What color of genitals is considered normal and can it be changed?

The appearance of women's genitals is individual and unique, almost like fingerprints, and the normal color of the labia varies from pale pink or flesh to dark brown or black. The color of the epidermis in the intimate area may be uneven, when white spots form on the labia on the darker surface. Such cases cannot be regarded as a sign of pathology in all cases. So what can be called normal and what to do if a change in the color of the labia occurs? Let's look at this in more detail.

The labia can have a wide variety of colors

First you need to understand the terms. The protruding parts of the genitals are called the labia, which can be large, located outside and small, located inside. The inner part of the intimate area, covered by the labia majora, is called the vulva. This is where the labia minora and the entrance to the vagina are located.

All these intimate areas can have completely different colors and shades. Any variant from almost pink to brown-black is considered normal.

The color of the labia is initially determined by the skin tone. Therefore, in a dark-skinned woman, in principle, this part of the intimate area cannot be light. Although darker is fine. The same applies to the labia minora, the color of which also depends on the overall skin tone. For blondes they are light, pink, for brunettes they are darker.

Intimate area of ​​a dark-skinned woman

The shade of the labia changes over time. There are scientific studies showing that the color change in this area is influenced by hormone levels. Therefore, the genitals may darken during menopause and puberty. A change in color is also observed during pregnancy, and after childbirth the shade may not become the same.

Sometimes the labia remain pink in the middle and darken at the edges. This situation is not a sign of any violation. However, in this case, if desired, labiaplasty can be performed to remove the protruding edges of the genitals.

How to fight?

The skin of the lips is very thin, so using conventional whitening products in this area can lead to disastrous results. The skin will begin to dry out and painful cracks will appear on it. Therefore, you need to choose the mildest possible means to eliminate pigmentation.

Makeup – regular and permanent

The easiest way to make pigment spots on your lips invisible is with makeup. Lipstick will hide this flaw. But not everyone will like constantly walking around with painted lips and making sure that the lipstick doesn’t smear.

A more convenient way to disguise is permanent lip makeup . The tattooing procedure itself is not complicated, but it needs to be done in a salon with a good reputation and a qualified artist. The specialist applies the coloring pigment to a shallow depth, so the tattoo remains for several years, then the procedure will have to be repeated.

In order for the result to be good, it is important to provide proper care for the skin of the lips after tattooing. Immediately after the procedure, the lips will be slightly swollen and the pigment will appear very bright. Don't worry, everything will be back to normal soon. In a week, the skin will completely heal, and after some time, the color of the lips will pale a little, that is, the color will acquire the planned brightness.

After performing the procedure, it is important to avoid anything that can cause skin irritation or provoke the development of an inflammatory process. Therefore, at first you will have to refuse:

Do you like your freckles?

Oh yeah! Of course! No, nightmare!

  • from cosmetics;
  • from using soap;
  • from spicy food and alcohol intake;
  • from kisses;
  • from visiting the sauna, solarium, swimming pool.

For a week (until the crusts completely fall off), you will need to use ointments with a softening effect. For example, “Bepanten” or “Actovegin”. In addition, to prevent exacerbation of herpes before the procedure and for some time after it, you need to take antiviral drugs

Elos therapy

To eliminate pigmentation on the lips, a beauty salon may offer an elos therapy procedure.

The essence of the procedure is the use of two components - light with a certain wavelength and bipolar current . The effect is carried out precisely on the cells that produce brown pigment. The surrounding tissues are not injured.

The impact parameters are selected by the doctor individually, taking into account the color and size of the pigment spot. After the procedure, the stain may darken a little, but after a few days a crust will form at the site of the stain, after which the pigment spot will disappear or become significantly lighter. To completely remove the stain, long-term treatment is usually required. It will take 3-8 sessions with a break between them of at least 10 days.

Whitening with folk remedies

To eliminate pigmentation, you can use folk remedies. You need to choose recipes that do not dry out the skin. Too aggressive an effect on the thin skin of the lips will not bring any benefit. You should not apply compositions that contain lemon juice or horseradish juice, badyagi powder, or hydrogen peroxide to your lips. But moisturizing compositions can be used to eliminate age spots on the lips.

