Use of Malavit in otolaryngology for gargling

External hygiene product Malavit has a wide spectrum of action. The solution is made exclusively on the basis of natural, environmentally friendly components. The product has good anti-inflammatory properties and antiseptic effects. This allows it to be used in the complex treatment of various diseases.

Release form and composition

Malavit is available in the following forms:

  • Liquid concentrate for external use (in dark glass bottles of 30 or 50 ml, 1 bottle in a cardboard box);
  • Cream-gel (in plastic tubes of 75 ml, 1 tube in a cardboard box).

Composition of the concentrate for external use:

  • Active biocomplexes of copper and silver;
  • Glycerol;
  • Larch gum;
  • Stone oil;
  • Cedar and fir resin;
  • Mumiyo;
  • Birch and pine bud extracts;
  • Oak and aspen bark extracts;
  • Extracts of roots and herbs of plants of the Altai Mountains (peony, sage, chamomile, thyme, wormwood, plantain, elecampane, yarrow, immortelle, peppermint, calendula, calamus, celandine, echinacea, wild rosemary);
  • Mid-mountain dew;
  • Ionized structured spring water.

Cream-gel composition:

  • Malavit concentrate for external use;
  • Neutral gel;
  • Blessed distilled water;
  • Menthol;
  • Glycerol;
  • Grapeseed oil.

Contraindications of the drug

The hygiene product is well tolerated. Problems can arise only in case of intolerance to the components of the product. Since the solution has a rich composition, it is better to consult a doctor before using it. If you exclude hypersensitivity to individual components, then allergic side reactions of the body do not occur when using the drug.

Cases of overdose with malavit have not been recorded. But if the solution gets inside, you should urgently rinse the stomach and induce vomiting.

Directions for use and dosage

The drug is intended for external and local use. Using a cotton swab, the solution is applied to the skin, and to enhance the effect, cover the treated area with a polyethylene film, fixing it with a bandage on top. The exposure time of the compress is from 20 to 180 minutes. In subacute processes, it is recommended to warm the affected area before applying the solution.

Malavit concentrate is diluted with water or, as prescribed by a doctor, used undiluted. The solution is applied to the skin at the site of projection of the inflammation process. The duration of treatment and dose are determined by the doctor.

In otolaryngology, the nasal passages are washed with Malavit solution, used as nasal drops (3-5 times a day) and for gargling. To prepare the solution, add 5-10 drops of concentrate to 100 ml of water. For children under 5 years of age, the dose for instillation into the nose is 1 drop for each year of life.

In dental practice, the drug solution is used for irrigation and rinsing of the oral cavity. To obtain a solution, add 5-10 drops of concentrate to one glass of water.

For catarrhal otitis, Malavit is diluted in the proportion of 5 drops of concentrate per 5 ml of water. The tampon is moistened in the resulting solution and inserted into the ear canal 4 to 6 times a day.

In obstetric and gynecological practice, the prepared solution (10 ml of concentrate per 200 ml of water) is used for douching, vaginal phonophoresis, genital toilet and wetting tampons, which are inserted for 2-5 hours. Treatment duration is 5-10 procedures.

For damage to the skin (wounds, burns, bedsores, frostbite) and closed injuries of the musculoskeletal system, bandages with undiluted Malavit concentrate are prescribed, which are applied for 2-3 hours, 1 to 3 times a day. For fractures, 10-20 ml of the drug is recommended to be administered directly under a splint or plaster 1-2 times a day for 3 days. After removing the plaster, you can use Malavit cream gel.

For herpes, acne and insect bites, the drug is used undiluted. Areas affected by herpes or acne are wiped with the concentrate up to 5 times a day, and a cotton pad pre-moistened with the drug is applied to the bite site (for 10 minutes).

For excessive sweating, Malavit is used as a deodorizing agent. To do this, 10 ml of concentrate with sea salt is diluted in 5 liters of water, after which it is used in the form of baths for sweating of the feet and palms. The armpits are wiped with undiluted concentrate.

Water procedures with the drug Malavit have a positive effect on hair and skin. To do this, 10 ml of concentrate is added to the bath (200 l). In addition, this eliminates the negative effects of chlorine.

Indications for use of the product

The plant-based Malavit solution is indicated for the treatment of damage to the surface of the skin and mucous membranes. When used, it is possible to reduce swelling and improve microcirculation in tissues. Thanks to the antiseptic properties of the product, it is possible to fight harmful microorganisms on the surface of the skin. The drug enhances the effect of other antiseptic drugs.

A solution of malavit is prescribed, the instructions for use confirm this, for treatment:

  • Oral cavity.
  • Nasal mucosa.
  • External genitalia.

Since the drug does not cause resistance in pathogenic microorganisms, it can be used for a long time.

Elixir malavit is effective in the complex treatment of diseases in various areas:

  • Otolaryngology: otitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis.
  • Gynecology: vulvo-vaginitis, candidiasis, etc.
  • Urology: cystitis, urethritis, etc.
  • Dentistry: periodontal disease, gingivitis, stomatitis.

The effectiveness of the drug has been proven in practice in the treatment of acne and fungal infections. The product is widely used in traumatology and sports medicine in the treatment of bruises, hematomas and muscle strains.

Causes of the disease

In the vast majority of cases, problems with the mammary gland do not arise on their own, but as a result of not entirely properly organized breastfeeding.
The Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine is an international organization whose main goal is to create basic clinical recommendations to solve the most common problems that threaten breastfeeding. Thus, in March 2014, an updated protocol for the management of lactation mastitis was released.

