Warts: types, signs, danger, treatment methods

Improper and irregular oral care means there is a high probability of getting some kind of infection, which can lead to gum disease. Gum papilloma is a form of oral disease that requires immediate treatment. It may also occur on the lips, tongue, larynx, and throat. Papillomas can be quite painful, and their development threatens inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.

Causes of papilloma

This disease is caused by papilloma, a viral infection that has a long latent, that is, hidden, period. The time during which the disease does not manifest itself after the virus enters the body takes from two months to five years. This is the main danger of such a disease, because in such cases immediate intervention by a surgeon is required, and delay can cause death. The main reason for the formation of papilloma on the gums is a decrease in human immunity.

Rehabilitation period after excision of papilloma in the oral cavity

After surgery for papilloma with any of the destructive methods, a recovery period follows, which includes drug treatment and compliance with a number of recommendations of the attending physician (treatment of the oral cavity with medications, proper nutrition, etc.).

As a rule, drug therapy after cauterization of papilloma includes taking antiviral and immunostimulating drugs, as well as vitamins. In the presence of infectious diseases that can provoke an exacerbation of HPV, appropriate medications are prescribed to combat this pathology. Complex treatment will block the virus, speed up the healing of mucous membranes and prevent infection of the postoperative wound.

You can remove papilloma in the oral cavity using one of the destructive methods in our specialized medical center, where experienced and highly qualified specialists work. After the necessary examination, taking into account the patient’s wishes and medical indications, the doctor will select the most appropriate tactics to combat warts. An individual approach to the patient, high professionalism of doctors and the use of advanced equipment will ensure successful and safe treatment of papillomas in the oral cavity.


This article is posted for informational purposes only and under no circumstances constitutes scientific material or medical advice and should not serve as a substitute for an in-person consultation with a professional physician.
For diagnostics, diagnosis and treatment, contact qualified doctors! Number of reads: 6243 Date of publication: 08/06/2018
Dermatologists - search service and appointment with dermatologists in Moscow

Symptoms of the development of gum papilloma

Papilloma is a benign tumor in the form of a characteristic growth. This formation can come in different sizes and shapes. Papilloma on the gum may not manifest itself in the form of pain or discomfort that bothers a person. This growth can be detected when visiting the dentist with complaints about teeth or gums, when the doctor conducts a professional examination of the entire oral cavity.

Papilloma is felt by the patient as a foreign body, which, depending on its size, creates a feeling of discomfort. It prevents the free position and movement of the tongue, which provokes distortion of the speech apparatus. With a significant increase in papilloma on the gum, it becomes difficult to chew food.

Genital warts in the mouth

array ( 'ID' => '8732', '~ID' => '8732', 'NAME' => 'Ginital warts in the mouth', '~NAME' => 'Ginital warts in the mouth', 'IBLOCK_ID' = > '43', '~IBLOCK_ID' => '43', 'IBLOCK_SECTION_ID' => '1194', '~IBLOCK_SECTION_ID' => '1194', 'DETAIL_TEXT' => ' Genital warts in the mouth are much less common than in genitals. In adults, they are formed more often as a result of sexual transmission, and in children as a result of infection from the mother during childbirth.
Infection is possible through contact and household contact (using someone else's toothbrush). In this case, the virus enters the oral cavity through microdamages. Weakened immunity and immunodeficiency, the presence of concomitant somatic conditions contribute to the rapid onset of clinical manifestations. In the oral cavity, rashes can be on the tongue and under the tongue, on the hard palate, the inner surface of the cheeks, even spreading to the larynx. They are usually presented as large white or pinkish rounded papules, slightly raised above the mucous membranes, have a lobulated surface and a rough appearance.
You can see such formations in the photo of genital warts in the mouth .