Here are some recipes.

  • Lubricate your lips with sour cream or other fermented milk product several times a day. You can add a little honey to the sour cream, then the composition will not only whiten, but also nourish;
  • grate the cucumber, put the green mass on a gauze napkin and apply the resulting compress to your lips;
  • wipe lips or just pigmented areas with fresh juice from parsley leaves. Or chop the greens and mix them in equal quantities with thick sour cream. Apply the resulting composition to the skin of the lips for twenty minutes;
  • Mix cottage cheese with honey and sour cream; instead of sour cream, you can use fresh strawberry puree. Apply this mixture to your lips for half an hour.

Is it true that the labia can darken due to sexual activity or masturbation?

This question very often worries young girls who have noticed that, with the onset of intimate life or against the background of masturbation, their genitals have changed color. However, there is no direct connection here, it’s just that at this moment the girl grows up, her hormonal levels change, and the color of her genitals may change. However, if she had not masturbated and remained a virgin, her labia would still have become the same, because this feature is genetically determined.

Even the palest woman has much darker inner labia compared to the rest of her skin. The shade of the genitals can be influenced by the genes of darker blood relatives. In general, there is no connection between sex life and the color of the labia. Virginity or, conversely, sexual promiscuity cannot be defined in this way.


It is easier to prevent the appearance of pigment spots on the lips than to try to remove them later. Therefore, people who are prone to hyperpigmentation need to take good care of their skin. Effective prevention is as follows:

  • Before going outside, you should use lipstick that provides additional protection from the sun's rays. Lipstick can be colored or hygienic;
  • try to spend less time in the sun during the period when the star is active (from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.). If you need to go out at this particular time, you should wear a hat that casts a shadow on your face;
  • consult a doctor in a timely manner if signs of the disease appear and undergo a course of treatment;
  • Take complex vitamins periodically (after consultation with your doctor);
  • use only high-quality cosmetics;
  • try to avoid smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages, as these bad habits negatively affect the immune system;
  • After an injury (including after tattooing or piercing), the skin of the lips must be provided with proper care. It is important to avoid exposure to direct sunlight during the healing period.

In what cases should you worry?

You need to start worrying if the labia become red, inflamed, white, dark spots or other pathological lesions appear on them. In this case, you should definitely contact a gynecologist. Melanoma can develop on the genitals - a very malignant tumor, manifested by the appearance of brown or even black spots that quickly increase in size. Therefore, their presence is a reason to contact an oncologist as soon as possible.

In other cases, there is no need to worry. Changing the color of the genitals is a completely normal process that does not indicate any disorder, much less promiscuity.

Pigmentation - freckles. Genetic causes of pigmentation

Freckles are genetic, hereditary causes of pigmentation that are passed on through DNA. Freckles do not necessarily appear in children; they can appear across generations. Girls should remember before deciding to fight them that freckles visually reduce their age by 5-6 years, so there is no point in fighting them with such a gift of nature. Freckles on their own are harmless, but they can become a major pigmentation problem if you are a sun lover and tanner. The second possible problem is if you start a merciless fight against them and forget about protecting your skin from ultraviolet radiation, in which case the effect may be the opposite.

How can you change the color of your labia?

Creams, gels, and solutions are produced to whiten the skin of the genitals. There are also special laser procedures. However, they are effective only for the labia majora, which are covered with skin. An attempt to whiten the labia minora using chemicals can cause severe inflammation, accompanied by pain, swelling, redness, and the appearance of ulcers on the mucous membrane.

The darker edges of the labia minora can be removed using labiaplasty. In this case, the genitals will not only look lighter, but will also become more neat. This is precisely the intimate zone of the beauties who pose in erotic photographs and serve as a guide for me only for men, but also for women. Modern medicine makes it possible to resemble them not only in color, but also in the shape of the intimate area.

The second reason for pigmentation is skin damage and disease.

