How the T4A trainer works, design features, indications for use


A special device made of transparent polyurethane or elastic silicone, designed to correct bite pathologies, is called a trainer in medical practice.

The intended purpose of this dental device is to reduce the tone of the muscles of the oral cavity, correct positioning of the tongue, and improve diction when speaking..

Thanks to regular wearing, pathologies are corrected, and the muscles get used to working in a new mode, consolidating the achieved effect over time.

What it is?

The T4A trainer and its modifications allow patients over 10 years of age and adults to straighten teeth without the need for expensive braces without any serious limitations.

The device was developed for people with permanent dentition . Unlike braces, trainers do not require constant wearing, do not harm tooth enamel, and do not interfere with oral hygiene.


People prone to allergies can successfully use this device because only non-toxic, hypoallergenic materials were used in its production.

The device is a two-jaw mouth guard made of durable super-elastic polyurethane. Due to the softness of this material and the availability of a sufficient number of standard sizes and shapes, the patient does not require expensive adjustments.

Its design necessarily contains the following elements :

  • recesses for teeth;
  • arches for lips from the outside;
  • a special recess where the tongue is inserted;
  • tongue limiter;
  • lip bumper.

The adult trainer differs from the children's trainer only in the extension in the rear section to support teeth No. 7.


Each orthodontic device has its own color - blue or red, in other versions blue (or green) and pink, which indicates the degree of rigidity of the trainer .

Correction of malocclusion pathology is carried out in stages: first, a softer blue device is used, and then a hard red one is

Depending on the hardness of the material, the following types are distinguished :

  • The initial blue appliance is made of a material with excellent adaptation to different curvatures of the dentition.
    Helps eliminate functional problems of the facial muscles, in particular, the pathological habit of breathing through the mouth during sleep, coping with this task for six months.
  • The red final trainer is similar in design to the first one, but is made of a more rigid polymer, which allows it to exert the necessary force on the entire dentition, improving the bite and consolidating the effect of straightening the dentition.
    Therapy at this stage continues for an average of 8 months.

Read what crossbite is in a separate publication.

In this article we will tell you which orthodontic trainer to buy at the initial stage.

Here you will find exercises from the myogymnastics complex for the face.

After these activities, to consolidate the achieved result, you can use the T4A trainer as a retainer .

Orthodontic treatment is considered complete only after stabilization of the achieved correct position of the teeth and adaptation of bone tissue to it.


The main characteristics of T4A are summarized in the table for clarity:

CompanyMyofunctional Research
A countryAustralia
Materialpolyurethane superelastic
Colorblue red
Applicableonly as prescribed by an orthodontist
Agefrom 10 years and above
SizeAdult - for teenagers and adults

These devices cannot be returned or exchanged after purchase, as they are personal hygiene products.

Advantages and disadvantages

Modern dentistry offers patients various devices for correcting malocclusion, which sometimes have to be worn for a long time: plates and braces.

This creates a certain discomfort, and sometimes causes ridicule from others.

The main advantage of the T4A device is getting rid of these problems:

  • main use occurs at night;
  • daytime wearing can be limited to 2 hours;
  • quickly takes the shape of the jaw and does not cause any trouble during adaptation;
  • easy operation and maintenance;
  • the price range is significantly lower than that of braces systems.

The only condition for quality treatment is the need to adhere to a strict wearing regime.

Like all medical devices, T4A has some disadvantages :

  • you cannot talk with mouthguards on;
  • the result directly depends on wearing discipline;
  • low effectiveness in correcting hereditary malocclusion pathologies and complex, advanced anomalies.

Trainers of this class cannot influence the position of teeth with maximum efficiency and accuracy, and cannot cope with all types of orthodontic disorders.


The t4k trainer is a special orthodontic design. It is made of silicone - a soft and elastic material that does not cause discomfort when worn, does not put pressure on the lower and upper jaw and does not cause other unpleasant sensations that occur immediately after installing a conventional trainer.