When a secondary infection occurs, a cough may appear, which can mimic a cold. If condylomas appear in the larynx, this can lead to severe complications due to increasing respiratory failure.
A dermatovenerologist can also treat
genital warts in the mouth and under the tongue ', '~DETAIL_TEXT' => ' Genital warts in the mouth are much less common than on the genitals.
In adults, they are most often formed as a result of sexual transmission, and in children as a result of infection from the mother during childbirth. Infection through household contact (use of someone else's toothbrush) is possible.
In this case, the virus enters the oral cavity through microdamages. Weakened immunity and immunodeficiency, the presence of concomitant somatic diseases contribute to the rapid occurrence of clinical manifestations. In the oral cavity, rashes can be on the tongue and under the tongue, on the hard palate, the inner surface of the cheeks, even spreading to the larynx. They are usually presented as large white or pinkish round papules, slightly elevated above the mucous membranes, have a lobulated surface and a rough appearance. You can see such formations in the photo of genital warts in the mouth . When a secondary infection occurs, a cough may appear, which can mimic a cold. If condylomas appear in the larynx, this can lead to severe complications due to increasing respiratory failure.
A dermatovenerologist can also treat
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Find out more about such candylomas on our portal from medical specialists.', ), 'FIELDS' => array ( ), 'PROPERTIES' => array ( 'IMAGES' => array ( 'ID' => '240', 'TIMESTAMP_X' => '2017-11-15 09:11:27', 'IBLOCK_ID' => '43', 'NAME' => 'Photo gallery', 'ACTIVE' => 'Y', 'SORT' => '500', 'CODE' => 'IMAGES', 'DEFAULT_VALUE' => ", 'PROPERTY_TYPE' => 'F', 'ROW_COUNT' => '1', 'COL_COUNT' => '30', 'LIST_TYPE' => 'L', 'MULTIPLE' => 'Y', 'XML_ID' => ", 'FILE_TYPE' => 'jpg, gif, bmp, png, jpeg', 'MULTIPLE_CNT' => '5', 'TMP_ID ' => NULL, 'LINK_IBLOCK_ID' => '0', 'WITH_DESCRIPTION' => 'Y', 'SEARCHABLE' => 'N', 'FILTRABLE' => 'N', 'IS_REQUIRED' => 'N', 'VERSION' => '1', 'USER_TYPE' => NULL, 'USER_TYPE_SETTINGS' => NULL, 'HINT' => ", 'PROPERTY_VALUE_ID' => array ( 0 => '20787', 1 => '20788' , 2 => '20789', 3 => '20790', ), 'VALUE' => array ( 0 => '21308', 1 => '21309', 2 => '21310', 3 => '21311 ', ), 'DESCRIPTION' => array ( 0 => 'Ginital warts on the tongue | Genital warts on the tongue', 1 => 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'/forpatients/school/info/ostrokonechnye-kondilomy/', 'META_TAGS' => array ( 'TITLE' => 'Acuminate condylomas in the mouth', 'ELEMENT_CHAIN' => 'Ginital warts in the mouth', 'BROWSER_TITLE' => 'Ginital warts in the mouth: photos in the mouth, on the tongue and under the tongue', 'KEYWORDS' => 'Ginital warts in the mouth, Genital warts in the mouth photo , Genital warts on the tongue, Genital warts under the tongue', 'DESCRIPTION' => 'Ginital warts can appear on the tongue, under the tongue, and generally in the mouth. Find out more about such candylomas on our portal from medical specialists.', ), 'GALLARY_INFO' => array ( 21308 => array ( 'ID' => '21308', 'TIMESTAMP_X' => Bitrix\Main\Type\ DateTime::__set_state(array( 'value' => DateTime::__set_state(array( 'date' => '2018-07-02 00:45:33.000000', 'timezone_type' => 3, 'timezone' => ' Europe/Moscow', )), )), 'MODULE_ID' => 'iblock', 'HEIGHT' => '220', 'WIDTH' => '250', 'FILE_SIZE' => '21153', 'CONTENT_TYPE' => 'image/jpeg', 'SUBDIR' => 'iblock/9cc', 'FILE_NAME' => 'ostrokonechnye_kondilomy_na_yazyke.jpg', 'ORIGINAL_NAME' => 'Ostrokonechnye-kondilomy-na-yazyke.jpg', 'DESCRIPTION' => 'Guminatum on the tongue | Genital warts on the tongue', 'HANDLER_ID' => NULL, 'EXTERNAL_ID' => '8819841073890ee638a5733e8e417a81', '~src' => false, 'SRC' => '/upload/iblock/9cc /ostrokonechnye_kondilomy_na_yazyke.jpg', 'NAME' => 'Acuminate condylomas on the tongue', 'ALT' => 'Acuminate condylomas on the tongue', 21309 => array ( 'ID' => '21309', 'TIMESTAMP_X' = > Bitrix\Main\Type\DateTime::__set_state(array( 'value' => DateTime::__set_state(array( 'date' => '2018-07-02 00:45:33.000000', 'timezone_type' => 3 , 'timezone' => 'Europe/Moscow', )), )), 'MODULE_ID' => 'iblock', 'HEIGHT' => '160', 'WIDTH' => '550', 'FILE_SIZE' => '79092', 'CONTENT_TYPE' => 'image/jpeg', 'SUBDIR' => 'iblock/131', 'FILE_NAME' => 'ostrokonechnye_kondilomy_pod_yazykom.jpg', 'ORIGINAL_NAME' => 'Ostrokonechnye-kondilomy-pod-yazykom .jpg', 'DESCRIPTION' => 'Gunital warts under the tongue | Sitty condylomas under the tongue ',' Handler_ID '=> NULL,' EXTERNAL_ID '=>' 26EDC8866F218206A45B17ACC001B08F ',' ~ SRC '=> FALSE,' SRC '=>'/Upload/Iblock/131/Ostrokonechnye_ ONDILOMY_POD_YAZYKOM.JPG ',' NAME ' => 'Guminatum under the tongue', 'ALT' => 'Guminatum under the tongue', ), 21310 => array ( 'ID' => '21310', 'TIMESTAMP_X' => Bitrix\Main\Type\DateTime ::__set_state(array( 'value' => DateTime::__set_state(array( 'date' => '2018-07-02 00:45:33.000000', 'timezone_type' => 3, 'timezone' => 'Europe /Moscow', )), )), 'MODULE_ID' => 'iblock', 'HEIGHT' => '267', 'WIDTH' => '300', 'FILE_SIZE' => '11959', 'CONTENT_TYPE' = > 'image/jpeg', 'SUBDIR' => 'iblock/4be', 'FILE_NAME' => 'ostrokonechnye_kondilomy_vo_rtu.jpeg', 'ORIGINAL_NAME' => 'Ostrokonechnye-kondilomy-vo-rtu.jpeg', 'DESCRIPTION' = > 'Guminatum in the mouth | Genital warts in the mouth', 'HANDLER_ID' => NULL, 'EXTERNAL_ID' => '8e10b9c72bc8d9c1057e9b4d98a839ed', '~src' => false, 'SRC' => '/upload/iblock/4be/ ostrokonechnye_kondilomy_vo_rtu.jpeg', 'NAME' => 'Acuminatum in the mouth', 'ALT' => 'Acuminata in the mouth', 21311 => array ( 'ID' => '21311', 'TIMESTAMP_X' => Bitrix\Main\Type\DateTime::__set_state(array( 'value' => DateTime::__set_state(array( 'date' => '2018-07-02 00:45:33.000000', 'timezone_type' => 3, 'timezone' => 'Europe/Moscow', )), )), 'MODULE_ID' => 'iblock', 'HEIGHT' => '330', 'WIDTH' => '600', 'FILE_SIZE' => ' 29938', 'CONTENT_TYPE' => 'image/jpeg', 'SUBDIR' => 'iblock/036', 'FILE_NAME' => 'ostrokonechnye_kondilomy_vo_rtu_foto.jpg', 'ORIGINAL_NAME' => 'Ostrokonechnye-kondilomy-vo-rtu- foto.jpg', 'DESCRIPTION' => 'Guninal warts in the mouth photo | Genital warts in the mouth photo', 'HANDLER_ID' => NULL, 'EXTERNAL_ID' => '5b2c3f469d8e127f355a12c9b59fc646', '~src' => false, 'SRC' => '/upload/iblock/036/ostrokonechnye_kondilomy_vo_rtu_foto.jpg ', ' NAME' => 'Ginate condylomata in the mouth photo', 'ALT' => 'Ginate warts in the mouth photo', ), ), )