Cuts, pimples, and other skin damage lead to excess melanin production.
Why? Any damage to the skin causes inflammatory reactions, which in turn, as written above, lead to the activation of melanocytes in our skin. And then the situation from the first point is repeated. The second reason for skin pigmentation during damage is that damaged skin may not be able to regenerate the skin pigments that were in it before the damage. Any type of skin condition, such as eczema, can also cause hyperpigmentation.

Homemade masks

You can whiten your skin with masks that are easy to prepare at home. It is recommended to make such masks every other day.

  • Parsley . Parsley juice is an excellent whitening agent. It is necessary to chop the greens very finely (it is better to use a blender) and mix the resulting puree with an equal volume of sour cream. Apply to pigmented skin for half an hour. You can prepare a decoction from parsley leaves, freeze it in molds and wipe your face with an ice cube every day, paying special attention to the places where age spots are located.
  • Dairy products . To prepare whitening masks, you can use yogurt, kefir, natural yogurt, sour cream or cottage cheese. All these products contain lactic acid, which effectively neutralizes melanin. Apply the product (or a mixture of products, for example, cottage cheese mixed with kefir or sour cream) to pigmented skin for half an hour. To increase efficiency, you can mix fermented milk products with cucumber or parsley juice.
  • Citrus juice . Lemon juice whitens well, but if the skin reacts poorly to contact with it (flakes, turns red), then it is better to replace the lemon with lime or grapefruit. Citrus juice should not be applied in its pure form to the area above the lip. It is better to prepare a mask based on it. Take a packet (11 grams) of dry yeast, mix the product with vegetable oil and citrus fruit juice. We take 5 ml of both products. Apply the resulting mass to the areas of pigmentation for twenty minutes.

Indications and contraindications

Often, representatives of the fairer sex, wanting to tattoo their lips and eyebrows, are afraid that this type of makeup can harm their health. Therefore, we will consider in what cases permanent makeup is recommended, and in what cases it is strictly contraindicated.

Indications for lip tattoos

The list of indications for lip tattoos includes the following items:

  • no time for lip makeup;
  • Frequent use of water procedures, visits to the pool and beach holidays do not allow you to maintain makeup;
  • naturally ugly lips that even lipstick cannot give beauty;
  • there is a desire to have plump lips;
  • the presence of an asymmetrical shape of the lips and drooping corners;
  • presence of pale lips.

Indications for eyebrow tattoos

The list of indications for performing this procedure consists of the following factors:

  • desire to change shape;
  • the presence of an allergic reaction to cosmetics;
  • eyebrow loss occurred;
  • the face is damaged by injuries;
  • the shape of the face has become worse due to plastic surgery;
  • the presence of defects on the face.

Contraindications for lip and eyebrow tattooing

Regardless of the wide range of indications, lip and eyebrow tattooing has general categorical contraindications that you should definitely be aware of. Let's look at the list of diseases for which tattooing of eyebrows and lips is strictly prohibited. This:

  • insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • presence of neoplasms;
  • the presence of chronic diseases that occur in acute form;
  • mental illness;
  • febrile manifestations;
  • epilepsy;
  • inflammatory processes of any nature;
  • predisposition to the formation of keloid scars.

If you have at least one of these diseases, tattooing is strictly prohibited. But in some cases, doctors allow it under their own control. For example, it is necessary to create the shape of eyebrows that have fallen out after chemotherapy.

In addition to strict contraindications, there are relative prohibitions. They occur when:

  • have hypertension (it is necessary to reduce blood pressure before the procedure);
  • pregnancy (lactation) has been confirmed;
  • Herpes manifests itself in an acute state;
  • menstruation is coming.

Hit parade of horror stories for adult girls

So, here are the most common problems that result from unsuccessfully performed labiaplasty.

Lips turn out to be larger than you wanted

Did you dream of Angelina Jolie's plump lips, but got Pamela Anderson's lips? Unfortunately, you were injected with an excessive amount of gel.


Amanda Lepore, freak. “Pumped” lips look approximately the same on all types of faces - too unnatural to take their owner seriously.

