Dry vagina: why it’s dry during sex, what to do during intercourse

Many people are familiar with the feeling of dry mouth. But not everyone knows that it can be a manifestation of a serious illness.

In medical terminology, this symptom is called xerostomia (insufficient hydration with saliva).

It occurs due to disruption of the salivary glands.

Normally, the salivary glands produce about 1.5–2 liters of saliva per day. Saliva is necessary for moisturizing and cleaning the oral cavity, for normal digestion of food, and also has a pronounced antibacterial effect.

If there is a disruption in its production in the mouth, there is a feeling of dryness of the tongue and discomfort, and cracks appear on the lips. Dry mouth can lead to digestive problems, hoarseness, and the development of acute respiratory infections and ENT diseases. All this significantly reduces the patient’s quality of life.

Drying of the mucous membrane can be temporary or be a symptom of a disease.

Let's consider what could be the cause of this symptom, and with the help of what methods Tibetan medicine effectively combats this manifestation.

  • Causes of dry mouth
  • Causes of dry mouth from the point of view of oriental medicine
  • Possible diseases
  • How to get rid of dry mouth
  • Treatment of dry mouth in Eastern medicine

Why is the vagina of a girl or woman dry?

Dry vagina , dry vagina , vaginal dryness is a pressing problem for many girls and women
before sex, during sex, before sexual intercourse, during sexual intercourse. Men and women, girls and boys often ask us at appointments: “ Why is the vagina dry ? Why is my vagina dry ? What to do if your vagina is dry during sex ? Why is the vagina dry during sex , during sexual intercourse, after childbirth, during menopause? Dry vagina, what to do and who is to blame, what to lubricate? How to moisturize your vagina? How to moisturize the vagina and increase the moisture of the vaginal mucosa? Why doesn’t gynecology help if you have vaginal dryness ?”

Dry mucous membranes: symptoms

A healthy person secretes about half a liter of mucus every day, which moisturizes the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses. If less mucus is produced, the mucous membrane dries out. The first symptoms of the disease are itching, burning and other unpleasant sensations in the nasal cavity, which you want to get rid of quickly. Subsequently, these symptoms may spread to the throat.

A person does not leave the feeling of stuffiness even in the absence of a runny nose. This symptom is especially annoying at night. Severe congestion causes snoring.

Another characteristic symptom is loss of smell. The patient ceases to distinguish odors. This symptom occurs due to the fact that the olfactory receptors cannot fully function without the proper level of hydration of the mucous membrane. This condition is called anosmia.

The disease very often occurs with the formation of crusts in the nasal cavity. So, in one of the varieties of chronic rhinitis (ozena disease), crusts are one of the main symptoms.

When these crusts come off, the nasal cavity begins to emit a very unpleasant odor, noticeable to others. Therefore, it is not surprising that the patient is trying with all his might to eliminate severe nasal dryness by starting treatment.

There are many blood vessels located near the surface of the mucous membrane, so the formation of crusts leads to frequent nosebleeds, which can be eliminated by eliminating severe dryness.

The skin of the nose also dries out, and cracks appear on its border. Due to the fact that normal nasal breathing becomes impossible, the brain is not saturated with oxygen, as a result of which the patient suffers from frequent headaches.

This condition, of course, greatly reduces the quality of life, and the patient cannot wait to get rid of it as quickly as possible.

It is imperative to treat the nasal mucosa, since constantly dry mucosa and the lack of proper treatment can provoke a number of complications, which will be much more difficult to get rid of.