It has a neat and laconic design and is available in different colors. But keep in mind that the division by color is different from the usual: when you see a pink T4K trainer, you shouldn’t assume that this is a copy for girls, and a blue one for boys. The color of the product is associated with the stages of treatment, more on that below.

The trainer also has special design elements that increase the effectiveness of treatment - a recess for the dentition, a tongue, labial arches, a lip bumper and a tongue stop. Thanks to these components, the little patient gets used to the correct position of the jaw, lips, tongue during the active phase (chewing food, speaking) and passive (resting state), and quietly conducts myofunctional training, which helps improve speech, bite and facial features. And, importantly, the child learns to breathe correctly, through the nose, thereby improving the functioning of the respiratory system.

In what cases is it used?

There are certain indications for the use of T4A :

  • crowding of teeth in the front of the lower jaw;
  • malocclusion according to Angle's classification;
  • anterior open bite;
  • deep bite;
  • abnormal position of the lower jaw.

There are also contraindications to the use of T4A :

  • pathology of nasal passages;
  • pronounced 3rd class according to Angle;
  • lateral crossbite.

In addition to the main task, the trainer eliminates speech defects, the habit of breathing through the mouth, and corrects reverse swallowing. Treatment can only be prescribed by an orthodontist during examination and consultation.

Only an assessment of the general condition of the entire oral cavity affects the choice of a suitable device for eliminating anomalies.

Indications for use

The following indications are defined for the use of the T4A system:

  • anterior crowding of the teeth of the lower jaw row;
  • bite pathologies within the framework of the Angle classifier;
  • anterior type abnormal bite;
  • overbite;
  • irregular structure of the lower dentition;
  • due to medical reasons, it is impossible to use braces of any kind;
  • as a preventative measure after using braces and consolidating the positive dynamics obtained during treatment;
  • pronunciation defects;
  • bruxism;
  • strong torsion of individual fragments of the jaw row;
  • violation of swallowing functions;
  • the need to correct anatomical deviations in the structure of the jaw apparatus;
  • to eliminate bad habits in children and adolescents - biting the nail plate, keeping pencils and other foreign objects in the mouth;
  • crossbite, which occurs when the jaws do not close together.

Operating principle


Rigid arches that apply constant pressure and recesses for each tooth allow the device to be used:

  • for cosmetic straightening of teeth in the frontal region;
  • for more complex pathologies of the frontal region (in combination with BWS, Q-Helix, Crozat - devices used to expand the dental arch);
  • for correction in case of minor relapses.


T4A is used in cases where there are pathological changes in the bite of the following forms::

  • prognathic;
  • open;
  • deep.

The design of the trainer provides for strict fixation of the position of the lower jaw, so the highest quality correction is observed in the treatment of the first form of occlusion.

Normalization of the bite is achieved by constant impact on the dentition, normalization of individual functions, stable position of the tongue for a long period, and improved tone of the jaw muscles.

The degree of neglect of the disease plays a rather important role. The possibility of use is determined only by an orthodontist.

Functions and muscles

The design features of T4A bring the tone and functional abilities of the jaw muscles to a normal state:

  • a special tongue ensures that the tongue gets used to being in a normal position;
  • lip bumper eliminates excess pressure;
  • the arches prevent biting the tongue or soft tissues of the cheeks during sleep.

That's why doctors advise using the trainer as much as possible at night. Medical practice states that the effectiveness of therapy at an early age is very high - up to 90%.

The use of trainers during the period of bite formation gives orthodontists the opportunity to correct harmful myofunctional habits that interfere with the proper development of the child’s jaws.

Who is recommended to wear trainers?

Indications for the use of trainers are:

  • inadmissibility of correction using braces;
  • fixing the positive effect after removing braces;
  • minimal bite defects of the anterior incisors;
  • elimination of bad habits that predispose to malocclusion;
  • impaired nasal breathing or proper swallowing;
  • eliminating problems with the speech apparatus.

