ROCS Teeth strengthening gel “Medical Minerals” 35ml/45g

Oral care

Oral care begins with the appearance of the first tooth in order to avoid various oral diseases. The most common of them is caries. There is an opinion that baby teeth need not be treated because they are temporary. But they are the ones who lay the foundation for the further eruption of permanent ones. If a baby loses a baby tooth due to caries too early, then further eruption of the molars may be complicated by improper growth (at an angle) or their crowding.

Parents take care of the baby's first teeth. To do this, they need to know the technique of brushing teeth, so that later, by the age of 2-3, they can teach the child to do it independently. Equally important is a properly selected toothbrush. But the most important thing is choosing the right children's toothpaste.

Let's start with the general thing - with cleaning techniques. To properly clean your gums and teeth, there are a number of rules:

  • The toothbrush must be held at an angle of 45 degrees relative to the tooth;
  • To clean, a pea-sized amount of toothpaste will be enough.
  • Cleansing movements are carried out from the gum to the tooth, from the outside and from the inside. Since there is also a chewing surface, it is brushed horizontally so that the brush penetrates well into the interdental spaces.
  • Cleaning begins with the upper jaw, conditionally dividing it into sections, not forgetting about each of them, then gradually moves to the lower jaw.

Dental treatment with gel

Treatment of caries with gel
Professional gels and toothpastes for caries

When a person eats a lot of sweet and sour foods and does not maintain oral hygiene, bacteria begin to destroy tooth enamel. Caries appears. It is treated using a drill: the doctor drills out the carious cavity, removes decay products and fills the tooth. That's how it was until today. They say that caries can now be cured with the help of special gels and toothpastes. Is this true or a myth? Let’s find out in this article.

How to choose a toothbrush and toothpaste

Choosing toothbrushes is quite simple. There are a huge variety of different options. They can be of any shape and color, vary in degree of rigidity, and can be electric or conventional. The main thing you should pay attention to is the suitability of the child’s age and the material from which they are made. The brush should be made of safe, hypoallergenic materials so as not to harm your child.

It is worth paying attention to the age of the child and the material from which the brush is made.

You should be more careful when choosing toothpaste. Every parent, hoping to choose a good product for their child, goes shopping and, when they get to the store, they see a lot of beautiful, bright packaging on the shelves. But few people pay attention to what lies behind each of them. Beautiful packaging does not always promise a high-quality, safe product. So what should you pay attention to before buying and what is the best children's toothpaste?

The first thing you should pay attention to is the suitability of the child’s age and composition.

What should not be in children's toothpaste

  • sulfate is the most dangerous component that the manufacturer uses to create foam. It has a harsh cleansing property and has an extremely negative and destructive effect on both gums and teeth.
  • Dyes and flavors . To interest children and their parents in purchasing, there is an abundance of flavors, such as: Coca-Cola, ice cream, chocolate, etc. Their color is far from white, but bright and attractive - pink, red, purple, etc. Such a variety of colors and tastes can cause various allergic reactions in children, regardless of age. This is why purchasing such products should be avoided.
  • Antibacterial substances. They can also be added to pasta. And no matter how it may seem that they destroy “bad” bacteria and fight caries, in fact they also have a strong effect on the microflora of the oral cavity. They can only be used for a short course when prescribed by a dentist during inflammatory processes in the mouth.
  • Fluoride . Pastes containing fluoride are not recommended for children under 2 years of age, as they are not yet able to rinse their mouths thoroughly after brushing their teeth. This may result in swallowing some of the paste. However, fluoride remains a controversial ingredient. It is impossible to prove its negative effects in toothpaste 100%, but dentists still refrain from recommending such toothpastes to children under 2 years of age.

What should be in toothpaste

The main thing is that the toothpaste contains calcium and lactic enzymes.

  • Calcium . An important component of any baby toothpaste. It is necessary for the formation of enamel (the one that covers our teeth and prevents hypersensitivity when eating something cold, or vice versa, hot).
  • Lactic enzymes (lysozyme, lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase). All these components help to form the correct microflora of the oral cavity, as well as improve the protective properties of saliva.

So what is the best children's toothpaste?

Treatment of caries with gel

Not long ago, scientists developed drugs that promote bone tissue regeneration. They contain peptides, melanocytes and stimulating hormone, which help prevent caries in the initial stage without the participation of a drill and the installation of fillings. Therapeutic gels, penetrating inside the damaged tooth, eliminate inflammation and restore the natural whiteness of the enamel.