The document lists factors that increase the risk of lactostasis as a trigger for the disease:

  • rare feedings, including “clockwise”, as well as skipping them;
  • improper latching on the breast by the baby and/or his inability to suck milk effectively;
  • hyperlactation;
  • blockage of the milk ducts, including in the area of ​​the outlet on the nipple (calcifications, casein masses), or “overgrowth” of the latter, which may be accompanied by local inflammation;
  • compression of the mammary glands (for example, by a tight bra);
  • abrupt weaning;
  • stress and fatigue of the mother, her illness, as well as the illness of the child;

Reception features

To increase the effectiveness of the Malavit solution for gargling, you need to follow simple recommendations:

  • The prepared solution is stored for no more than 24 hours. An opened bottle of the drug can be stored for 2 years in a dark and cool place.
  • Before starting the procedure, rinse your throat with clean water. It is advisable to do this before eating.
  • The duration of each procedure is 2-3 minutes, which is divided into several approaches (40 seconds each). This technique promotes complete sanitation of the oral cavity from pathogenic microflora and forms a protective film on the mucous membrane. This prevents the further spread of germs.
  • 4-5 procedures are carried out during the day.
  • After the treatment session, it is not recommended to eat or drink for 1-2 hours.
  • During manipulations, the head must be tilted back so as not to flood the nasal passages.
  • For spot application, use cotton swabs moistened with diluted drops or Malavit gel. The latter is especially effective for treating babies who cannot yet gargle properly.
  • The procedure is carried out until the unpleasant symptoms disappear completely. This must be confirmed by a doctor.
  • It is not recommended to use other antiseptic drugs simultaneously with Malavit.

For preventive purposes, drug therapy can be carried out 2 times a year - in autumn and spring.

How can you replace Malavit?

The drug has a unique composition, so completely similar drugs do not exist. Of course, a similar effect in the treatment of sore throat can be achieved from medications that a doctor can prescribe if such symptoms occur. These include:

  1. "Furacilin".
  2. Hexoral solution.
  3. "Miramistin".
  4. "Chlorhexidine" or "Chlorophyllipt".

If side effects occur on the components of Malavita for gargling, only a doctor can prescribe a drug that will effectively replace this drug. In this case, you should not self-medicate.

Opinions about the drug

According to reviews, people often use Malavit for gargling when the first symptoms of the disease occur. It quickly relieves sore throat and reduces inflammation of the tonsils.

Patients consider the main advantages to be its natural composition, economical consumption and effectiveness. Many people use Malavit as a prophylactic in the autumn-winter period.

The disadvantages of people who have used the drug include its specific smell and the occurrence of individual intolerance to its components.

Treatment of angina is a long process, so all medications that can speed it up are welcome. "Malavit", despite its effectiveness, should be used only as prescribed by a specialist.

Indications for use

Thanks to its extensive composition, Malavit can be used in the treatment of various diseases. It may be prescribed in the following cases:

  1. Diseases of the oral cavity caused by pathogenic microflora (otitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis).
  2. As an adjuvant in the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract, accompanied by ulcerative lesions of the tonsils and mucous surfaces.

"Malavit" is recommended for use for sore throat in both children and adults. As a result, pain, inflammation and irritation of the throat are reduced.

Malavit gargling drops can be used in the treatment of not only tonsillitis. The drug is prescribed to reduce the symptoms of a runny nose. To do this, they are dissolved in boiled water, according to the instructions, and the paranasal sinuses are washed.

"Malavit" during pregnancy

During the period of pregnancy, specialists are wary of prescribing medications that can negatively affect the fetus. “Malavit” for gargling during pregnancy cannot be called a completely safe remedy, due to the possible occurrence of individual intolerance to its components. In the absence of such a reaction, it is allowed to be used under medical supervision.

Due to the fact that it is not administered orally, the release of the drug into the bloodstream during the treatment period is minimal.

For pregnant women, it is important to follow the dosage. You can gargle 3-4 times a day, adding 5-7 drops of Malavita to a 100 ml solution.

Therapeutic effect of the solution for ENT diseases

According to the instructions for use, Malavit is used to treat inflamed mucous membranes of the throat and mouth.

Main indications:

  • tonsillitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • nasopharyngitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • angina;
  • candidiasis.

The drug is active against a wide range of bacteria. Providing a bactericidal effect, the solution reduces intoxication, relieves local inflammation, and reduces swelling.

After gargling with Malavit, the condition of the mucous membrane improves, severe redness disappears, and the epithelium becomes pink.

The medicine eliminates pain symptoms and facilitates the process of eating. Symptoms such as a sore throat during a conversation, irritation of the pharynx and larynx leading to lacrimation, and hoarseness are relieved.

Since the solution has disinfectant and antiseptic properties, it effectively cleanses the epithelium of pathological plaque, serous mucus, pus, and films. Therefore, Malavit is often prescribed for different types of angina - catarrhal, follicular, lacunar, herpetic, necrotic.

If you suspect a sore throat, you should not use the drug yourself. The solution is prescribed only after an accurately established diagnosis. It is important to exclude diphtheria sore throat, in which gargling with Malavit is strictly prohibited. The herbal medicine can cause negative effects and complications ─ severe intoxication, damage to the membranes or brain cells.

As part of complex therapy, the solution enhances the pharmacological effect of basic medications taken orally or parenterally. It is not recommended to carry out the rinsing procedure and use other local antiseptic drugs at the same time.

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