Laser vision correction: do it in the summer - or wait until the fall?

Many people planning to undergo laser correction are concerned with the question: what is smarter, to undergo this effective procedure for restoring vision in the summer - or to wait for a cooler time of year? Complications associated with hot summer weather, the need to cancel a vacation - such prospects arise for those who dream of good eyesight, but are not sure that summer is the right time to realize this dream.

How are things really going?

Here are answers to the most frequently asked questions about the features of laser vision correction and recovery after this procedure in the summer.


“EpiVacCorona” is the second Russian vaccine created at the State Research Center of Virology and Biotechnology “Vector” under Rospotrebnadzor. Unlike Sputnik V, the vaccine does not contain coronavirus particles. The drug is completely synthetic. This means that the vaccine elements do not multiply in the human body, but only cause an immune response.

EpiVacCorona is believed to have a broader immune response to all types of pathogens, rather than specific strains.

Who can I bet on?

The drug is suitable for patients of all ages, but it is advisable to vaccinate those over 18 years of age. Due to its structure, EpiVacCorona is suitable for people with weakened immune systems.

People over 65 years of age are advised to take EpiVacCorona three times, since the immunological effectiveness of the drug decreases with age.

Contraindications for vaccination

The contraindications largely duplicate those of Sputnik V. These are severe forms of allergies, acute diseases or exacerbations of chronic ones (vaccination can only be done after recovery or remission). Also, the drug should not be used by pregnant and lactating women, as well as children under 18 years of age.

In addition, the vaccine cannot be given to patients with primary immunodeficiency, cancer patients or patients with blood diseases. Also, those who have had a reaction or post-vaccination complication due to a previous vaccine administration should not be injected with EpiVacCorona.

Interval between vaccinations

The interval between two vaccinations of the Novosibirsk drug is 21 days.

When will antibodies form?

Antibodies of this vaccine can only be seen using special test systems. Conventional tests cannot always determine the level of immune response. The first antibodies appear two weeks after the first vaccination; full immunity in the body will be formed only 7–14 days after the second vaccination.

It is recommended to check antibody levels no earlier than 42 days after the first vaccination. This is usually done in the institutions where the vaccination was given.

How long does immunity last?

Immunity from EpiVacCorona lasts only up to nine months. While the final results have not been received, they will be available later

several years after the vaccine was created.

Preparation and x-ray

Before implanting titanium pins into the oral cavity, a person needs to be prepared to undergo a comprehensive examination of the entire body. Specialists check the condition of periodontal tissues especially carefully. To do this, you may need to undergo some tests, as well as undergo an x-ray examination. This will help determine the presence of contraindications and the sufficiency of bone volume in the place where it is planned to install an artificial tooth substitute.

Based on the data obtained, the doctor will guide his client regarding suitable treatment methods, the duration of the rehabilitation period, and also predict the final result. At the initial consultation, you are also asked to take a short survey, this will help identify whether the patient has bad habits, for example, addiction to alcohol, as well as chronic diseases. Such points must be taken into account at the stage of preparation for surgery.

Based on the clinical picture, the doctor can refer his patient for a computed tomography scan, local x-ray or orthopantomogram, that is, a panoramic examination (in case of multiple missing teeth). Modern equipment guarantees three-dimensional and clear images that help to understand the exact condition of the vessels and nerve endings at the site of the operation. CT is an important stage at which the doctor determines the optimal parameters of future implants, as well as their angle of inclination during installation.

After the operation, will I be able to see perfectly at any distance?

The patient immediately notices a significant improvement. With multifocal intraocular lenses, most patients do not need to wear glasses for 90-95% of their daily activities. This means that most patients with multifocal intraocular lenses can read, drive a car, watch TV, work on a computer, do makeup, and play sports without glasses. They are advised to have only one pair of glasses for small text or for reading in low light.

Cosmic influence

The influence of space, and the Moon in particular, on the Earth and human life is not in doubt. Study of the movement of the Moon, its phases. Allows you to establish patterns of development of certain living organisms. Identify the causes of various phenomena.