It is advisable to use trainers at the stage of mixed or primary occlusion, as well as after completion of treatment with aligners or braces. In this case, the periodicity of the consolidation course corresponds to the terms of the previously completed orthodontic treatment. The low cost of trainer designs allows them to be used in complex occlusion correction of patients.

Timing and sequence of treatment

In the initial stage of therapy, a soft blue device is used - due to its weak but constant effect, the patient quickly becomes accustomed to wearing it, and a significant restructuring of habits developed over the years occurs. This stage lasts no more than six months.

At the next stage, a rigid red device is used - providing a more powerful effect on the aligning teeth, it continues to actively correct anomalies. The duration of this period depends on the severity of the disease.

After the end of the second stage of treatment, the final period begins - consolidation of the achieved effect, which sometimes lasts much longer than the therapy process itself.

Photo: before and after treatment with the T4A trainer

The timing of wearing trainers of different hardness and the mode of their use are selected by the attending physician individually, depending on the stage of the disease and its neglect.

The entire course of therapy must be carried out under the constant supervision of the attending physician.

Types of models

For the T4k orthodontic trainer to work, two stages of treatment are required, during which the aligners are changed.

At the first stage, the baby needs a trainer made in blue. This

construction made of softer material. Due to this, the trainer can easily “adapt” to a specific anomaly (malocclusion or dentition development) and, acting on it, gradually eliminates the problem.

At the second stage of treatment, a more rigid tray of a pink (red) shade is required. It is intended to consolidate the obtained result. Duration of use – from 3 to 6 months.

Before purchasing a t4k trainer, installing it or replacing it with a new one, you need to consult an orthodontist.

And remember that the treatment must be consistent or continuous, otherwise all the work after a few weeks will be in vain and you will have to start over.


Doctors advise wearing T4A no more than 4 hours during the day and always at night. Using it is quite simple: just insert the device into your mouth, insert your tongue into a special recess, close your mouth tightly and breathe only through your nose.

At night, some patients involuntarily spit out the device; in this case, in order to finally get used to the foreign body in the mouth, it is necessary to increase daytime wearing.

During the second period, when using a hard version of the trainer, you are allowed to wear a softer blue version at night.

Is correcting distal bite with braces effective? Read in a separate article.

In the next publication we will discuss why a child’s teeth may not grow well.

Here you can compare what an open bite looks like before and after correction.

Duration of teeth correction using trainers

Since the trainers are quite large, they are installed only at night and for a few hours during the day. The patient may feel a feeling of pressure and a little pain during the first time wearing the structure.

Mouthguards work and properly correct teeth only when worn constantly; noticeable results appear after 6-12 months.

Even with regular use of the trainer, after it there may be a need for additional orthodontic treatment using braces or aligners. This is determined by the complexity of the clinical case.

If a child cannot wear a trainer regularly, orthodontists recommend using permanent partial braces. They will function in the oral cavity 24 hours a day and will definitely give an effective result.

In the final period of orthodontic treatment, the trainer is also used at night and ends use according to the treatment plan.

Rules of care

The device is unpretentious in operation:

  • After each use, rinse thoroughly with warm tap water and brush with a toothbrush and a minimum of toothpaste.
  • Do not boil under any circumstances - the product may suffer from heat exposure.
  • It should be stored in a special container with holes for ventilation.
  • If mechanical damage is detected on the device, you must immediately consult a doctor .

How to care for trainers, watch the video:

Terms of use

Despite the elasticity of the material, exercise equipment can be damaged. The main damage is cracks or broken wires. In this case, you should immediately go to the orthodontist to replace the trainer. To prevent damage to the product, you should follow the operating rules:

  • put on the exercise machine strictly according to the instructions;
  • do not chew or talk with the splint in your mouth;
  • Do not use ice-cold or very hot water to clean the machine;
  • The trainer must be cleaned immediately after removal;
  • the structure must be stored in a separate box;
  • Do not throw the exercise machine or drop it on the floor.

