Watching your lips: how to read a person’s thoughts by facial expressions

Man is a social being. In this regard, facial expressions play a serious role in our communication, in recognizing the feelings and emotions of strangers, loved ones and partners. But in the process of evolution, modern man becomes more and more reserved and withdrawn. Sometimes it is completely impossible to guess what is hiding behind a calm facial expression.

However, it is difficult to subordinate our lips to the will of the mind, since they are responsible for speech and most emotions, ranging from joy to severe grief. That's why we learn to read lips.

Tight smile

The emotional manifestation of positive feelings towards an interlocutor or even a random person met on the street is usually expressed in a sincere smile. How is it characteristic? If we are happy to see someone, then our lips stretch, their corners and cheeks rise, and wrinkles form around the eyes (the so-called “crow’s feet”). At the same time, the face becomes very attractive and literally shines

When an individual tries to “pull” a smile onto his face, then most likely it will be crooked, without raised corners of the lips, and of course the eyes will remain calm, untouched by the network of charming wrinkles.

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An artificial smile indicates tension in the relationship and the interlocutor’s reluctance to communicate. You can try to smile back, knowing that this facial gesture has a very strong contagious effect. It is very difficult to remain serious when you are observing a sincere reaction from your interlocutor.

But, most likely, the person you are trying to communicate with is not at all inclined to do this. He doesn’t like you, communicating with you does not bring him positive emotions, everything he says to you at this moment can only mean something unpleasant for you, no matter how the interlocutor tries to convince you of the opposite. Good news is not communicated with a fake smile.

Such a facial expression may also indicate a person’s envy of your success, which in itself is a sure sign that further communication will cease.

Why is he freezing?

Contrary to social stereotypes, not all men agree to have sex after the first date. Some representatives of the stronger sex are more reserved than any principled girl.

For example, a guy never crosses the line: stroke the waist, but not lower; kiss on the lips, but not passionately; accompany you home, but don’t come in for tea. Or if a man doesn’t give vulgar compliments at all, and the word “sex” has never come from his lips.

Women, especially if sexual desire has awakened in them, fall into a stupor from such behavior. They begin to worry about their unattractiveness, fat legs, imperfect makeup, or a hump on their nose.

Few people think that it could be a man. What if he doesn't know how to flirt? Or did you truly fall in love for the first time in your life? Or is he so embarrassed by the sudden erection from your laughter that he chose not to develop this topic for now?

Only his body will always give away his excitement. If a man really wants a woman, this desire cannot be disguised, hidden in a dark closet or buried in the ground. Especially from the keen eye of a girl!

Pursed lips

At moments when we disagree with an opponent, we usually purse our lips or fold them into a “bow.” If you see something like this on the interlocutor’s face, then he clearly does not agree with any of your arguments.

Having noticed this, you must quickly offer much stronger arguments in your favor, otherwise your opinion will be immediately challenged. If you hear a negative reaction addressed to you, it will be extremely difficult to correct the situation. After all, a person, having expressed an opinion on any issue, will be forced to adhere to it, so as not to seem soft and not lower his rating in the person of his interlocutor. You have only one chance to correct the situation. Find the right words before you hear a refusal.

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How to show a guy that you are ready to move on?

Now your attitude towards yourself and towards your man will change. You will not worry about your imaginary non-sexuality, and in your partner you will begin to notice small but significant hints of intimacy.

Your job is not to ignore them. Does he look at you with big eyes? Smile and wink back. Does he keep his hands at pelvic level? Compliment his belt. Did he lightly touch your shoulder? Stroke his hand.

With slow but sure steps you can liberate a man! And very soon you’ll be bragging to your friends: “My boyfriend says he wants me!”

Team Growth Phase, Growth Phase

Pursed lips

This facial gesture means nothing more than the unwillingness of the interlocutor to tell you something important and necessary for you, to admit a mistake or oversight. Usually children, and even adults, who have committed one or another offense and do not want to be punished for it, stubbornly refuse to admit guilt. At this moment, they press their lower lip tightly to their upper lip, as if sealing themselves from frankness.

In such a situation, it is advisable to let your opponent know that you already know everything. And you are not going to extract a confession, because you don’t need it, but for the sake of maintaining further good relations, it is better for the “criminal” to confess.

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Having discovered that there is no point in hiding the truth, the interlocutor will most likely confess or reveal his unpleasant secret. But this will happen at his request, and your relationship most likely will not deteriorate.


Fuckboy, in youth slang, is the same “bad guy” from American films. He meets girls only for sex, often cheats, and misleads. He is a selfish asshole, often a rich and spoiled boy. They say about him: he was a sailor and abandoned.

In 2021, the Fuckboy Face emoji appeared. It is based on the Lip Bite emoji, where a yellow man bites his lower lip. An unknown author added a baseball cap and a hand to the chin to this face. This is what many people think fuckboys look like.

The fuckboy emoji went viral on Twitter and was quickly turned into a meme. People started making art based on emojis.

