Embryo implantation: main symptoms and sensations after implantation of the fertilized egg

Most of women's knowledge about how pregnancy begins ends at the stage of ovulation and fertilization. Actually, the success or failure of the planning cycle is attributed to the fateful “meeting” of male and female reproductive cells. However, in the development of new life in a woman’s body, there is another difficult and important point - embryo implantation. In order to increase the personal literacy of planning ladies, this issue should be given special attention.

Is it painful to get dental implants?

The short answer is no. Modern dental procedures are painless for the patient. Even if we are talking about surgical intervention (which is implantation), the patient does not feel pain because anesthesia is in effect.

Implant design

On average, the implantation procedure takes from 30 to 60 minutes. In some cases, hours of surgery may be required. But even in this case, doctors will make sure that the patient is comfortable.

Another thing is implantation pain after surgery. After the implant is installed, when the anesthetic wears off, pain occurs. This is a normal reaction and most often lasts several hours. Pain that is too severe (or prolonged) can be relieved with painkillers prescribed by the doctor.

Implantation pain after surgery

Results of in vitro fertilization

Has the embryo been implanted

, checked by analyzing human chorionic gonadotropin - hCG. Testing is carried out approximately 2 weeks after the transfer. It is not advisable to do an analysis earlier, since hCG has not yet risen to a level where it can be accurately determined, so as not to make a mistake with the onset or non-occurrence of pregnancy.

Embryo ageDay after transfer of a 3-day-old embryoDay after transfer of a 5-day embryoMinimum hCG value, honey/mlAverage hCG value, honey/mlMaximum hCG value, honey/ml

Even after 2 weeks, some women may still have low hCG in their urine, so the test will show a negative result. At this time, you should not stop taking prescribed hormonal medications and other medications. A more accurate result will be obtained by laboratory testing of blood serum for hCG using the enzyme immunoassay method. Venous blood is taken on an empty stomach in the morning. The evening before, they have dinner no later than 19:00. You can conduct a rapid test for hCG, the results of which will be available in 1.5–2 hours. A typical hCG test will take 1-2 days. Gestation after IVF is confirmed using ultrasonography performed 3 weeks after embryo transfer, when the fertilized egg and its location are clearly visible. If late implantation does not take place and menstruation begins, then hCG is also tested after 1–2 days.

Normal HCG Levels During Pregnancy

Main causes of pain

Let's take a closer look at the cases in which pain may occur after implantation:

  • Healing stage.
    First of all, it should be noted that postoperative pain is a normal reaction of the body. The healing process may be painful for the first 1-2 days (especially the first hours after the anesthetics wear off). Therefore, such a symptom is a classic case, and doctors will give you recommendations on how to effectively manage such pain.
  • Additional interventions
    . Since we are all different from each other, different patients, in addition to the implantation itself, need to undergo some other interventions. Depending on the scope of the intervention, the pain may be stronger or change in nature (dull, aching, sharp, throbbing, and so on). But you shouldn’t be afraid of this either, since each of these situations can be solved with the help of adequate pain relief therapy.
  • Failure to comply with medical recommendations
    . After the patient leaves the dental clinic, his area of ​​​​responsibility begins. It is important to follow all doctor’s recommendations regarding the post-implantation period. Otherwise, healing takes longer. This means that the patient will experience pain longer.
  • Hypersensitivity to drugs.
    Some patients have individual hypersensitivity to drugs used during implantation. This can also cause pain.


If pain after dental implantation is normal, how long should it last? As a rule, this is several days. But if pain lasts 10 days or more, then you need to consult a doctor.

The intensity and duration of pain also depends on the chosen implantation technique. For example, in rare cases, a patient can undergo one-stage implantation. Compared to classic, two-stage implantation, this procedure is considered minimally invasive. The pain experienced by the patient during one-stage implantation is significantly less than during two-stage implantation.

A little theory

Introduction of fertilized egg into the uterus

called implantation. The embryonic villi penetrate the lining of the uterus, which may cause minor bleeding.

In order for implantation to be successful, several conditions must be met:

  • lush three-layer endometrium with a high content of substances that nourish the embryo;
  • high amount of progesterone in the body (so that the embryo can develop and menstruation does not begin);
  • normal microflora in the body.

The process of fertilization and development of the fertilized egg is not a one-step process. And each stage is important for the onset of a normal pregnancy and the formation of a healthy fetus.

Pain during the engraftment period

Let's consider what sensations the patient encounters during the allotted 10-day period (while there may be pain), and what happens several months after implantation.

The first three days after implantation

The first days after surgery, the intensity of pain may increase. Swelling appears. There may be slight bleeding from the wound.

Pain in the first days sometimes spreads to other parts of the body. Most often these are headaches and/or neck pains.

You should not be afraid of such symptoms after surgery. This is a completely normal reaction that goes away by 3-5 days after implantation.

Pain in the first days after implantation

Patient's condition on days 4-10

From the 4-5th day, the patient may be bothered by aching pain in the gums and some facial muscles. Such post-implantation symptoms are also considered normal and disappear by 10-12 days.

If pain after dental implantation persists for 10-12 days or more, then this indicates an ongoing inflammatory process. It is quite possible that we are talking about an infectious process (reimplantitis), especially if the patient’s body temperature has also increased. Contact your doctor immediately!

