Splat toothbrush – innovative and decent oral hygiene

When it comes to dental care, customers are accustomed to trusting well-known, trusted brands that have been producing their products for many years. However, we should not lose sight of developing companies that are capable of presenting a high-quality innovative product.

Not many people know about Splat brand toothbrushes, which appeared on the dental products market not so long ago, but have managed to gain popularity among connoisseurs of quality products.

Manual and ionic products of this brand are distinguished by their low price and rich assortment, from which you can choose a product suitable for each person.

About the manufacturer

For the first time, the Russian company Splat announced itself on the dental products market in 2001. Then the first products of this brand appeared on store shelves.

Now the manufacturer’s product line includes many products for oral hygiene: pastes, flosses, brushes, rinses.

All company products comply with European standards and undergo mandatory certification. Some product models are produced at a high-tech plant in Germany.

How to use

Manufacturers of toothbrushes from the “Kiss you”, “Splat” and other lines claim that you can use this device without toothpaste. To do this, just follow the following recommendations:

  1. Cleaning always begins with the tongue, and then smoothly moves on to the following areas. The movement is smooth - from root to tip.
  2. Next, after the tongue, clean the palate, and then the inner surface of the cheeks.
  3. Rinse the brush head with running water.
  4. After this, you can proceed to brushing the dental surface, making movements as carefully as possible, but with confidence. If desired, you can use a small amount of toothpaste.
  5. Wash the wand after use, but do not remove the attachment.
  6. Clean the shaft once a month with the bristles.

These are basic and fairly simple recommendations for use. They do not require any extra effort on the part of the user, but they allow you to achieve positive results much faster.


Toothbrushes from the manufacturer Splat have a large number of advantages, which ensure the effectiveness of cleaning teeth and gums from plaque.

These include:

  • the manufacture of all products from hypoallergenic materials allows them to be used by people with sensitive gums and teeth;
  • villi of different lengths in the center and edges of the device contribute to the high-quality removal of plaque from all areas of tooth enamel;
  • the tips of the bristles are split into several parts, which ensures the most gentle care of the gums;
  • the villi of the product are treated with silver ions, which improves the condition of the gums and minimizes the possibility of bacterial growth in the oral cavity;
  • the edges of the bristles of all products are rounded, which prevents injury to the gums, mucous membrane and enamel;
  • a wide range of products includes models with different bristle hardness, allowing you to choose the appropriate option based on the condition of the oral cavity.

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Therapeutic effect

Since the effect is largely due to three components - mechanical, magnetic and electrical influence - this device can significantly affect the condition of not only the enamel, but also the mucous membranes of the mouth. It is already reflected in research data from leading dentists in the world that:

  • The effectiveness of cleaning teeth from plaque is increased by almost 50%.
  • Tissue sensitivity is reduced by more than 60%;
  • Bleeding of the soft tissues of the mouth and gums was also reduced by more than 50%.

If we talk about brushing teeth with an ionic brush, then we can say that a person essentially carries out local physical therapy every day. Acupuncture therapy takes place thanks to the smallest bristles of the accessory. At the same time, the impact on biologically active points can have a positive effect not only on the health of the oral cavity, but also on the entire body as a whole.

Electrophoresis is done by exposing oral tissue to ions. In this way, tartar is destroyed and more effectively separated from the surface. This does not damage the enamel. Further cleaning allows saliva to ionize and prevent the build-up of new tartar. Metabolic processes are improved in the oral cavity.

And as a result, under the influence of a current with a reduced density, galvanization is carried out, which reduces the sensitivity of the teeth. The inflammatory process in the oral cavity is reduced, and its main symptoms are gradually relieved: swelling, bleeding and tissue pain.


The Splat product line consists of several series of toothbrushes, each of which has its own characteristics and is designed to solve certain problems of the oral cavity.

Whitening Hard

Whitening Hard products are aimed at gentle whitening of enamel without the risk of damage. According to the company's clinical studies, these models fight dental plaque 40% more effectively than conventional analogues. For the convenience of users, the packaging of brushes in this series is supplemented with the image of a snowflake.

The bristles of the product are rubberized, which enhances the effectiveness of plaque removal. The villi of this model have high rigidity, which allows you to get rid of pronounced darkening of the crowns due to frequent smoking and consumption of coloring products.

It is worth understanding that hard bristles can have a strong impact on the gums, so people with high sensitivity should choose a different model.

The cost of the Whitening Hard brush is 170 rubles in the company’s online store.

Whitening Medium

The model of medium hardness Whitening Medium is also positioned as a product for gentle enamel whitening. At the same time, its fibers are somewhat softer than those of the previous product, so it can be used by people with sensitive gums.

High-quality cleaning of crowns from plaque thanks to the use of the device significantly reduces the risk of developing caries.

Medium-hard bristles allow you to cope with minor darkening of tooth enamel, restoring lost whiteness to crowns.

High elasticity of the bristles, rubberized coating and rounded tips reduce the risk of damage to enamel and gums during brush use. For these reasons, this model can be used by both adults and children over 12 years of age.

The ergonomic handle fits comfortably in your hand and does not slip out while brushing your teeth. The black color of the handle is typical for all brushes in the Whitening series.

The cost of the Whitening Medium model is 170 rubles.

Sensitive Medium

series is designed for people with hypersensitive gums and teeth. The soft and delicate fibers of the products provide a non-traumatic effect on the teeth.

The packaging of this series depicts a dandelion, which helps to quickly identify the model among the company’s rich assortment.

Sensitive Medium is equipped with medium-hard bristles for antibacterial treatment of sensitive crowns.

According to the recommendations of dentists, it can be used after operations in the oral cavity.

The key feature of the model is the division of the tips of the bristles into 4 parts and their rounding to ensure a gentle effect on the enamel. In addition, they are treated with silver ions to provide an antibacterial effect.