If this is a modern drug based on hyaluronic acid, then you shouldn’t be too upset. Within a year, hyaluronic acid will dissolve on its own, and the lips will return to their natural shape. However, if the image of a “Malibu lifeguard” is not to your taste, come. Using special Spanish enzymes, we will delicately eliminate excess drug, maintaining the volume in the right places.

The harmonious proportions of the face are disturbed

A very common mistake. To see this, watch the opening of any film festival or other event where the elite gather. Most older actresses undergo lip contouring – this is a fact.

For one actress, “pumped” lips are perceived separately from the face as something completely foreign. And for some, the correction is completely invisible - for example, Dame Moore. She always had string lips. And now they do not stand out on the face with their fullness. But look how perfectly they harmonize with the rest of their facial features.

Dame Moore is one of the few who does not “pump” her naturally thin lips. Despite the use of contouring, her lips look natural and youthful. Perhaps this is the best example of the good taste of a cosmetologist and his patient.

If, unlike Damie, you made a mistake, it makes sense to correct it and return your lips to a proportional appearance.

If the harmony of features is disturbed, the face is not perceived as beautiful

. In order to avoid the effect of someone else's lips, a contour plastic specialist needs to know in detail the structure of the face and its proportions, the laws of harmony, and also take into account several dozen features of the structure of the lips themselves, their age, balance in the upper and lower lips, their symmetry with the left and right sides

For example, at Platinental we use 13 criteria to create an irresistible smile. All of them are carefully taken into account each time before the procedure - individually for each patient.

Adequacy test: do you still think extreme lip size is beautiful?

Violation of correct lip volumes

Lips seem beautiful to us not when they are simply equally large, but when they meet certain criteria. It is very important that the lower lip in profile is fuller than the upper lip.

If this is not so, then there is no need to talk about beauty. And here it doesn’t matter: they are the same or the upper lip is fuller than the lower. The ideal ratio of the size of the upper and lower lip is 1/3 to 2/3

. This is the golden ratio, which was described in his works by Leonardo Da Vinci and which every self-respecting contouring specialist strives for in his works.

Destruction of the delicate anatomy of the lips

When a child draws a beautiful princess, he most often carefully draws her lips with a heart: the top one is in the shape of a bow, the bottom one is plump. A child will never draw two identical sausages instead of lips for a princess. And he's absolutely right.

The upper lip in humans has a complex structure. It must have a vertical groove (filtrum). At the junction with the red border, the philtrum forms a labial tubercle. The two smoothly curved ridges of skin along the edges of the groove are called columns of the philtrum.

The border between the skin and the red border of the lips is usually curved like a bow. The romantically inclined ancient Greeks, famous connoisseurs of beauty, compared the shape of a beauty’s lips with Cupid’s bow, and this name has survived to this day. There is also a Cupid's arch - the central part of the upper lip.

In order for lips to be beautiful, all this delicate anatomy must be carefully preserved. If, during contouring, an excess of the drug is injected, then the natural contours of the lips disappear - and we see just two plump pancakes, which can delight only a hungry person


Beautiful lips are:

    • A clearly defined Cupid's bow.
    • Clear columns of the filtrum.
    • Clearly defined red border of the lips, emphasizing the curves.
    • Smooth skin between the nose and upper lip.
    • The distance from the base of the nose to the upper lip is less than 2 cm.
    • The Mona Lisa fold (a smile hidden in the corners of the lips) even at rest.
    • The lower lip is 1.5 times fuller than the upper lip.
    • The most protruding point in the profile of the upper lip projects forward relative to a similar point on the lower lip.
    • The angle between the upper and lower lips at rest is clearly visible.
    • Ricketts' line (Riccets E-line) is a straight line that runs from the tip of the nose to the protruding point of the chin, at a distance of 4 mm from the upper lip and 2 mm from the lower lip.
    • At rest, the upper lip slightly opens the tips of the teeth.

As you can see, beauty has many parameters and subtle nuances. And if you evaluate the beauty of lips by only one of them - size - this clearly betrays provincialism. Wearing “dumplings” on your face is as bad manners as appearing in public with extended and painted nails.

Lip eversion

If excess filler was injected from the lip mucosa, there is a risk of lip eversion. In this case, the inner mucous surface of the lips becomes visible, which should only come into contact with the teeth.

