7 dangerous pathologies indicated by a bitter taste in the mouth

October 7, 2019

A bitter taste in the mouth that constantly occurs is a reason to be wary and go to a doctor for examination. An unpleasant phenomenon does not always indicate that a serious disease has developed in the body, but the percentage of cases where the causes of its occurrence are completely harmless is very small. The editors of the UltraSmile.ru portal advise you to read the article in order to have useful information on this topic and to rule out possible pathologies in time.

There can be many causes of bitterness in the mouth

Gallbladder and liver diseases

If the taste of bitterness in your mouth has become your constant companion, then the first thing to rule out is stagnation of bile, which occurs due to pathologies of the gallbladder and liver. Bile is produced in the liver, then it enters the gallbladder, where it is stored until food enters the stomach. This beneficial liquid helps the stomach digest food. As soon as you eat, bile enters the duodenum - this is a natural phenomenon. With pathologies of the gallbladder and liver, the fluid does not come out completely or stagnates, a lot of it is formed, and a bitter taste appears in the mouth.

In case of pathologies, our internal organs try to get rid of bile and can even arrange an “emergency discharge” of it, causing some of the liquid to enter the esophagus and even the oral cavity.

In case of liver disease, it can cause bitterness

What does bitterness in the mouth mean? The phenomenon may indicate the development of cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, hepatitis, cirrhosis, cancer, dyskinesia (impaired motility of the gallbladder). Unpleasant sensations in the mouth appear most often in the morning, as soon as you wake up, and also after playing sports. They may be accompanied by tingling and discomfort in the right hypochondrium, belching, dry mucous membranes, and indigestion. The bitter taste may alternate with a metallic or “iron” taste.

Proper preparation of water for analysis

To obtain the arithmetic average value (the water in the well is stratified in the vertical plane), sampling well water is carried out according to the following principle. Water is collected from 10-15 buckets into a large container, mixed, and water is taken from it for analysis.

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Chemical analysis of drinking water from a well.

It is necessary to ensure the cleanliness and tightness of the container used to collect water for analysis. Before collecting water for analysis, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the bottle, the minimum volume of which should be one and a half liters, but without using any reagents.

It is not recommended to use bottles that have contained sweet, salty or carbonated liquids as this will make the results inaccurate.

A sample of well water is poured into the bottle in a thin stream all the way to the top so that no air remains in the container. If using a plastic container, you can squeeze out the air before sealing it.

Delivery of well water to the laboratory should be no later than within 4 hours after its collection.

Dental diseases

A bitter taste in the mouth sometimes has quite obvious reasons for its occurrence, both in women and men. It can be caused by pathogenic bacteria that multiply due to poor hygiene, inflammation of the gums, the development of gingivitis and periodontitis, caries, pulpitis, and periodontitis. Then in almost all cases it will be accompanied by the appearance of bad breath, and there may also be signs of inflammation of the mucous membrane: bleeding and swelling of the gums.

Inflammation and bleeding of the gums causes this problem.

Why is water with excess iron harmful?

The normal level of iron content in well water is 0.3 mg/liter. If the iron content in water is higher than normal, it becomes dark, cloudy and begins to taste bitter. However, the presence of an excess of iron is detected only during its oxidation - when water comes into contact with air - the color of the water gradually begins to acquire an orange tint.

Alkaline earth metals get into well water because they are washed out of gypsum and chalk soils. The softest water is obtained from underground aquifers that run through granite soil rocks.

The danger of using drinking water with an excess of iron.

If, in addition to iron, nitrites, nitrates and ammonia, organic and mechanical impurities (residues of fertilizers and synthetic detergents) are detected in well water, it becomes clear that the water has been polluted by wastewater from household pipeline systems.

If you choose the wrong material for equipping a well, the water at the source may turn out to be bitter. In this case, the taste of the water is not affected by the depth of the well and the number of aquifers passed through. If a well frame is built from aspen, this tree can give the water a putrid smell and a bitter taste. Therefore, when deciding to build a wooden well, choose the wood carefully. If you do not understand the characteristics of tree species, consult with specialists so as not to risk your health.

Galvanic syndrome

Do you have a bitter taste in your mouth and are wondering what it means? Perhaps the problem lies in the fact that you have dentures made of dissimilar metals installed in your mouth.

