilate as the body tries to normalize heat exchange. More blood flow means the risk of congestion and swelling in the legs increases;
  • prolonged sitting or standing. If the legs are in one position for a long time, the blood stagnates in them, which leads to swelling. The worst thing is to sit with your legs crossed. Standing in one place for a long time is also not useful. Swelling of the legs is typical for people in standing professions - hairdressers, salesmen, cooks;
  • uncomfortable shoes. If shoes disrupt normal blood circulation in the foot (high heels, narrow arches, tight straps), wearing them will lead to swelling.

Rehabilitation after facial plastic surgery

Rehabilitation after a facelift (facelift), liposculpture and blepharoplasty is individual, but as practice shows, tissue restoration takes 2-3 weeks

During this period, bruises
and slight
, which increases
2-3 days
after surgery. Pain usually does not bother you and does not interrupt you from rest and daily activities; it can be reduced with the help of mild painkillers prescribed by your plastic surgeon. There is no need to worry about scars after a facelift and blepharoplasty - they are hidden in the natural folds of the skin or under the hair, and over time they will become invisible. If, during recovery after facial plastic surgery, a patient has an individual tendency towards hypertrophic, keloid, atrophic scars or the tissue healing process does not go entirely smoothly, cryodestruction of the scar, lipofilling or injection cosmetology comes to the rescue. Plastic surgeons at the Pirogov Clinic are always in touch with their patients. The key to successful recovery after facial plastic surgery is to follow all the doctor’s recommendations: for a while you need to give up warm baths, solariums, alcohol and smoking.

Mesotherapy with IAL-system

The timing is a few days before surgery or in the late postoperative period (2.5-3 weeks after surgery).

The biorevitalization technique consists of intradermal injection of low molecular weight hyaluronic acid - the drug IAL-System. Thanks to this procedure, regenerative processes in the skin are stimulated, deep hydration occurs, skin turgor and elasticity are restored, microcirculation is activated, and the skin has an antioxidant effect.

Carrying out the procedure several days before surgery can significantly reduce tissue trauma during surgery and shorten the recovery period after surgery.

Facial lymphatic drainage

How to relieve swelling after blepharoplasty or facelift, and also get rid of bruises after surgery?

lymphatic drainage
will best cope with this task . This is a soft and painless procedure, the essence of which is manual or hardware impact on the skin in the direction of lymph flow.

A course of electrostatic and microcurrent drainage can be started 2-3 days after facial plastic surgery

- in accordance with the recommendations of the plastic surgeon.
Most often, to achieve the desired effect (quickly relieve swelling after blepharoplasty, get rid of bruises, tone the skin), 3 procedures
For those who strive for excellent results and want to take care of their skin, we recommend a course of 5 procedures

The effect of lymphatic drainage massage after blepharoplasty / facelift

  • Tones the skin, improving blood and lymph circulation;
  • Restores normal metabolism of nutrients in soft tissues;
  • Improves the skin's ability to regenerate;
  • Lifting the skin and muscle layer;
  • Fights wrinkles;
  • Models beautiful facial contours;
  • Strengthens the effect of comprehensive facial rejuvenation;
  • It has a general stimulating effect on blood vessels and epidermal cells and, as a result, quickly relieves swelling.

A course of restorative procedures after plastic surgery on the face reduces the recovery time by 2 times!

This means that after just 1 week, the visible consequences of surgery (swelling and bruising) will be barely noticeable or disappear completely, and your skin will look healthy and well-groomed.

Read more about the cost of a recovery course after plastic surgery

Reasons for appearance

Any plastic correction on the face involves tissue injury during the work. The difference lies in the volume of injured tissue - for example, with a circular lift, more incisions are made than with a thread lift. Even safe ultrasonic SMAS lifting destroys and damages tissue in the deep layers.

When tissues are damaged, as a response to traumatic effects, new volumes of interstitial fluid begin to be produced, which promotes healing and restoration of blood vessels, lymphatic channels and other systems at the site of the damaged ones. Visually it looks like swelling. The face is more prone to swelling than other parts of the body, especially in the area around the eyes, since these areas contain the thinnest tissues in which fluid can more easily accumulate.

The area around the eyes is especially prone to puffiness.