Jackie Stallone is the famous mother of her son, Sylvester Stallone. Eversion of the lips as a result of the injection of an excessive amount of artificial gel.

Try doing this procedure in front of a mirror - turn your lip out a little. Do you see? The shade of the mucous membrane is light, it differs from the bright color of the lips. Therefore, any inversion is very noticeable. In this case, it is hardly possible to talk about the beauty of lips. But the beauty here is not even the worst thing.

The everted mucosa is not intended for contact with air. As it dries, it becomes covered with cracks that become inflamed. If nothing is done, stomatitis (inflammation of the entire oral cavity) and cheilitis (inflammation and severe peeling of the lips) develop.


If an unequal amount of the drug is injected into the lips, asymmetry occurs: for example, the right side of the upper lip becomes larger than the left. This is one of the common mistakes when unprofessional plastic surgery is performed.

Pamela's bewitching charm and open smile make this defect not obvious. However, there is a clear asymmetry of Pam's lips, which appeared after their enlargement.

"Duck Mouth"

The famous “duck mouth” is also the result of a medical error. It appears when at a young age an excessive amount of the drug is injected into the skin of the upper lip.

As a result, the gel partially migrates, the upper lip swells, becomes longer, and truly begins to resemble a duck's beak.

“Before” and 2 weeks “after” removal of the biopolymer from the lips. Surgeon: Iskornev A.A.

Before and after photos of duck lips correction surgery.

Lip reduction, removal of silicone from lips. Surgeon: Iskornev Andrey.

Drooping corners of the lips

"One wrong move and you're a father." The same phrase very accurately conveys the features of contour plastic surgery. Two wrong movements with a syringe in the corners of your lips - and you literally become 10 years older in 30 seconds


Have you ever wondered why celebrities constantly smile? Perhaps only Victoria Beckham allows herself to walk along the Red carpet without smiling.

In addition to demonstrating friendliness, a smile helps very well to hide the corners of the lips and low cheekbones that have drooped with age.

This is not an exaggeration. One of the clearest signs of a “woman over 40” is drooping corners of the mouth. This facial expression has nothing to do with a bad mood. Drooping lips are as obvious a sign of age as nasolabial folds and bags under the eyes.

But unlike a bad contouring specialist, a good specialist will make every effort to lift the corners of your lips. Like this:

A good doctor will definitely make your face more attractive by turning the corners of your lips upward.

Wavy lip edge

With superficial and uneven introduction of the gel at the border of the red border and mucous membrane, it leads to the appearance of a wavy edge of the lips.


Inflammation on the lips can occur if sterility rules are not followed during and after the procedure.

However, the doctor is not always to blame for this problem. Very often, patients ignore care recommendations and do not follow the regimen prescribed by the doctor. Lips after contouring are easily negatively affected by sun rays, too hot air in baths and saunas, and failure to comply with hygiene rules.

Lip deformity

If earlier we talked exclusively about the unprofessionalism of the doctor, now is the time to remind you that “not all yoghurts are equally healthy,” and filler is different from filler.

There are a number of problems associated with administering the wrong drug. Permanent fillers (PAGE and silicone-based gels) do not dissolve. It would seem that one can only dream about this. What's better than beautiful lips for life? But in reality, everything turns out to be far from the case.

Once under the skin, permanent fillers over time:

  • migrate, which leads to lip deformation,
  • cause inflammation and swelling,
  • lead to the formation of scars,
  • come into conflict both with each other and with the tissues of the body, which is fraught with very dire consequences.

We wholeheartedly advise you not to experiment with your own health with dubious cosmetologists. Low prices for drugs should not please you, but alert you: no one will work at a loss, so what are we saving on? Most often, unfortunately, it is on the qualifications of doctors and medications. And then the question, how much does lip contouring cost, turns into the question: how can I live with what was done to me, and how much does it cost to fix everything?

We correct the consequences of unsuccessful contouring every day:

— every day we remove biopolymer from the lips,

— we excise granulomas and oleomas,

- modeling the shape of the lips,

— we perform lip plastic surgery,

— we excise scar tissue,

— we use special Spanish enzymes to eliminate excess filler,

- etc.