Dry vagina, severe vaginal dryness: causes

Dry vagina , dry vagina , dry vagina, increased vaginal dryness occurs in many diseases and pathological processes. What are the causes of dry vagina? Vaginal dryness is caused by stressful situations, poor psycho-erotic preparation of a girl or woman for sex (for sexual intercourse), insufficient stimulation (or lack of stimulation) of female erogenous zones (clitoris, vestibule in the vagina, labia minora, labia majora, thighs, buttocks, ass, breasts, nipples, neck, ears, abdomen), certain medications, taking hormonal contraceptive pills (hormonal oral contraceptives, GOK, hormonal pills), douching with antiseptics, using vaginal rings, panties made of synthetic materials (synthetic panties: polyester, elastane), hypothyroidism, dishormonal disorders, gynecological diseases, psychological problems, female menopause, smoking, liver disease, stagnation of venous blood in the pelvic organs, ovarian dysfunction, alcoholism, vaginal injuries, amenorrhea, atrophic vaginitis, bacterial vaginosis, thrush , period after childbirth, neuroses, fatigue, decreased immunity, menopause, postmenopause, lack of sexual desire, decreased libido, depression, cystitis, chemotherapy treatment, uterine fibroids, sexually transmitted infections (sexually transmitted diseases), intrauterine device, unattractive sexual partner, reduced body weight , allergic reactions to feminine hygiene products (intimate gel, scented toilet paper, pads, tampons, shower gel), low-calorie diet, fear of becoming pregnant (fear of pregnancy).

What happens if the disease is not treated?

Dryness itself as a symptom is not dangerous. But if the disease is not treated, the symptom will progress and can provoke a number of diseases and unpleasant manifestations.

We have already mentioned constant headaches. If the disease is not treated and dryness is not eliminated, the patient does not get enough sleep, becomes irritable, feels depressed and overwhelmed.

If the disease is not treated, a person temporarily loses the ability to distinguish odors.

The overdried mucous membrane, covered with microcracks, is most susceptible to the harmful effects of infectious agents; accordingly, people increasingly suffer from viral diseases.

If you do not try to get rid of the annoying symptom and do not begin to treat this condition in a timely manner, the mucous membrane may begin to thin out, which will lead to its atrophy. And this, in turn, will cause damage to the nasal bones.

A feeling of dryness in the nasal cavity is not as harmless a symptom as it might seem at first. Therefore, the question is: “How to get rid of severe dry nose?” quite relevant.

The effect after correctly performed plasma therapy

Women with vaginal dryness are satisfied with the results after the first procedure.

Injections can not only relieve dryness and burning in the vagina. The mucous membrane becomes elastic, elastic, healthy. The youth of tissues is restored.

PRP therapy does more than just relieve unpleasant symptoms. It has a healing effect and restores the structure and function of the vagina to the physiological norm.

The volume of tissues around points G, A and K increases, and after the procedure they become more sensitive. With sexual intimacy, these zones actively respond to stimulation, achieving orgasm becomes easier, and the orgasm itself becomes brighter.

The volume of the vagina decreases, collagen thickening of its walls occurs, which also has a positive effect on sensitivity and general well-being.


After the examination, 15 ml of blood is drawn. To isolate the plasma and separate it from the red blood cells, a tube of blood is placed in a centrifuge. The resulting plasma is a gel, which is injected around the circumference into the vaginal walls.

Expert comment:

“I always perform the PRP procedure around the entire vaginal mucosa.

To increase vaginal sensitivity and orgasm intensity, I pay special attention to working on three areas rich in nerve endings. This is the well-known zone G, and the little-known zones A and K.”

Vladislava Gladysheva, plastic surgeon, specialist in aesthetic gynecology.

For 2-3 days after therapy, it is necessary to limit physical activity and avoid baths, saunas and swimming pools.


The gynecologist’s task is not only to identify the degree of dryness of the vaginal mucosa, but also to determine the causes of the anomaly. At the appointment, the doctor interviews the woman, finds out what kind of lifestyle she leads, whether there are any problems with her cycle, and so on. After this, a gynecological examination is performed. To diagnose pathology, colposcopy is prescribed to assess the condition of the mucous membrane, its thickness, color, and integrity. Then, according to indications, specific tests are carried out (determining glycogen levels, pH and a number of others). A smear is also taken for cytology and microflora. A blood test for hormones is required.