The main manifestation of growths is their unpleasant and repulsive appearance. But women will also be reminded of condylomas by other unpleasant moments. The time elapsed from the first contact-infection to the moment when condylomas become clearly visible can be completely different. Sometimes a week or a month is enough for condylomas to appear; in other situations, years may pass. The incubation period depends on the general health of the woman or man, their immunity, lifestyle, etc. Condylomas in women and men cause itching and burning in the genital area and near the anus. This occurs during the period of germination of condylomas; in the future, such symptoms may disappear. An increase in the amount of whitish discharge, sometimes mixed with blood and an unpleasant odor, provokes condylomas in women, which are localized on the vaginal mucosa or cervix. When condylomas are found in the anus, the passage of feces can injure them and cause ichor.

Preventing HPV infection

Condylomas must be prevented by preventive measures:

  • use of contraceptives during sexual relations;
  • increasing immunity;
  • proper balanced nutrition;
  • taking vitamins;
  • compliance with hygiene standards;
  • fight against bad habits;
  • increasing stress resistance.

Regular visits to the doctor are a good preventative measure. The use of antiviral ointments, as well as vaccination against HPV, is prevention that will make people’s lives full.

Removal of papillomas

The question of the need to remove papillomas is decided unequivocally - it must be removed. No wonder, literally translated from some languages, a wart is “excess meat.” In addition, damage to papillomas, when they reach large sizes or are injured by linen and clothing, leads to the formation of long-healing, easily bleeding wounds into which infection can penetrate.

Removal can be done using various methods: traditional surgery, chemical cauterization, thermal or cryodestruction. The most modern and safe types of surgery are radio wave and laser.