And knowledge of the latter allows you to learn to control life processes. Live in harmony with yourself and the Universe. Without harming any living beings on Earth or the cosmos.

Science should rely not only on the latest achievements and discoveries. But also on the legacy of our ancestors, who long ago noticed the influence of celestial bodies on our planet. And they tried to build their lives taking into account this knowledge.

The earth and man, although not the crown of creation, still live according to the laws of the Universe. In accordance with cosmic rhythms and cycles, exposed to the influence of celestial bodies.

What tests are needed?

A prerequisite is to take tests, this will make it possible to timely

identify the presence of serious pathologies in the patient, inflammatory processes in the body, and also check blood clotting, which is important during any surgical intervention. You must take a test for HIV, hepatitis, etc.

Additionally, a professional may advise you to donate blood for glucose, for example, if you suspect diabetes. Since this disease has many unpleasant consequences, you should be extremely careful. If the patient complains of frequent allergic reactions, it may be necessary to evaluate the level of immunoglobulins and do tests for allergens.

It is also strongly recommended to check the functioning of the thyroid gland, heart, blood vessels and other vital organs. It is especially important for women during menopause to take good care of their health. This time is often accompanied by a disease such as osteoporosis, which can lead to unpleasant complications. For each person, a list of examinations is compiled individually.

The influence of the moon on human life

There is an assumption regarding the change of lunar phases and seasons. An analogy between these two phenomena was drawn from the results of observations of nature. According to this analogy. Every 29.5 days (from new moon to next new moon). Man “experiences” four seasons: winter, spring, summer and autumn.

According to the lunar calendar, lunar winter lasts 7 days, centered on the new moon. During this period, vital activity decreases, and biorhythms decrease.

Lunar spring is a period of awakening and growth of all living things. Including the internal activity of the human body. The "Spring Season" also lasts 7 days. Centered at the first quarter phase of the Moon.

Lunar summer is a period of increased vital activity. With a maximum increase in biorhythms during the full moon. Which is .

Lunar autumn, like “earthly” autumn, consists of a gradual decrease in vital activity. Preparing for the winter period. The center of this 7-day period is in the last (or third) quarter phase.

The entire solar year is divided into two parts in the lunar cycle, approximately 14 days each. The period of the waxing moon (from new moon to full moon). And the period of the waning moon (from the full moon to the next new moon).

Researchers identify seven main factors of the influence of the Moon on humans:

  • new moon;
  • Waxing Crescent;
  • full moon;
  • decreasing;
  • position in the zodiac;
  • ascending;
  • descending Moon.

Four of them coincide with the phases of the moon.

Lunar calendar: the best day for operations

JULY 2021

The most successful days for operations

: 6 (after 09:00) July 2021

Valid days for operations

: July 5, 7, 2021

Plastic surgeries and injections in the head area

: No.

Extremely bad days for operations

: 1-4, 8-11, 17, 23, 24, 28-31 July 2021


: in Leo (until July 29), in Virgo.

In July 2021

As you can see, there are not too many days allowed for operations, and only at the beginning of the month.
This is due to the fact that Mars, passing through the sign of Leo
, will make several tense aspects this month, warning that this is not the best time for surgical interventions.

Mars in Leo

gives people more opportunities for activity, but there is no point in making quick decisions now: you can easily make a mistake. Tense aspects of Mars can bring unpredictability or obstacles to your goals. If it is possible to postpone the operation on dangerous days, it is better to postpone it!

There are no particularly good days for plastic surgery this month.

By the end of the month, Mars will move into another sign, so it will be slightly weakened

change of sign.
These days should also not be chosen for operations ( July 28-31, 2021

© Gpoint Studio


The most successful days for operations

: 1, 3, 4 (after 11:00), 6, 27 August 2021

Valid days for operations

: 5, 23, 25, 28 (after 13:30), 29 (after 14:00) August 2021

Plastic surgeries and injections in the head area

: August 3-6, 2021

Extremely bad days for operations

: 7, 8, 22, 30 August 2021


: in Virgo.