Rehabilitation after liposculpture

Body liposculpture allows you to instantly get rid of “fat traps”, recreate an athletic profile and compensate for the lack of soft tissue volume (enlarge your breasts, buttocks). Liposculpture includes liposuction and lipofilling and is a minimally invasive operation (without incisions), since the surgeon performs all manipulations with a special cannula through small punctures in the skin. Our clinic has installed the latest vibration liposuction device PAL Liposculptor

, which makes such a serious and complex operation as gentle as possible - it eliminates damage to blood vessels, extensive hematomas, and bumps on the skin.
However, rehabilitation after liposculpture of the body cannot be called simple, especially if the plastic surgeon worked on more than 2 zones. After the operation, it is important to wear compression garments
, temporarily give up sports training (later it is not only possible to return to it, but it is highly desirable - to consolidate the result) and follow other doctor’s recommendations.

Compression underwear

After some surgeries, such as mammoplasty, breast lift, breast reduction, abdominoplasty and liposuction, it is necessary to wear compression garments. This measure helps control the inevitable postoperative swelling, maintains a state of rest in the surgical area, relieves stress on postoperative scars, and also accelerates their maturation and prevents expansion.

Effect of lymphatic drainage after liposculpture

  • Tones the skin and muscles, improving blood and lymph circulation;
  • Restores normal metabolism of nutrients in soft tissues;
  • Improves the skin's ability to regenerate;
  • Fights cellulite;
  • Models slender and toned figure contours;
  • Relieves swelling and bruising;
  • Promotes rapid healing of cannula marks;
  • Helps consolidate and improve the results of body contouring surgery.

After body liposculpture, a course of 5-8 procedures or more is recommended so that you can evaluate the result and return to an active life as soon as possible.

Pressotherapy using the Pressoprogram device

The technique is aimed at combining physiological tissue drainage and massage. This effect helps normalize lymphatic drainage and blood circulation, get rid of swelling, increase skin elasticity and improve overall well-being. Huge boots, resembling jackboots, are put on the patient’s feet, and a wide belt is placed on the stomach and hips. The pressotherapy device is equipped with a special computer, with the help of which a specialist selects a treatment program for each specific zone. Compressed air begins to flow into the “clothes”, which provides a delicate but intense massage.

When can injections be given?

PRP therapy (plasmolifting)

Skin restoration after plastic surgery on the face is facilitated by PRP therapy (plasmolifting)

Swiss plasma lifting RegenLab
is today considered the “gold standard” and one of the world leaders in injection cosmetology. Facelift (surgical facelift) eliminates deep wrinkles and ptosis of the face, but in itself it does not affect the quality of the skin. PRP therapy (plasmolifting) saturates the skin with platelets, triggering at the cellular level the processes necessary for rejuvenation from the inside (stimulates the synthesis of its own collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid).

Do plasma lifting

it is possible already
3-4 weeks
after plastic surgery, sometimes earlier - it depends on the specifics of the surgical intervention, the recommendations of the plastic surgeon and cosmetologist.

PRP therapy
works well with facial lipofilling
, as platelet-rich plasma improves cell survival.

Gymnastics for the joint

From this moment it is time to begin to develop the operated joint. There is a set of special exercises. At first, gymnastics can be extremely unpleasant, but it is necessary. By the time the pain goes away, the joint will become immobile, and no set of exercises will be able to help. It is best to do exercises when treating foot deformities under the supervision of a rehabilitation physician and with his help (at least at first).

Get an online consultation

right now.


How to relieve leg swelling caused by heat

The best medicine in this case is gravity. Arriving home and throwing away the shoes that have become a vice, it is enough to lie down and place your feet higher (at a minimum - on several pillows, at a maximum - against the wall).

When it becomes easier to move, you need to take a shower. Ideally, a contrasting one that trains blood vessels, but you can limit yourself to just cool. In this case, you should direct the pressure to the feet: such a hydromassage will restore blood circulation.

You can disperse the fluid with light exercises: pulling the toe towards you and away from you, rotating your feet, squatting. But if you don’t have the strength to do this, and your legs hurt, it’s better not to torture them.

Foot baths are also useful. Even plain water will provide relief, but you can enhance the effects with additives. This could be sea salt or herbal infusions. Compresses made from cabbage leaves or bandages soaked in a decoction of birch leaves improve the condition of the limbs.

Why do feet swell during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, the outflow of fluid is often disrupted. This is explained by large-scale changes occurring in the body:

  • weight gain;
  • changes in hormonal levels;
  • compression of the inferior vena cava by the enlarging uterus;
  • decreased mobility;
  • diet correction.

In most cases, swelling is considered as a variant of the physiological norm. There is no need to resort to drug treatment; it is enough to keep the situation under control. However, the spread of edema throughout the body can result in serious pathologies, such as preeclampsia.

The expectant mother should monitor the dynamics of the increase in calf circumference, blood pressure and the ratio of fluid consumed and excreted. The kidneys experience increased stress during pregnancy, so at the first alarming symptoms it is better to be examined by a nephrologist.

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