The impact on surrounding healthy tissue is minimized. When removing warts and papillomas using these methods, the formation of scars or scars in their place is almost completely eliminated. Healing of the skin after removal occurs within several days. In parallel with the removal, antiviral therapy is necessarily carried out.

Why does an abscess occur?

There can be many reasons for the formation of a lump (fistula, swelling), but the most common of them is undetected or ignored caries. Not all children maintain oral hygiene and eat properly, and not all parents carefully control this, which causes caries to appear on one or several teeth at once.

If caries is not treated, it will develop into pulpitis, extending beyond the tooth area and affecting the upper part of the root. As a rule, a lump appears just near the tooth whose root is inflamed. Typically, a lump can be noticed near a tooth with caries or with a filling that was placed long ago or poorly; Another common reason for its appearance is an injury received from a strong blow or an accidental fall, which can trigger the onset of the inflammatory process.

Stages of development of an abscess:

  1. As a result of caries, the infection penetrates into the pulp, affecting the root tip.
  2. Pus begins to form near the top of the root.
  3. Purulent formations fall under the mucous membrane of the gums.
  4. A cyst appears, looking like a small lump from the outside.

The most important symptom of an abscess is a soft and painful swelling, even with slight pressure.

Sometimes, due to an excess of pus, the lump may burst under pressure, and then a fistula appears - a small hole in the gum, which is connected with the source of inflammation located in the upper region of the root. A feature of the fistula is the constant release of purulent formations.

If inflammation decreases for some reason, the fistula may close on its own. However, when the child’s immunity decreases and the inflammatory process begins again, accompanied by pus formation, the appearance of a fistula will not be long in coming.

How to treat an abscess on the gum?

If an abscess or fistula appears, then you should not expect that the situation will resolve on its own: you need to make an appointment with a dentist. Treatment of an abscess on a baby tooth and a molar one will be different.

The appearance of an abscess on a baby tooth indicates periodontal inflammation. Such teeth must be removed, since the inflammatory process in the upper part of the root, accompanied by the formation of pus, may well spoil the molar, which will soon erupt in place of the milk tooth. This happens because the roots of temporary teeth are located next to the rudiments of molars. Bad bacteria and infection can also enter the lymph nodes under the jaw, causing them to become inflamed. The occurrence of a fistula means that pus will constantly seep into the mouth, which can cause the development of tonsillitis, since the tonsils will become infected. Various colds in a child are a direct consequence of an abscess on a tooth. Also, do not forget that toxins formed in the area of ​​inflammation will definitely enter the bloodstream: this can result in allergic reactions, asthma and other serious general somatic diseases.

If we are talking about an abscess on a molar, then ordinary treatment is required for adults (provided that the tooth is not fundamentally damaged and can still be saved from removal).

Having discovered an abscess in a child, you should not try to cure it on your own. You can easily find a lot of advice on the Internet on how to relieve inflammation, but no amount of rinsing or even taking powerful antibiotics can eliminate the inflammatory focus located at the root of the tooth. Moreover, it is useless to hope that the tooth ache will stop. A bursting lump (this often happens) indicates only a short respite, during which, meanwhile, bacteria will still continue to enter the bloodstream and spread throughout the body. This situation can turn into a serious problem if the child has diseases of the respiratory system, heart and other internal organs.

Often, dentists suggest leaving teeth near which the inflammatory process is occurring, persuading the parents of a young patient to carry out the silvering procedure. The arguments for refusing removal can be very compelling: possible problems with diction and pain during the removal operation. However, such dentists neglect the information contained in every textbook on dentistry, which clearly states that a baby tooth with a purulent focus must be removed. Silvering will only complicate the situation, and an unresolved inflammatory process can lead to asthma, tonsillitis and even diabetes: in comparison with these diseases, temporary problems with diction will seem like sheer nonsense.

But the formation of an abscess can be prevented, and this is not difficult to do - just teach the child to maintain oral hygiene. At an early age, a child cannot be adequately responsible for his actions, including those related to the care of the oral cavity, teeth and gums, so responsibility for the procedure lies entirely with his parents, who must control how and when the child brushes his gums and teeth . It is the parents who should buy the most effective baby toothpaste that guarantees maximum protection against caries.

Preventive measures to prevent the formation of lumps on the gums

To reduce the likelihood of an abscess to a minimum, a child from childhood should be taught to carefully observe oral hygiene.

The list of the most effective measures includes:

  • Brushing your child's teeth twice a day. First, parents should brush their child’s teeth themselves, showing how to do it correctly, gradually giving the child more independence in this matter;
  • rinsing your mouth after every meal;
  • minimizing sweets in the diet - it is important to ensure that the child keeps caramel and candies in his mouth as little as possible;
  • Do not introduce your child to chewing gum (the product is especially harmful if it contains sugar).
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