The cost of the Sensitive Medium model is 160 rubles.

Sensitive Soft

The Sensitive Soft toothbrush is equipped with very soft bristles, making it suitable for use in cases of highly sensitive gums and mucous membranes..

Dentists recommend its use for adults with periodontal pathologies and for children over 7 years of age.

Despite its softness, it effectively removes bacterial deposits from teeth and gums without injuring them.

Coating the rounded tips with silver ions promotes tissue healing and restoration due to its antibacterial effect.

The white handle used in all Sensitive series brushes fits comfortably in the hand and does not slip during use. The color of the tips of the bristles can be red or turquoise. Discoloration of the fibers symbolizes the need to replace the product with a new one.

The average cost of the Sensitive Soft model is 160 rubles.

Read the characteristics of the Oral Bee children's electric toothbrush, about its advantages and disadvantages. Click here if you are interested in how to use dental brushes and how to choose them correctly.

At this address https://dr-zubov.ru/ortodontiya/apparaty/brekety/bezligaturnye-proryv-v-ortodontii.html useful material about non-ligature braces systems.

Complete Medium

series is designed for daily dental care and prevention of various oral diseases.

You can distinguish it from other series thanks to the image of a feather on the packaging.

The Complete Medium model refers to products of medium hardness. The main indication for its use is cleaning the enamel when the gum tissue is in good condition. Can be used from 12 years of age.

The main feature of the Complete Medium brush is the narrowing of the bristles at the ends. This allows them to penetrate into the space between the teeth, effectively clearing it of accumulated plaque.

The handle of the product is made in red and is devoid of any protrusions or recesses. It fits comfortably in your hand while brushing your teeth.

The cost of the Complete Medium model in official stores of the Splat brand is 160 rubles.

Complete Soft

The Complete Soft model differs from the previous product in its increased softness. Thanks to this, it can be used from the age of six.

The bristles of the head, narrowed at the ends, allow you to clean the interdental space and the surface of the crown in the area of ​​the periodontal pocket.

This effectively eliminates bacterial plaque and prevents the occurrence of inflammatory processes and the development of carious enamel damage.

The product is intended for daily use and prevention of various oral diseases.

The colored tips of the fibers help determine the duration of use of the product: if they fade, the product must be replaced.

The average cost of a Complete Soft toothbrush is 160 rubles.


The Ion Smart Toothbrush is one of the latest developments by Japanese scientists. The essence of its action is based on the polarity of tooth enamel. Using the product changes the polarity of the teeth, causing bacterial plaque to be repelled from them and attracted to the bristles of the product.

In addition to eliminating bacterial plaque, the use of the ionic model can reduce periodontal inflammation and reduce enamel sensitivity.

According to studies, the use of Splat's ionic brush reduces gum bleeding by 50% and reduces enamel sensitivity by almost 60%.

The package contains two replaceable nozzles of different hardness - soft and medium. This allows you to change them periodically to achieve maximum effect.

A red indicator in the handle body indicates that the battery is working properly and that the brush can be used.

The cost of the Ion Smart Toothbrush model in the company’s stores is 660 rubles.

Instructions for using the ionic model

The maximum effect from cleaning your teeth with an ionic toothbrush can be achieved if you use it correctly.

To do this, you must follow the following sequence:

  1. Before brushing your teeth, the product must be moistened and then applied with paste.
  2. To turn on the device, you need to touch the metal plate located on its handle with a wet finger.
  3. It is necessary to start cleaning the dentition from the furthest crown. In this case, the head should be located at an angle of 90° at the gum line.
  4. Cleaning is done by sweeping movements from the base of the tooth to the incisal part.
  5. After cleaning all the elements of the dentition, it is worth treating the tongue and the mucous membrane of the cheeks.
  6. After completing the procedure, the head must be thoroughly rinsed, not forgetting the titanium rod.

When using an ionic brush, it is important to follow these rules:

  • Before use, check that the attachment is securely secured;
  • clean the rod by removing the nozzle at least once a month;
  • Do not use an ionic brush if the oral mucosa is extremely dry or has diseases.

In the video, watch the dentist's recommendations for using the Splat ionic brush.

What is it for?

The oral cavity is a place where a huge number of pathogens of various types accumulate. The infection can cause inflammation and bleeding of the gums. Infectious diseases of internal organs often originate from here.

It is not always possible to clean your teeth perfectly, especially if the device is chosen incorrectly. The ionic type of accessory is similar to a standard electric dental cleaning device, which is powered by a battery. But the principle of operation differs from classical analogues. An ionic toothbrush is needed primarily to:

  • Effectively clean enamel from plaque;
  • Reduce bleeding gums;
  • Eliminate unpleasant odor without the help of toothpastes;
  • Destroy pathogenic microorganisms.

Many may think that these are the main tasks for any toothbrush, but the ionic model allows you to combine not only mechanical cleaning of the surface of the teeth. It also has a beneficial effect on soft tissues with the help of a special magnetic field that can reduce and gradually eliminate gum inflammation, improve the condition of capillaries in the mouth and eliminate pathogens.

Which ones are better?

As practice has shown, everyone has to choose the best ionic brush on their own. Some people are accustomed to using the domestic version, others will give preference to a foreign manufacturer. If we compare the parameters in general, then most of the presented models are approximately the same in action, but have different powers of influence. Soladey is considered the most powerful. They have practically no models, and therefore there is no need to talk about diversity.

Sources used:

  • Professional prevention in dental practice / Jean-François Roulet, Stefan Zimmer. - M.: MEDpress-inform, 2010.
  • Manual toothbrush / S.B. Ulitovsky. - M.: Man, 2002.
  • Review of ionic brushes on Ya.Zen
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