Removing stones from the salivary gland
Removal of the parotid salivary gland preserving the facial nerve
Salivary stone disease is a pathological condition of the body that occurs due to the formation of hard stones in
Neuritis of the facial nerve, inflammation, paresis, neuritis, neuropathy, neuralgia of the facial nerve: treatment in Saratov
Facial nerve, anatomy The facial nerve, nervus facialis, 7th pair of cranial (cranial) nerves is motor
What is better when implanting 2 teeth nearby - installing one or two implants?
In case of tooth loss, implantation can be a solution to the problem. If the patient is missing two
Apadent for children
Remineralizing and restorative toothpaste Apadent: review, reviews
Who among us doesn't like beautiful teeth? They attract everyone, every person wants to have
baking soda for teeth: harm or benefit and harm
Baking soda is a folk remedy for oral diseases
11/21/2019 People who want to achieve a snow-white smile in an accessible and inexpensive way are interested in the question of whether it is possible
Cleaning hard to reach places
The harm and benefits of natural teeth cleaning products
Causes of Sensitive Gums Vigorous Teeth Brushing Changes in Hormone Levels Irritation from Plaque Types
oral candidiasis in infants
Sodium tetraborate for newborns with thrush
Oral candidiasis in children is an infectious dental disease caused by fungal microflora (microorganisms
how does sodium tetraborate act against stomatitis?
Sodium tetraborate - instructions, use, contraindications
Sodium tetraborate (Borax), Sodium tetraborate decahydrate Physicochemical properties The substance dehydrates stepwise when heated
How long does swelling last after rhinoplasty? What do they depend on and how to reduce them
The article was checked by a cardiologist, a member of the European Society of Cardiology, the Eurasian Association of Cardiologists, the Russian Society of Holter Monitoring
X-ray with undetected figure eights
Extra or not? Why sometimes correcting a bite requires tooth extraction
Patients who call an orthodontic center to make an appointment are first interested in the cost
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