Cysts in the human body are closed cavities, a kind of capsule, with contents. Localizing them
Injuries to teeth and gums are common among children of all ages. If a child breaks a milk
Cemental caries, or root caries, is less common than cervical caries, but is considered more
The principle of operation of Air flow teeth cleaning is a method of professional teeth cleaning developed by the company
Ideal tooth size In dentistry, teeth of a certain size and anatomical shape are considered normal -
Updated: 03/07/2021 15:48:31 Expert: Svetlana Anatolyevna Orlova *Review of the best according to the editors of ABOUT
Instructions for providing emergency dental care to the population of Moscow. Who receives emergency dental care?
Yellow skin color is a common phenomenon that can result from many factors. Such pigmentation in an adult
Tooth extrusion – what is this procedure? The essence of the method and indications for its use
Root canal obturation is the final stage of endodontic treatment. Since the main thing that prevents the development of complications is