What the gums should look like after tooth implantation - normal and deviations
What is a gum former: photo What happens after installation of a gum former Why does it hurt
Stomatitis (oral mucositis) during combination treatment
Complications after chemotherapy in one or another combination of symptoms of varying severity are mandatory for every
jaws go numb
9 Most Common Reasons Why Your Jaws Go Numb
May 15, 2020 If the lower or upper jaw is numb, then this may be natural
gingival necrosis
What is gum necrosis and what treatment methods exist?
Necrosis is a serious pathology accompanied by the death of gum tissue. It is quite rare in dental practice.
What is a twinblock? Characteristics, types, application and price
Twin block is a variant of cellular concrete. It meets the standards for masonry materials. Cellular aerated concrete,
Dental hygiene indices - Hygiene indices in dentistry
Dental indices, oral hygiene index in dentistry
Oral hygiene is one of the most accessible and at the same time one of the
Profiles in dentistry types
Mtwo instruments in dentistry for effective root canal treatment
General presentation and purpose Profiles are instruments used for endodontic treatment. Complete and official
Epulis on the gum
Red gum around the tooth: causes and treatment
Healthy gums are the key to strong teeth and a beautiful smile. Normally they are pink
Tooth root resorption - causes, types and treatment methods
Root resorption is one of perhaps the most mysterious phenomena in dentistry that occurs in people
Epulis gums
White bump on a child’s gum: what is it and how to help the baby
Author of the article: Soldatova Lyudmila Nikolaevna Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Clinical Dentistry of the St. Petersburg Medical and Social
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