Correcting errors is more expensive than preventing them. But the flow of those wishing to do so, alas, is only increasing.

We wrote this article to talk about what we see day after day in consultations and in the operating room. To save you from mistakes. We cannot betray the tears and pain of girls and women who cannot eat, sleep or even close their mouths normally. Take my word for it. They come to Platinental as their last hope for unique technologies. And although we take on the most difficult cases, only 90% of them can be corrected.

Contour plastic with fillers

The procedure involves injecting special medications into the lips through a thin needle. The injection technique may vary, and the choice of method depends on the type of filler and the desired result, which are determined individually.

Drugs that allow you to correct the contour and volume of the lips without surgery are called fillers. These are fillers that change the shape of soft tissues and complement the missing, lost volumes. Most often, fillers are used based on hyaluronic acid, which is a natural component. The substance does not cause allergies or side effects, is well distributed in tissues and is absorbed in the body over time.

Corrective drugs must be certified. Most often in aesthetic medicine clinics and beauty salons they use Juvederm, Surgiderm, Belotero, Perlane, Restylane. In addition to preparations with hyaluronic acid, fillers based on collagen, calcium hydroxyapatite, polylactic acid and many other substances are also used.

The procedure takes place in several stages:

  1. Anesthesia. The injections do not cause too much discomfort, but for patients with increased sensitivity, injection or surface anesthesia is used.
  2. Introduction of filler. Key stage of the procedure. The gel is injected through a thin needle, which evenly distributes the drug at a depth of about 2-4 mm.
  3. Massage. To avoid the formation of lumps, the specialist performs a light massage.

You can go home immediately after the procedure. The recovery period takes up to 5 days. During this time, the swelling goes down and the bruises disappear. In some cases, the specialist prescribes healing ointments or cold compresses.

Before you make your lip contour clearer with fillers, it is important to consider that the effect of the procedure is quite short-term. On average, the result lasts about 6 months, only in rare cases it lasts up to one and a half years. After 6-9 months, the procedure must be repeated. However, injections should not be given too often, as scars may appear as a result of the needle injuring the delicate skin.

Chemical peels

Depending on the depth of the pigment, superficial or medium peeling can be used to remove pigmentation.

Glycolic peeling is superficial; this procedure is practically painless and safe. To perform the procedure, formulations based on glycolic acid are used; in addition, lactic and fruit acids can be included in the mixture. Under the influence of acids, the top layer of cells containing melanin is exfoliated. In addition, glycolic acid has a depressing effect on melanocytes, the cells that produce pigment.

Removes pigmentation and retinoic peeling . The drug contains retinoic, kojic, phytic and azelaic acids. This procedure helps stabilize melanin production.

If the pigment is deeply embedded, medium peeling . This is a less harmless procedure, so it should be carried out by an experienced specialist. Most often, formulations based on triloacetic acid are used.

The evolution of permanent makeup

In the past, tattooing was limited to the contour of the lips, and the color of the pigments was noticeably different from the natural shade. The contour turned out to be contrasting, as if the lips were outlined with a pencil, but not painted with lipstick. The result helped in applying makeup, but in itself looked unnatural.

But the demand for the service has not gone away, because girls will always have a request for procedures with which you are confident in your beauty 24 hours a day, anytime and anywhere, regardless of makeup.

The situation has changed: the procedure has developed in techniques, materials and equipment. Indications for permanent lip treatment are as follows:

  • Correction of asymmetry or inharmonious shape
  • Correcting a blurry, unclear outline
  • Visual lip augmentation without fillers
  • Adding a luscious tint so your lips don't look pale without makeup

Nowadays it is not customary to do just the contour of the lips, since the effect is too unnatural. The depth of pigment injection is less than 1 mm, the result lasts about 2 years and fades smoothly and imperceptibly as skin cells renew.

The stages of the procedure invariably include cleansing, primary anesthesia, and the procedure itself with the PM apparatus. During the work, secondary anesthesia is often used to reduce the client’s discomfort to a minimum.