Find out more about intimate hygiene and women's health

  • Problems of the female genitourinary system.
  • Microcracks in the vaginal area: causes, how to cope?
  • Vaginal secretion: correct composition, disorders, recovery
  • Inflammation of the vulva, genital infections
  • What to do when menopause occurs?
  • What lubricants help with menopause?
  • Intimate care for women: useful tips
  • Common mistakes in feminine intimate care
  • Cleanliness in the intimate area. What does a vagina need besides water?
  • Intimate sphere: responsibility of a gynecologist, sexologist, psychologist
  • Intimacy - advice from a sexologist.
  • Hygiene, health, quality of life. Austrian pharmacology.
  • Modern feminine intimate hygiene products
  • Intimate hygiene and sex: history, traditional and newest intimate lubricants
  • Itching and burning in the intimate area: causes, treatment, prevention


What to do

To get rid of dryness, it is recommended to drink more liquid, maintain an optimal level of humidity in the room, and regularly do wet cleaning. It is highly undesirable to use vasoconstrictor drops.


Rinse the nasal passages with an isotonic solution or saline water for preventive purposes only if there is nasal mucus. Otherwise, this will lead to irritation and even damage to the mucous membranes with the development of bleeding.

According to the head of the ENT department, candidate of medical sciences, otolarygologist V. Zaitsev, “it is possible to rinse the nose with a saline solution, and some even need it to cleanse the nasopharynx. Returning home from the street, mucus is found in the nose, which should be washed off. But if the nasal cavity is clean initially, there is no mucus, if the nose is not stuffy and breathing is normal, then there is no need for rinsing.”

To prevent coronavirus infection, the doctor advises using pharmaceutical nasal products that stimulate local immune defense. It is advisable to apply such preparations before going out and visiting crowded places.

Water-based intimate lubricants

In general, on the market for intimate moisturizing gels and lubricants there are many products from different manufacturers that differ in purpose and composition, but the water-based lubricants segment is the most numerous and popular, if you do not take into account lovers of “extraordinary” sex.

Why should you prefer water-based lubricants? For supporters of everything natural, hygienic and hypoallergenic, the reasons are obvious:


    Such drugs can be bought at any pharmacy; there is no need to look for special stores for adults. You can order it for home delivery in different dosages from small sachets to tubes of 20 and 50 mg.


    The basic component of these preparations is purified water, no perfumes or food additives for taste. The likelihood of various allergic reactions from the use of water-based lubricants is zero, at least minimal.


    Classic water-based formulations are colorless and odorless and do not leave stains on laundry when dry. It is not even necessary to wash them off with plain water.


    Neutral chemically and biologically, water-based lubricants do not interfere with conception and can be used with latex condoms, which cannot be said about oil-based (fat)-based lubricants.

What means to combat the lack of moisture in the intimate area is up to you to decide. Read reviews on the Internet, study the instructions for use and the composition of the lubricant on the packaging, consult with doctors. You just have to remember that vaginal lubricants relieve the symptoms of dryness and make life easier, but do not eliminate the causes of the problem. To completely get rid of dryness in the intimate area, you need to eliminate the root causes of its occurrence.


The female body responds to most adverse conditions by changing the balance of hormones. This is especially noticeable during adolescence, during pregnancy or menopause. But sometimes, due to chronic pathologies, the endocrine glands and organs of the reproductive system produce secretory fluid unevenly.

If estrogen levels drop, biochemical, histological and functional changes begin in the urethra and vagina. The hormone is responsible for the production of collagen, which is involved in maintaining sufficient quality of vaginal tissue. If there is not enough of it, the stratified epithelium becomes thinner, smaller, and less elastic.

Where does dry mouth come from?

The reasons for Dry Mouth can be very different.

Some believe that dry mouth is associated with aging. This is wrong. Xerostomia (the official medical name of the condition) has nothing to do with age; it always has other prerequisites.

You don't have enough water

This is the most common case. If your mouth is dry, it's likely that you're either not getting enough fluids. Or they have lost too much of it - this happens during intense sports, while walking in the heat, or, for example, with digestive problems, which are accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting.

Do you smoke

Tobacco smoke dries out the mucous membranes and reduces Effect of Long-term Smoking on Whole-mouth Salivary Flow Rate and Oral Health salivary production. This is another reason to quit smoking.

Your nose is stuffy

This causes you to breathe through your mouth. In conditions of insufficient humidity, this method of breathing can lead to drying out of the mucous membrane.