Read the article on the topic: electric current in the mouth. Find out what to do to recover quickly!

The problem needs to be solved, because if everything is left as is, the disease will progress, general health may worsen, and nervous disorders may begin.

Galvanosis can occur from different metals

Identifying the causes of bitter well water

If you notice that your well water tastes bitter, you should immediately submit samples to a laboratory for analysis, where specialists will determine its composition. Employees of the relevant authorities, after analyzing the water, will tell you if there are deviations from the standards of physical, chemical and bacteriological indicators:

  1. Color and haze.
  2. Foaminess.
  3. Hardness (norm 0.7 mg/liter).
  4. Alkalinity (normal 7-7.5 mmol/liter).
  5. Content of minerals and ions (no more than 1000 mg/liter).
  6. The presence or absence of dangerous microorganisms.
  7. Content of toxins and radioactive elements.
  8. And other tests.

It is recommended that well water be analyzed only in an accredited laboratory.

Gastrointestinal diseases

What does bitterness in the mouth mean? There is a very high probability that the culprit is diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which are accompanied by such a phenomenon as reflux. For example, gastritis, pancreatitis, ulcers, colitis, enteritis. Reflux is the release of acid from the stomach into the esophagus and larynx. To get rid of acid, our salivary glands begin to secrete alkaline saliva, which extinguishes this acid. This saliva has a very bitter taste and is accompanied by heartburn. With such pathologies, the tongue acquires an unhealthy yellowish tint.

With gastrointestinal disease, a yellow coating appears on the tongue and an unpleasant taste

How to rid well water of bitterness

Boiling and freezing

Boiling is the simplest and least expensive way to remove hardness salts. After boiling, sulfates and chlorides will settle on the walls and bottom of the vessel. But keep in mind: this quickly spoils the container, so boiling is not suitable for heating boilers and is used as a temporary solution.

Freezing – purification by crystallization. Place the vessel with bitter water from the well in the freezer. When freezing, crystals of pure ice will grow on the walls of the container, which will displace the salts to the center from the walls. After some time (depending on the degree of contamination of the liquid and working volumes), all the clean water will collect frozen on the walls, and the salt waste in the center will remain in a liquid state, as it will freeze more slowly. You can simply drain them.

Intestinal parasites

A bitter taste in the mouth may indicate extremely unpleasant reasons. For example, the fact that parasites (giardia or helminths, pinworms and roundworms) have appeared in the body and are actively living. Parasites literally stick to the inner lining of the small intestine, which causes its reflex contraction, as well as tissue damage. As a result, indigestion occurs and gastrointestinal pathologies occur.

Parasites can also cause this symptom

Nowadays, it is not so easy to catch these parasites, but small children who put everything they can and cannot put into their mouths still quite often become victims of parasites, and adults can also become infected from them. Often helminthic infestations are called the “dirty hands” disease.

Why is water bitter and how to deal with it?

The quality of water in our country leaves much to be desired.
Whether it comes from a central water supply or your own source in the form of a borehole or well, H2O requires additional processing before it becomes suitable and useful for human consumption.

Today there are many water treatment devices on the market that can solve the problem. But here the second question arises - do they change the taste or just the chemical composition.

Filters for drinking water purification - benefit or harm

Water supplied by water utilities goes through several stages of purification: mechanical and chemical. Most often in our country, chlorine is used to combat harmful microorganisms. It comes into contact with organic matter, forming many compounds. Further, passing through worn-out systems, the water mixes with particles of rust and other sediment from the pipes.

Therefore, more and more people are installing an Ecosoft drinking water filter in their apartments and houses, but one “BUT” arises here. You can hear from users about changes in the taste of water; sometimes they complain about a bitter aftertaste. Let's discuss this issue in more detail and find out the reasons for this incident.

Bitter taste of water - reasons

The appearance of a new taste is a rather unexpected and not entirely pleasant moment. Water treatment experts name several possible reasons:

  • A number of devices, such as reverse osmosis filters, can not only purify, but also change the ratio of mineral components in water. Therefore, some users may notice a change in taste and characterize it as bitter.
  • As the pH level increases, H2O may also appear to taste bitter.
  • During operation and cleaning of contaminants, organochlorine compounds may settle in the system. And they are known to not have a pleasant taste.