Lip biting

This is a very characteristic and informative facial movement, indicating the interlocutor’s indecision in expressing his thoughts. If at this moment you try to correctly push him to frankness with an appropriate phrase (“I think you want to say something” or “I see that you have your own opinion on this”) or a gesture, then the person with whom you are communicating and others may think that you read minds or that you are an extremely attentive person. And this, you see, will add many advantages to your piggy bank.

However, such a gesture may also indicate that the person is hostile towards you or your ideas. In any case, it is better to first try the option of trying to encourage frankness. If you fail, you can always “let go” of a person if he dislikes you.

What does lip biting mean?

Bad habits don’t come out of nowhere, they have their own basis. Most often, their roots go deep into childhood and are psychological in nature. Thus, psychological habits (biting nails, lips, asking questions, etc.) become part of our character and everyday behavior. Most often, we do not notice them until they begin to interfere with our image, health, work, and communication with other people.

So what does the habit of biting your lips mean? It appears in people who lack love, attention and tenderness, especially in childhood. It also gives self-doubt, the desire to be like your ideal. This is a subconscious desire to get what a person lacks in everyday life.

As adults, this can occur if we are constantly stressed at work, overreact to situations, have a “fairly” constant sense of anxiety, and have very deep thought processes.

Touching lips

Stroking the lips, touching them with fingers or objects in the hands (pen, cutlery, drinking straw) indicates a person’s doubts about the action, project or purchase being proposed to him. When you notice a customer's hesitation, let him know that you understand his hesitation and add new information or arguments in favor of the product, service, or other interaction you offer.

Close people will feel sensitivity and a desire to help in making a decision, and clients or partners will pay attention to your interest in a common cause or sincerity in describing the product.

A type of gesture when a person covers his mouth with his palm usually means a lie. Children, deceiving adults or peers, often do this, trying to “return” the false words back. This habit can continue after a person becomes an adult.

Masking dilated pupils

Dilated pupils of the eyes occur mainly in those drug addicts who use narcotic stimulants. They also use medications to make their eyes look normal. For example, a group of drugs such as miotics.

These include drugs such as: fosarbine, pilocarpine, carbacholine, aceclidine, physostigmine, phosphakol and other drugs that can narrow the eye pupil. Like the previous masking agent, these drugs greatly damage vision and even often cause cataracts. But those drug addicts who want to hide their addictions do not stop even at complete blindness.

Concealing puncture marks

If there are many traces of intravenous injections on a person’s body, then for others this is the most obvious sign of drug addiction, which simply catches the eye. These traces can be seen by any loved one, friend or relative of a drug addict.

And if he compares it with other signs, for example, strange behavior, he will make a clear conclusion about the person’s drug addiction. Of course, when a drug addict begins to be asked questions about the nature of these traces, he has to come up with various, sometimes very ridiculous, options for their origin.

Versions may vary. From a squeezed pimple to scratches from a cat's claws. However, even a person who is far from medicine or drugs will be able to distinguish traces of injections from other skin lesions.

If you look closely at the marks on the skin, you will see the entrance hole of the needle in the form of a small red dot at the injection sites. Very often a small bruise will form around the injection site. For experienced drug addicts, injection points form entire “roads” because they follow each other.

When a drug addict injects many times in a row into the same vein, a “well” can form at that spot. Each new injection expands and deepens it, making it more distinct and noticeable.

If you take a closer look at the “roads” of a drug addict, you can see a certain pattern. This is a clear sign that the person is injecting drugs into a vein. After all, “roads” follow only along the lines of veins.

But stubborn in their desire to hide their drug addiction, people pass off even the most obvious “roads” as ordinary scratches, and explain the appearance of “wells” as burns. Everything depends only on the degree of development of the drug addict’s imagination.

Masking of injection marks occurs by regularly applying various ointments to the injection sites, which serve against the appearance of blood clots. CU such ointments include: troxevasin, hepatrombin and the like. Using these ointments, drug addicts get rid of bruises in a matter of days.

Another way to hide marks from injections is a method in which injections are made only in those areas of the body that are not visible to others. For example: groin area, legs, neck below and under the hair, back of the forearm or armpit.

With injections in the groin, the drug addict can afford to wear T-shirts and shorts in the hot summer, no different from other people. True, any drug addict is immediately betrayed by huge circles under the eyes and painful thinness.

Those drug addicts who do not inject drugs in any way, intramuscularly or intravenously, but only smoke narcotic mixtures or snort drugs, are not much different from other people. And recognizing them as drug addicts is quite difficult. It must be said that those drug addicts who are afraid for their loved ones or do not want anger on their part come to such drug use.

Why you shouldn't bite cubes

Teeth injure the delicate skin of the lips, causing small wounds to form on the surface. The lips begin to become inflamed, covered with crusts, and severe itching appears. The discomfort is aggravated by a painful reaction to cold and hot food. You have to give up pickles completely: it’s impossible to enjoy food that literally eats away.

Microtraumas are an excellent environment for bacteria that cause inflammation. Various diseases, including herpes, additionally damage the immune system and worsen the appearance of the face. Doctors believe chronic damage can lead to cancer in the long term

In addition, it is very difficult to mask such defects: lipstick lies unevenly, emphasizes cracks and irritates the mucous membrane. And as a result, the beautiful lady becomes like the main character of an ordinary horror film.

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