Laser procedure

Removing pigmentation using a laser beam is the most effective and safe method. But it must be carried out by a highly qualified specialist. The fact is that you need to set the parameters for laser processing individually. If the impact is too weak, the pigmentation will not disappear. If the cosmetologist chooses a method of exposure that is too intense, a burn may form on the skin, and a scar will then remain in its place.

The essence of the procedure is the impact of a laser beam on the cells that produce melanin. Thus, the process eliminates the very reason for the appearance of spots - improperly functioning melanocytes. At the same time, healthy tissues are not damaged, so the skin is restored quite quickly.

The procedure will take from 5 to 15 minutes, and a tingling sensation will be felt during laser exposure. After completion of the session, the skin at the treatment site will turn red, then slight peeling will appear. After about a week, the skin will be completely restored, and the spots will become noticeably lighter. To completely get rid of pigmentation, 2-5 procedures are needed.

Tips for girls who decide to undergo laser whitening:

  • It is recommended to carry out bleaching in late autumn and winter;
  • at least a month before the appointed time you cannot sunbathe, including in a solarium;
  • After the procedure, be sure to use sunscreen, even if the weather is cloudy;
  • in order for the skin to heal faster, it is recommended to apply a thin layer of Bepanten or Panthenol to the treated area after the procedure;
  • Until the skin is completely restored, it is strictly forbidden to use exfoliating agents - scrubs, peels, etc.

Lip tint: what is it?

Understanding the literal translation of the name of cosmetic know-how, “tint” means “shading.” This is essentially what happens. By applying a lip tint, you can count on a long-lasting shade that does not need to be constantly maintained.

Whatever form the tint is produced in (lipstick, film, etc.), it is a product highly concentrated in pigments. They color the upper layers of the skin, and the selected color lasts on the lips for a long time.

It is very easy to spread the tint over the surface of the lips, since the base is watery, slightly gel-like, and it dries in a short time. The structure of the product itself is absolutely invisible on the lips, since after the tint base is absorbed, only the tint remains on the skin. Many compare the result obtained after applying the tint with the effect of “kissed lips”.

Whitening creams

You can purchase ready-made whitening cream at the pharmacy. Choose cosmetics that contain:

  • vitamins;
  • arbutin;
  • azelaic acid;
  • kojic acid.

All these components help stop the production of melanin and lighten the skin. To remove pigment spots above the lip, you should not use creams with hydroquinone, as this substance is unsafe, and it is not recommended to apply it to the thin skin around the mouth.

Whitening creams should be used regularly, exclusively in the evening. The course of application is no more than 20 days.

If you wish, you can make a homemade whitening cream from natural products. A composition based on honey is very effective.

Lightly heat a tablespoon of castor oil, adding to it the same amount of honey and a teaspoon of Vaseline. Stir until smooth and add five drops of iodine tincture to the warm mass. Stir again. Store in the refrigerator and apply to dark spots every evening until results are achieved.

Why do they appear?

Let's figure out why pigmentation appears above the upper lip. Any dark spots appear due to excess melanin synthesis. This pigment is “responsible” for the color of human skin. The more melanin, the darker the skin tone. And since pigment production increases under the influence of sunlight , the skin darkens after tanning.

But the appearance of age spots is not always associated solely with solar radiation. The following reasons can cause this defect:

  • hormonal disorders , such spots may appear due to dysfunction of the thyroid gland, hormonal changes during pregnancy or menopause;
  • use of medications containing hormones , including birth control pills;
  • Addison's disease , in which the functions of the adrenal glands are impaired.

The main reason for the formation of pigmentation on the upper lip is hormonal imbalance. But the predisposing factor is solar radiation. Therefore, spots appear mainly in spring and summer, and may fade in winter.

Sometimes dark spots on the skin appear after damage has healed. For example, a spot may remain in the place of a healed deep pimple. Sometimes pigmentation appears after hair removal of the mustache using creams. Darkening of the skin reacts to contact with the chemicals included in the cream.

Do you have freckles?

Of course there is! No and there is no need!

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