Next, we will dwell in more detail on each situation and solution methods.

Option 1

In pursuit of high-quality water, consumers choose devices that maximally purify water from mechanical impurities, chloride compounds, organics, metals, and various salts. You need to get used to the results of the system. Since water that has gone through all the stages differs from bottled and regular tap water.

At first, when choosing words to describe it, you can call it salty or bitter. You may even have time to get upset, since prices for Ecosoft osmosis are slightly higher than for simpler units. But after a week or two, you will consider it the most delicious and will not be able to drink tap water.

Or, as an option, you can choose filters with 6 stages of cleaning with additional functions:

  • Saturation with easily digestible elements of magnesium and calcium.
  • Structuring and ionization.
  • Softening and adjustment of taste and smell.

Although this will not completely return the parameters we are used to, it will still partially neutralize the impression.

Option 2

It so happens that the acid-base balance of water is carefully monitored by aquarists, pool owners or avid gardeners. In everyday life, we rarely check the pH level, which normally should be close to 7 units.

Changes in acidity are often associated with changing seasons and the entry of groundwater or melt water into water intake areas. It is difficult to radically influence the pH level. But since it does not cause significant harm to the human body, you can simply wait until the problem goes away on its own. In any case, it is advisable to carry out at least minimal water treatment.

Moreover, there are Ecosoft filter models in Ukraine that are affordable and have high quality performance.

Option 3

Modern filters retain chlorine and organochlorine compounds, but are still not always able to completely rid the liquid of a number of elements that give a bitter taste. If this is your option, then there are several possible solutions to the problem:

  • It is necessary to replace the filter element as its resource has been exhausted.
  • Despite similar water parameters in different regions, they still have differences. You may need other types of cartridges. Our managers will help you select the optimal elements and Ecosoft cartridge for the filter, depending on individual characteristics. In addition, we have the best prices for Ecosoft cartridges and a wide range.
  • To obtain the most purified water, you can completely replace the system by installing reverse osmosis and a mineralizer.

Recommendations for water treatment

If you care about your health and want to create comfortable conditions for yourself and your family, it is important to properly organize the water supply.

The supply systems in our country are quite worn out; when passing through pipelines and pumps, particles of rust, scale, silt, sand, and other mechanical impurities get into the water.

Even if your water intake comes from a well or your own well, H2O contains insoluble suspended matter. Therefore, at the first stage, regardless of the source, it is advisable to install main filters for domestic water.

This will allow for mechanical cleaning and protect household appliances, fine filters, heating systems and home plumbing from damage, extending the life of everything that comes into contact with H2O. The device is installed on the pipe entering the apartment or building.

Then you can choose a unit for preparing drinking water depending on your individual requirements and wishes. One of the simplest are three-stage water purification filters, for stationary use and pitcher filters when you travel or are away from home.

Where is it profitable to buy a filter?

Regardless of what region of Ukraine you live in, to maintain your health, it is advisable to carry out at least minimal water treatment.

Our store offers only high-quality products from the best domestic and foreign manufacturers, such as triple filters. So we have the best prices for Ecosoft filters, which are innovative and reliable.

Before placing an order, you can read reviews or ask questions to our specialists.

Source: https://ecosoft-market.com.ua/pochemu-gorchit-voda-i-kak-s-etim-borotsya

Neuropsychiatric disorders

If there is a bitter taste in the mouth, on the tongue and on the lips, then here's what it can mean: the person has developed severe depression1, chronic stress or schizophrenia.

Surprisingly, even ordinary stress or nervous overstrain can contribute to the appearance of bitterness, and our physiology is to blame for everything: in the process of a nervous breakdown, all organs become tense (this occurs due to the release of adrenaline and norepinephrine into the blood), the tone of the gallbladder is disturbed, and muscle spasms occur. .

Stress can contribute to bad taste


Water treatment plant water purification has bitterness. Filters for return filtersFlow filters for complex water purification

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Thyroid pathologies

When bitterness in the mouth has become a symptom that accompanies you constantly, what does it mean? The reason may again lie in the reflux of bile into the esophagus, but in this case, such a phenomenon is provoked not by pathologies of the liver and gallbladder, but by disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system and hormonal imbalance. For example, this serves as one of the symptoms of diseases such as hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism, diabetes mellitus. With diabetes, in addition to bitterness, a person may experience dry mucous membranes, but sweating, on the contrary, increases - these are signs of increased blood sugar levels. Also, with all of the above pathologies, the taste of iodine may periodically appear.