You are taking certain medications

The list of medications that have dry mouth as a side effect is long. This includes Everything you need to know about dry mouth:

  • antihistamines;
  • decongestants;
  • a number of medications used to control high blood pressure (hypertension);
  • antidiarrheals;
  • muscle relaxants;
  • antidepressants;
  • certain medications to treat Parkinson's disease and other neurological disorders.

By the way, this is why dry mouth is more common in older people than in young people: they simply take more medications of all kinds.

You are undergoing radiation or chemotherapy

Procedures related to the treatment of cancer can disrupt the functioning of the salivary glands.

You have or are developing diabetes mellitus

Dry mouth is a common symptom of this condition. As a rule, it is accompanied by constant thirst and, as a result, frequent urination.

You develop an autoimmune disease

This could be rheumatoid arthritis, thyroid diseases (in particular, thyrotoxicosis), lupus and other Dental Health and Dry Mouth disorders, in which the immune system begins to attack the cells of its own body.

You are experiencing severe stress

When we are nervous, the body has no time to salivate. He is busy with the problem of choosing between “fight” or “run”. Therefore, your mouth predictably becomes dry.


When developing an effective therapy program, a gynecologist works with other specialized specialists: a cardiologist, an endocrinologist, a neurologist and a psychologist. It is important not only to relieve symptoms, but also to identify the cause, completely eliminating it or correcting its progress.

Self-medication and concealment of a delicate problem will lead to complications. Women often start using synthetic lubricants during intimacy, but such drugs mask, but do not solve the problem. Often the products cause allergic reactions, and most of them dry out the mucous membrane even more immediately after use.

Local treatment

If the cause lies in a lack of estrogen, the doctor will advise the use of local hormone-based medications. Women of reproductive age are prescribed vaginal products in various forms:

  • Cream;
  • Ointments;
  • Emulsions;
  • Rings;
  • Suppositories;
  • Sprays.

The gynecologist should choose medications, their type and dosage. With a properly prescribed drug or combination thereof, the problem will go away in 10-14 days.

If the patient is admitted after chemotherapy or hormonal treatment of another disease, then doctors prescribe non-hormonal local agents based on glycerin, collagen, and hyaluronic acid. They are able to restore microflora and keep the mucous membrane moisturized.

It is important for women to maintain intimate hygiene, but only with the products that are chosen for her at the clinic. Douching and baths with various natural or synthetic ingredients will restore the microflora and prevent the development of infection. Toilet paper, panty liners or scented wet wipes should be avoided.

Hormone replacement therapy

If we are talking about a natural decrease in estrogen during menopause and menopause, hormone replacement therapy is indicated. In small doses, the patient receives the missing hormone daily, thereby maintaining the normal condition of the genitourinary system and other structures.

Intimate plastic surgery

Restoring the normal state of the mucosa is possible through contouring - injection of fillers: collagen, hyaluron or other similar substances subcutaneously.

The doctor gives injections with a substance in the clitoral area. The location was not chosen by chance: injections stimulate the sensitivity of the genital organ, increase secretion during physical and mental stimulation.

This method of intimate plastic surgery does not require a preparatory period from the patient. The woman comes to the clinic at the appointed time, and after the event she immediately goes home.

Fillers are a gel-like substance that replenishes the missing volume of moisture. The procedure does not replace the main treatment, since it is temporary; the woman will have to undergo contouring again in 12-18 months.


The main reason is a hormonal imbalance, in which the Bartholin glands stop producing the required amount of secretion. Often this problem occurs in women aged 40 years and older. There are other possible reasons for the decrease in natural lubrication:

  • emotional overstrain, chronic stress;
  • constantly on strict diets;
  • uncontrolled long-term use of hormonal contraceptives;
  • sexually transmitted infections;
  • radiation, chemotherapy;
  • endocrine diseases (especially diabetes);
  • inflammatory processes in the reproductive organs.

The appearance of such symptoms in women over 35 years of age may indicate the onset of early menopause. In addition, chronic fatigue and constant heavy physical activity can lead to insufficient production of vaginal secretions.

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