In August 2021

there will be more successful days for operations - at the beginning of the month and at the end, when the Moon wanes.

The beginning of August

is more suitable for plastic surgery
in the
facial , since the Moon will go on good days in the signs of Gemini and Cancer. But these days are not suitable for surgery in the area of ​​the hands (Gemini), abdomen and chest (Cancer), since these organs and parts of the body are vulnerable.

After the full moon, good days for operations will be August 25, 27-29, 2021

, but the Moon these days will
be in the sign of Aries and Taurus
, which is not very good for plastic surgery in
the head and neck
, but these days plastic surgery on other parts of the body is allowed.

Mars moving into the earth sign Virgo

, increases responsibility and scrupulousness, so there will be the most serious approach to surgery. You will be able to carefully weigh decisions regarding operations and will not act on impulse.

© Robert Kneschke


The most successful days for operations

: 5, 26, 30 September 2021

Valid days for operations

: 22, 25 September 2021

Plastic surgeries and injections in the head area

: No

Extremely bad days for operations

: 1-4, 6, 7, 13, 14, 20, 21, 28 September 2021


: in Virgo (until September 15), in Libra.

ATTENTION! Retrograde and static Mercury – September 25-30, 2021.

In September 2021

Most of the days that are successful for operations occur at the end of the month, but from
September 25, 2021, Mercury will be static
, then retrograde, which may indicate a breakdown in plans, delays, and inaccuracies. Be especially careful in the last week of the month.

It is better not to do plastic surgery at this time due to tense aspects of Venus

, however, if the operations are not in
the head and neck area,
you can consider
September 25 or 26, 2021
(Moon in
). These days may not be particularly suitable for you since they are weekends.

© towfiqu barbhuiya

What happens during the operation?

The operation takes 15-20 minutes and is painless. During the operation, the surgeon, through punctures in the cornea, using ultrasound and water, destroys and removes the clouded areas of the lens completely, and then through a thin tube introduces a soft transparent polymer lens into the eye, which takes its place there. No seams are used. This operation is called the “pearl of surgery.” But do not think that with such new technology, cataract surgery has lost its complexity. Therefore, the experience of the specialist who performs the operation is certainly important.

Treatment of diseases taking into account biorhythms

All systems and internal organs of the human body have their own biorhythms. Therefore, diseases need to be treated depending on the time of day and night. At moments of maximum activity of the diseased organ.

From 1 o'clock to 3 o'clock in the morning, medications will have the greatest effect in treating the liver.

From 3 o'clock to 5 o'clock, asthmatics, and for diseases of the lungs and bronchi should take medications.

From 5 o'clock to 7 o'clock the period of activity of the colon is the time to cleanse and treat it.

Between 7 and 9 a.m. is not only the best time to treat stomach ailments. But also to diagnose and prevent gastric diseases, for example, stomach ulcers. At this time, illnesses especially strongly signal themselves with intense pain.

From 9 to 11 am is the time to boost your immunity and treat your spleen.

It is recommended to treat heart diseases from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Between 1 and 3 p.m., after lunch, the duodenum and small intestine should be treated.

Between 15:00 and 17:00 the time of bladder activity begins. This is the best time to treat cystitis and bladder abnormalities.

From 17:00 to 19:00 time for treatment of back and kidney diseases.

Between 19 and 21 hours it is most effective to treat impotence and frigidity.

The period from 21 to 23 hours is exceptionally good for combating hair loss and skin diseases.

Time from 21 to 1 am - the fight against bile-renal diseases.

In addition to daily biorhythms. There are seasonal biorhythms in the activity of energy meridians and their organs (see figure). For example, in February it is most effective to treat lung diseases. And bladder diseases are the least susceptible. In March, treatment of the large intestine is most effective and the kidneys least of all.

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