Improper functioning of the thyroid gland can cause pathology

Appears after eating cedar

After eating pine nuts, even a completely healthy person may experience bitterness in the mouth. Usually this phenomenon is mistakenly attributed to the choleretic properties of the product, but such a reaction cannot occur with high-quality pine nuts.

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Meanwhile, bitterness in the mouth appears immediately after eating and lasts for several days; sometimes other symptoms of intoxication may appear - nausea and pain in the liver area. All this clearly indicates that the pine nuts were artificially grown and imported from China. Many suppliers pass off Chinese nuts as domestic products, since they are cheaper to purchase. But there are many reasons why it is better to refuse such a food product.

Causes of bitter taste not associated with serious illnesses

  • consumption of low-quality and stale food: a bitter taste in the mouth often appears due to the consumption of expired or specific food products. For example, pine nuts are rich in healthy fats, but if they are stored for too long, the fats in them begin to oxidize and become bitter.
  • overeating at night: especially if the food was fatty and “heavy”. A similar phenomenon is also caused by products that provoke increased gas formation in the intestines (cabbage, beans, baked goods),
  • love for carbonated drinks: champagne, mineral water with gas,
  • drinking alcohol,
  • decreased activity of taste buds: this problem is most often encountered by older people, whose hormonal levels change with age and some receptors become insensitive. A problem also arises for people who smoke, because... with constant exposure to smoke on the mucous membrane, dystrophy of the taste buds occurs,
  • taking medications and herbal decoctions: choleretic, as well as antifungal and antihistamines can have this effect,
  • pregnancy: the taste of bitterness in the mouth and the reasons for its appearance in women are often associated precisely with bearing a child. The symptom is typical for the second half of pregnancy, since it is during this period that the growing and developing child begins to put pressure on the internal organs and displace them, which increases the likelihood of bile reflux into the esophagus,
  • hormonal changes in the body: for example, in women at the onset of menopause,
  • a lack or excess of vitamins in the body: for example, a lack of zinc or an excess of B12 contributes to the appearance of a bitter taste.

Pregnancy often causes nausea and bitterness in the mouth

Bitterness in the mouth during pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes such dramatic changes, both hormonal and physiological, that the appearance of any unusual taste or other strange symptom should be perceived as normal. In the 1st trimester, an increase in progesterone has a relaxing effect on the valve separating the esophagus and stomach, so acid and bile can enter the esophagus, causing a bitter taste, nausea, and vomiting.

In the later stages, heartburn and a bitter taste cause a woman very strong discomfort, this is explained by the growth of the fetus and its pressure on the gallbladder and stomach; this symptom haunts the pregnant woman until childbirth. To reduce the frequency and intensity of this unpleasant manifestation, a woman should adhere to a certain diet - exclude fried and fatty foods, coffee, sour and spicy foods, eat little and often, avoid drinking liquids during meals, and drink only in between meals.

The “character” of bitterness will tell you about the problem

If you have a bitter taste in your mouth and are thinking about what it all means, then see the table below.

SymptomPossible pathology
Bitterness appears in the morningIt is necessary to check the liver and gallbladder
The taste accompanies constantlyGallstone disease, cholecystitis, gastrointestinal oncology, hormonal imbalance, thyroid problems, mental disorders
An unpleasant symptom appears after you have eatenPathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and duodenum, consumption of poor quality food
The taste is present situationally, for a short timeTaking medication, taking antibiotics, smoking, allergies, stress
Bitterness + bad breathDental diseases (gingivitis, stomatitis, periodontitis and periodontal disease), gastrointestinal problems.
Bitter taste combined with heartburnGastroesophageal reflux disease

However, we advise you not to engage in self-diagnosis, but to go to see a doctor who can definitely confirm or refute the diagnosis based on blood tests, examination and ultrasound. To begin with, it is better to visit a gastroenterologist; you also need to see a dentist who will rule out diseases of the oral cavity.


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  1. Smulevich A.B. ‹‹Depression in general medicine: A guide for doctors››. Section VII. Diagnosis and differential diagnosis. Recognizing depression.

