If the dental crown breaks almost at the very root, there is a risk of it becoming overgrown with gum tissue.
Pharmacies offer a wide range of mouth rinses. But why buy unknown products if
Home → Articles → Recommendations after gum surgery Team of dentists at the Stomatolog 11 clinic
Types of anesthesia and anesthesia The dangers of implantation under anesthesia Sedation or anesthesia Alternatives Is it worth it
To avoid having to resort to various types of prosthetics or implantation for as long as possible, specialists
Those who are planning to remove “eights”, known as wisdom teeth, are probably aware of the possible complications
People with dental problems often wonder whether the lymph node can become inflamed due to
It often happens that we injure moles. Rip off completely or slightly tear off from the skin.
Problem: parents with a 12-year-old teenager contacted the Dial-Dent orthodontic department. The boy has a lot of sticking out
Osteomyelitis of the jaw is an inflammatory and infectious process with purulent contents that covers the structural elements