This method of treatment has its advantages: no drill is used, which means no anesthesia or tissue trauma. The procedure is gentle and safe. However, such dental treatment from the inside is not always possible. In advanced cases, you will still have to drill and fill the teeth.

It is worth remembering that despite the use of professional hygiene products, you will still have to use dental floss, go for preventive examinations, and regularly undergo a hygiene routine.

The gel can be used most effectively only at the earliest stages of caries.

Rating of the best children's pastes

  1. Splat Baby "Apple Banana". Suitable for children up to one year old. Along with the paste itself there is a special silicone brush that fits on your finger. In production, only natural ingredients are used, which makes it absolutely safe even if swallowed.
  2. Babycoccole . The manufacturer produces pasta in several flavors: strawberry, banana and apple. It does not contain any substances that may be harmful to the child or allergens. It has a pleasant taste, and most importantly, it prevents the development of caries.
  3. Chicco with strawberry flavor . Recommended for children over one year old. Does not contain fluoride, abrasives, is rich in calcium and xylitol, which prevents the development of caries.
  4. ROCS Kids "Citrus Rainbow" . Suitable for children aged 4 to 7 years. Its distinctive ability is the rapid formation of a protective layer on the surface of the teeth, which prevents the loss of calcium and phosphorus. Regular use reduces the likelihood of developing caries and inflammation of the gums, and also helps to normalize the microflora of the oral cavity.
  5. Biorepair Junior Mint – with sweet mint flavor. Recommended for use by children aged 7 to 14 years. It contains the proprietary micro Repair component, which has a protective effect and also restores microdamage to the enamel.

Toothpaste must be safe and of high quality. It should not contain sulfates, antibacterial substances, dyes, or flavors. Should be rich in calcium and lactic enzymes. Choosing the right toothpaste will improve the quality of your child's teeth and help you avoid expenses at the dentist's office. .

Remineralization of tooth enamel. Clinician's perspective

July 23, 2018

ANDREY AKULOVICH professor, clinical director of the ROCS brand
TATYANA KUPETS Head of the Department of Science and Medical Programs of the Group (ROCS brand)

Toothpaste with a remineralizing effect can compensate for the lack of minerals and become a successful additional remedy in the treatment of demineralization. Introducing the new ROCS biocomplex toothpaste.

The enamel of our teeth is regularly exposed to aggressive attack, from the simplest food acids from fruits and juices to the acids used during dental procedures. In addition, there are factors that cause or simply enhance the loss of the mineral component of enamel endogenously: these are diseases associated with impaired mineral metabolism, and a number of hormonal disorders or conditions.

The disappearance of minerals from tooth enamel is called “demineralization” (“decalcification”). At the same time, in our body there is a constant process of compensation for the demineralization process - this is physiological remineralization, which is provided by the protein fractions of saliva, as well as a number of its other properties. But very often locally (in the area of ​​several or a whole group of teeth), as a result of excessive demineralizing load, processes arise that become decompensated, and then chalky-colored spots or stripes appear on the teeth. A symptom that often accompanies demineralization is enamel sensitivity. In this situation, the teeth already need specialized help - remineralizing therapy (abbreviated as remotherapy).

Various manufacturers have already proposed many products and preparations for remotherapy, in particular those based on casein/amorphous calcium phosphate, silicon compounds, tricalcium phosphate and other components. All of them either have restrictions for use or insufficient clinical effectiveness, or are difficult to access for mass consumption. Balanced mineral complexes for self-use by patients are rightly considered today to be the most logical, very accessible, without contraindications and time restrictions for use, and at the same time effective for remotherapy.

ROCS Medical Minerals is , without exaggeration, a unique and most sought after mineral complex by specialists, created taking into account the clinical logic of enamel remineralization. The main active component of the complex is calcium glycerophosphate - a compound based on two components that are most important for saturating the enamel with minerals - calcium and phosphorus.

Calcium glycerophosphate (GP) is a compound with a high level of bioavailability, since it is a direct substrate for salivary enzymes. It is the ability of GF to integrate into the physiological process of mineralization that allows for the rapid restoration of demineralized tooth enamel. The remineralization process is accelerated by the inclusion of magnesium salt, an activator of salivary enzymes, in the gel. Another basic component - xylitol - performs an anti-carious function. It is included in the ROCS Medical Minerals gel.