Smell and taste of water according to GOST

Standard water quality indicators are determined and established by the World Health Organization (WHO), and for some countries there is a state standard.

On the territory of the Russian Federation, technical and hygienic standards for the quality of water supplied through centralized water supply systems are established by GOST 2874-82 (96) “Drinking water”. Water that meets GOST standards must be epidemiologically safe, have a harmless chemical composition and have high organoleptic qualities.

Water quality indicators are presented in the following groups: physical (organoleptic), chemical (toxicological) and microbiological. Organoleptic indicators of water quality are smell, taste, color and transparency (or turbidity).

Articles recommended for reading:

  • Types of water filters and their characteristics
  • How to install a water filter - useful tips
  • How to drink water correctly: practical recommendations

Natural water acquires its smell and taste due to the mineral and organic compounds dissolved in it, which naturally enter the liquid. Due to the blooming of reservoirs and the rotting of organic substances in them, odorous compounds (for example, hydrogen sulfide) are released into the water; in addition, the water contains chlorophenols, which give it a bad odor and make it unfit for consumption. Water odors differ in natural and artificial origin.

Take the test

The smell of water is determined at a temperature of +20 °C and when heated to +60 °C by feeling the nature of the perceived odor and its intensity, which is assigned a particular score.

The taste of water is determined in harmless water when it is heated to +20 ° C by feeling the nature of the perceived taste and its intensity, which, like the intensity of the smell of the liquid, is determined in points. The intensity of the smell and taste of water for drinking and household needs should not exceed three points.

Intensity of odor and taste (flavor) of water:

Odor intensity

taste (flavor)

The nature of the manifestation of smell, taste (flavor) Grade



No Not felt 0
Very weak It is not felt by the consumer, but it can be easily detected during laboratory testing 1
Weak The consumer will notice the smell, taste, if you pay his attention to it 2
Noticeable Easily noticed and causes disapproval of the water 3
Distinct Attracts attention and makes you refrain from drinking 4
Very strong So strong that it makes water undrinkable 5

Read material on the topic: Harmful impurities in water: types and methods of purification


I am diagnosed with gallbladder dyskinesia. I take the medications prescribed by the doctor, they always helped well, but recently they stopped helping, the bitterness appeared again and plus there was added pain in the right side. What to do?

Aly (10/27/2019 at 09:10 pm) Reply to comment

    First of all, you need to contact your doctor so that he can evaluate the changes, adjust your medication intake and, if necessary, refer you to other specialists. A surgeon may be needed to rule out appendicitis and other abdominal diseases that require surgery. You should not self-medicate.

    Editorial staff of the portal UltraSmile.ru (02.11.2019 at 09:19) Reply to comment

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Bitter water after reverse osmosis

Have you heard that after purifying water using reverse osmosis, distilled water is obtained?
Although not quite distilled, it is very similar to it. What do you know about distilled water? The pH of such water is usually around 6 due to dissolved carbon dioxide. If it stands in the air, it will gradually level out to a neutral seven. There are practically no salts, only bare water molecules.

Reference books state that distilled water has no taste . How long ago have you tasted it? You will be surprised, but it is bitter .

The conclusion suggests itself: either accept it or abandon reverse osmosis? Or keep purified water in an open jug for at least a couple of hours before drinking it raw. This is enough to normalize the taste.

Yes, there are also mineralizers. They raise the pH by adding calcium salts. They can also be used, but the taste will improve only in the first portions of water, within one mug.

Problems with equipment and household inconveniences

The use of bitter well water for domestic purposes is also fraught with unpleasant consequences. The bitterness of water indicates its hardness. Hard water shortens the life of heating appliances and plumbing fixtures. The walls of radiators, electric kettles and other equipment become covered with sediment - a dense crust of salts forms on them, which interferes with the normal functioning of the devices and causes them to fail prematurely.

Another dangerous effect of sulfates in water is the appearance of a noticeable film on the surfaces of tea, coffee and soup. Water containing harmful impurities in excess spoils the taste of food and dishes; it boils slowly, which makes cooking longer.

White stains on the stove, faucet, car after washing are all deposits of sulfates and carbonates on the surface.

Many people are mistaken and believe that the cause of whitish streaks and drops on any surface in contact with water, and poorly washed clothes, is the use of soap. But this is a result of high water hardness.

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