Several months after implantation

If pain during dental implantation occurs several months after the procedure, then most likely the problem is the following:

  • Problems with the plug or abutment
    . This is the most common option in which pain occurs so long after implantation. The components of an artificial tooth - the abutment and temporary crown (which is placed while the implant is healing) can become loose, which causes pain. This situation cannot be delayed. You need to see a doctor immediately.
  • Implant rejection.
    This happens very rarely (less than 1% of cases). If the body rejects the implant, this process is also accompanied by pain. In this case, the implants are removed. Then the issue of reimplantation using other materials is decided. Or the patient is offered other types of prosthetics.
  • Other reasons
    . If a tooth hurts after installing an implant several months later, it could be a suddenly developed inflammatory disease of the oral cavity. The likelihood of such problems increases if the patient does not adhere to the doctor's recommendations. Pain also occurs when the sinuses, jaw, or nerves are affected.

Peri-implantitis – inflammation of the tissue around the implant

Thickness of the endometrium of the uterus

Insufficient thickness of the endometrium of the uterus is a fairly serious and significant reason for the failure of in vitro fertilization.

Thin, immature endometrium is not able to provide the embryo after implantation with sufficient nutrients necessary for its development. In addition, it does not perform a sufficient secretory function. This factor also affects the further course of pregnancy.

Factors that influence embryo maturation:

  • uterine hypoplasia and associated hormonal imbalances;
  • previous injuries, inflammatory processes that impair blood circulation in the uterus;
  • traumatization of the endometrium, which arose due to frequent curettage and abortions.

A preliminary assessment of the condition of the uterus and the degree of its maturity is possible only after an ultrasound examination, during which the thickness of the walls of the uterus, their condition, the presence of defects and developmental disorders are determined.

Pain in the gums after implantation: normal or pathological?

As is the case with other types of pain in the oral cavity, if the gums hurt after implantation, then this is both normal and pathological under certain circumstances. In Table 1, we examined the conditions under which such pain is normal and pathological.

Table 1. When to see a doctor for gum pain

Gum pain is normal Pain in the gums - pathology
  • pain appeared after the end of anesthesia;
  • when tilting the head, the pain pulsates (lasts up to 5-7 days);
  • It is permissible to increase body temperature to 38 degrees for the first 2 days after implantation;
  • discharge of ichor from the wound for up to 7 days;
  • swelling of the gums and/or cheeks up to 4 days after implantation.
  • pain does not go away for more than 7 days;
  • the pain gets worse every day (consult a doctor immediately);
  • swelling lasts more than 4 days;
  • discharge of ichor for longer than 7 days;
  • an unpleasant odor appears (a sign of pus formation);
  • the implant has become mobile;
  • high temperature lasts longer than 2 days.


Absolute (operation impossible)Relative (the operation is temporarily postponed)
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • immunopathological conditions;
  • tuberculosis;
  • diabetes mellitus in decompensated form.
  • condition after radiation therapy (at least 1 year);
  • bite pathology;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • cardiovascular diseases suffered in the last six months;
  • general somatic diseases in acute form;
  • exhaustion of the body.


What to do if you have a headache after dental implantation?

Toothache after implantation can spread to the head. Take a pain reliever if the pain is too much to bear. If the pain does not go away within 3-6 days, consult a doctor.

How long does my gum hurt after implantation?

Maximum 7 days. If the pain persists, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

How many implants can be placed at the same time?

You can install 4 or more implants. If the patient is completely missing teeth, then implantation according to the All-on-4 or All-on-6 scheme is possible. In this case, 4 or 6 implants are installed, and prostheses are placed on them, replacing the entire dentition.

How to understand that the implants have not taken root?

In the vast majority of cases, rejection occurs in the first 3-6 months. This can be understood by the following symptoms:

  • pain that does not go away with painkillers;
  • heavy bleeding;
  • the appearance of an unpleasant odor/pus;
  • severe swelling of the gums.


When resorting to IVF, every woman expects that the attempt will be successful and she will become pregnant. During the implantation process, many patients listen too much to their well-being, and those who are especially sensitive may exaggerate their sensations. Of course, this does not mean that symptoms are completely absent; some people really don’t have them, while others have them to varying degrees. Women describe their feelings during late implantation

subjective, but you need to try to evaluate the change in your well-being objectively. This is important for the doctor for further actions in case of failure, in order to draw the right conclusions, as well as in case of a favorable outcome, in order to competently manage the pregnancy.

Symptoms of late embryo implantation:

  • Bleeding when the embryo penetrates the uterine layer, when small endometrial vessels rupture. With minor bleeding, a woman may decide that she has started menstruation, and implantation has failed. An hCG test will help you draw the right conclusions in the absence of heavy bleeding.
  • A common sign of late implantation is nagging pain around the lower back and lower abdomen. They can be intense or weak.
  • Low-grade fever may persist throughout the first trimester.
  • Nausea.
  • Weakness, fatigue, dizziness, drowsiness.
  • Taste of metal in the mouth.
  • Psychological instability, from depressive states to strong emotional upsurges.

If the discharge is significant, continues for a long time, and the temperature rises above 38 degrees, severe pain in the abdomen is noted, this should be reported to the doctor immediately. Heavy bleeding should be especially alarming. Symptoms are not typical for late implantation; each woman may have some other manifestations. Also, the absence of symptoms does not mean that pregnancy has not occurred; an hCG test will allow you to assess the situation. The doctor will explain what the patient may experience during implantation, whether it happened on time or later, so you need to be prepared for any development of events, but set yourself up only for a positive result. Anxiety can negatively affect the outcome of the procedure.

Symptoms after transfer

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