Remember that a damaged trainer loses its properties and is not useful. Inspect the structure daily for damage in order to notice defects in time.


In Moscow, trainers can be bought at prices ranging from 4 thousand to 7.5 thousand rubles .

Treatment (consultations to select a suitable device, monitoring and recommendations to consolidate the result) will sometimes cost much more than the device itself.

Today, orthodontists are increasingly suggesting the use of trainers because of their relatively low cost and proven effectiveness.

The price of braces is from 800 to 2500 dollars, and the average price of T4A in the Russian Federation is from 2500 to 5000 rubles .

Bottom line

Problems with bite and other dental defects affect every second person in the modern world. Natural deficiencies in the anatomical structure of the jaw, injuries and bad habits can be corrected with the help of orthodontics. Plates and braces have been replaced by special dental trainers - orthodontic trainers, which effectively correct underdeveloped facial skeletons and other jaw pathologies. The affordable price, trouble-free operation of the trainers and easy care allow every adult and child to solve problems with dental pathologies.

The absence of metal parts and the elasticity of the material are a huge advantage of trainers over other orthodontic systems. The principle of operation of the simulators is not aimed at eliminating symptoms, but at eliminating the causes of pathological development of the jaw. This is an innovative development that prevents relapses during dental correction. Now you can correct not only your smile line, but also get rid of bad habits, overcome snoring and correct abnormal mouth breathing.

Sources used:

  • Manufacturer's official website
  • Vanarsdall,RL and White,RPJr. — Replais & Retencion: Professional and public attitudes, Am.J.Orthod. 98:184, 1990
  • — Principles of retention in orthodontia


Experts consider T4A class trainers to be acceptable and effective devices in the fight against malocclusions and crooked teeth. Their use is convenient and does not require long getting used to.

If you yourself or someone in your family have used trainers, you can also leave your feedback, share your opinion, and ask questions in the comments to this article.

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Tags at home for children, bite correction, bite trainers for adults

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Features of the dental structure - trainer

The main function of trainers is to correct the bite.
They are made of silicone material and look like a boxing mouth guard. The process of removing and installing the trainer does not cause discomfort; for these procedures there is no need to visit the dentist's office. The work of trainers is to change the activity of chewing mechanisms. They help not only to change the bite, but also to eliminate the cause of the incorrect position of the teeth. Many specialists can offer similar designs to improve nasal breathing, normal swallowing function, clear pronunciation of words, etc. This happens thanks to a device that affects the muscles, and they begin to work fully. It is much easier to influence the nature of the bite and the growth of teeth in childhood, which is when doctors recommend the use of trainers. However, adults can also apply this treatment; after a short amount of time, the problem with the aesthetic defect will be solved.


T4A is a two-jaw single design designed to correct misaligned teeth and abnormal bites. The device is made of transparent elastic plastic , which does not injure or irritate periodontal tissue and crown enamel.

Its appearance is completely different from standard orthodontic devices - there are no metal arches, plastic base or elements that tightly grip the teeth.

The trainer is a multifunctional device that can not only align single crowns, but also eliminate the causes of incorrect bite formation, as well as its consequences.

The device includes two actions at once: mechanical and functional, which can significantly shorten the treatment period without the use of complex devices.


The high effectiveness of trainers has been proven in practice, where they have been used to treat various pathologies.

Based on the research conducted, several specific deviations in the development of the dental system have been identified, in which the appointment of trainers is considered appropriate:

  • I and abnormal bites ;
  • crowding of crowns in the anterior section;
  • increased muscle tone of the temporomandibular apparatus;
  • retention period after treatment with braces;

Trainers provide a positive result for the listed pathologies when correcting permanent dentition in children aged 12 to 15 years.

Can it be used by adults?

Despite the fact that the device is intended for children, it has proven itself well in the treatment of adults. Most often, T4A is used in adulthood as a retention system. But it turns out to be no less effective as the main method of correction.

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