Write a review Reviews: 0 Manufacturers: Biosynthesis Active ingredients Levorin Class of diseases Changes in skin structure
In modern dentistry, there are many indications for tooth extraction. Such interventions are often accompanied by complications
More than 10 years ago, it was customary to correct the bite starting from adolescence. Dentists have proven
It is very difficult for a modern person to imagine a world without painkillers, since various types of pain
If you are concerned about facial asymmetry: Do not rush to see a surgeon! Any surgical intervention -
Why cook kapa? A mouthguard is a special elastic band that a boxer holds during a fight.
Dental care begins in the first year of life, when the first milk teeth erupt. Especially
Have you had your teeth whitened and your doctor recommends following a white diet? Do you want to know the exact checklist?
Mucocele cysts (mucoceles) are small, fluid-filled sacs that form primarily in the cavity
An oral mucosal cyst (also called a mucocele or mucocele) is