R.O.C.S. Medical Minerals gel a of indications

The ROCS Medical gel line is represented by the following options

A very important feature of the ROCS Medical gel is the absence of fluorine compounds in its composition. When identifying foci of enamel demineralization, dentists very often prescribe fluoride-containing preparations, forgetting that the film formed by fluoride on the surface of the tooth prevents not only the release of calcium from the tooth enamel, but also the penetration of ions from saliva into the demineralization focus. That is why fluoride is needed not at the stages of the course of remotherapy, but after its completion. In this case, fluoride preparations are prescribed to stabilize the results of remineralization with calcium and phosphate. The presence of fluoride in remotherapy formulations most often reduces their effectiveness and limits their use. Fluoride-containing preparations cannot be recommended in areas of endemic fluorosis and for the prevention of early childhood caries.

Classic ROCS Medical Minerals , which is a gel for remotherapy and has a wide range of indications for use. The main situations for its use: caries in the white spot stage, hypoplastic processes in tooth enamel, demineralization of enamel after teeth whitening, in a complex scheme with methods of microabrasion and composite infiltration of enamel, complex treatment of dental fluorosis, focal demineralization after removal of braces, stabilizing and therapy that improves the results of clinical teeth whitening, as an alternative to teeth whitening in the case of a number of contraindications to it, and others.

ROCS Medical Sensitive , unlike the classic gel, contains a special component - potassium nitrate, which is a traditional substance for drugs that relieve the sensitivity of hard dental tissues due to impaired conduction of pain impulses. Due to its sensitivity-compensating properties, ROCS Medical Sensitive is recommended as a gel with the same remineralizing properties, but for those clinical situations where there is also an additional factor of tooth sensitivity, which quite often accompanies local loss of minerals in the teeth. In addition, the gel is also recommended as a means to relieve normal tooth sensitivity.

Since remotherapy can and should be done at any age, starting from the moment of teething, a special ROCS Medical minerals with strawberry flavor . Due to the flavoring additive, it is more pleasant for children and adolescents.

For difficult situations, when there is a need for a particularly active remineralizing effect, there are a number of products that can enhance the effect: special mineral rinses, mineral tablets (such as ROCS Medical chewable tablets ).

And, of course, during the days and subsequently after remotherapy, it is extremely important for the patient to use a special toothpaste with special remineralizing activity. ROCS Biocomplex Active Protection toothpaste is ideal for this purpose and contains the proteolytic enzyme bromelain and its peptide components, calcium glycerophosphate, magnesium chloride and xylitol (6%). Each component of the complex, performing its task, increases the efficiency of others. The enzyme, by breaking down plaque proteins, promotes its high-quality removal from the surface of the teeth. Bromelain and peptides are essential factors in plaque control. They provide the prolonged action of toothpaste against plaque. According to the subjective assessment of consumers, teeth remain smooth and clean throughout the day.

It is important to remember some basic rules for remineralizing therapy (regardless of the nosological form):

• remotherapy is carried out only by applications in an individual or disposable mouth guard

• optimal application time is about 30 minutes

• one application per day after brushing your teeth is enough

• the optimal course of remotherapy is 30 days, the minimum is 14 days

Slowing down the formation of plaque provides teeth with almost constant availability of the mineral components contained in toothpaste and saliva. As a result, mineralization occurs of both healthy enamel and the initial foci of carious lesions.

For successful mineralization of teeth, it is desirable to have factors that modulate the permeability of tooth enamel. For this purpose, the active complex of the paste - MINERALIN® - uses xylitol in a concentration of 6%. Research by American and Finnish specialists has found that in this concentration xylitol significantly enhances the mineralization process, which is associated with its ability to form complex compounds with calcium. In the composition of toothpaste, this substance performs several functions: being a sweetener, xylitol improves its taste characteristics; Being a polyhydric alcohol, it functions as a moisture-retaining component. The mechanism of involvement of this substance in the biochemical metabolism of streptococci is characterized as lethal synthesis, and therefore the activity of cariogenic bacteria is reduced. Experiments have established that the effect of xylitol against cariogenic streptococci appears at a concentration of 2–2.5%.

ROCS Biocomplex Active Protection toothpaste with ROCS Medical Minerals , you can achieve the maximum rate of remineralization of tooth enamel.

Tags: ROCS

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