Methods of decorating teeth with skyces in the form of diamonds or rhinestones: how is installation done?


The health and beauty of teeth are inextricably linked - the fewer dental diseases and the better care for them, the more beautiful our smile will be. However, for many, only snow-white teeth are not enough.

People have always strived to decorate their bodies. Now the turn has come to the teeth. In addition to the treatment and prevention of the oral cavity and teeth, modern dentistry also deals with their decorative decoration.

The most popular among patients is the installation of rhinestones on teeth. They do not catch the eye too much and, at the same time, give the owner a special charm and zest .

What it is, how the installation procedure goes, how harmful it is and how else you can decorate your teeth - all this is in our article.

Where did this fashion come from?

Dental decorations came to us from the ancient world . In some places this was available only to the nobility, as well as royalty, as a special sign of distinction.

However, for example, among the Mayan tribes , any sufficiently wealthy person tried to distinguish himself in this way and demonstrate high status and wealth. Here, small precious stones - rubies, emeralds, etc. - were fixed on the surface of the teeth.

In the modern world, as often happens, pop and film stars become trendsetters. Rhinestones for teeth are no exception.

For the first time, the legendary pop singer Madonna . The singer was famous for her eccentricity from the very beginning of her career, and it was she who first decorated her teeth with a sparkling stone.

This was the beginning of a fashion trend. Following Madonna, many TV and show business stars began to sparkle with their “precious” teeth. Among them are Lady Gaga and Katy Perry .

However, now such jewelry has become available to absolutely everyone, not only in the West, but also in our country.

Difference between the terms skys and rhinestones

Many people believe that the terms “rhinestones” and “skys” are identical. However, there is a difference between them and it is quite large.

Rhinestones are jewelry made from various materials . They are named after the German inventor G. Strass.

The most commonly used is special lead glass , which has a very high refractive index and dispersion. Because of these properties, rhinestones are considered an imitation of precious stones.

Sometimes semi-precious and ornamental stones of different colors can be used. Rock crystal (amethyst) is very popular .

Also, in some cases, so-called doublets can be used, when the upper part of the jewelry is made of precious stone.

The name “skys” comes from the name of the company that was the first to make such dental jewelry - SKYCE . Today, skyes are small (up to 2.5 mm in diameter) precious stones, processed in such a way as to adhere well to the teeth and not interfere with their owner.

So, the main difference is that "rhinestones" are not precious stones, but simply imitate them, while "skyes" are.

What to choose?

If the issue of decorating teeth with appliqué is urgent, you need to calculate the degree of risk. The safest way to decorate is a sticker - it is not expensive, is completely safe for enamel and is easy to remove.

Rhinestones with skys are also relatively safe, however, to fix these decorative ornaments, an adhesive base is used, which affects the enamel. Jewelry in the form of rhinestones and skyes requires certain dietary restrictions - not everything can be eaten and drunk. You must be prepared for this.

Jewelry in the form of twinkles is undesirable: to hold the metal element on the enamel, substances are used that have a destructive effect on its structure. It is better to install Twinkles on “dead teeth” or on crowns.

Inlaying involving drilling through healthy tooth tissue under a precious stone is considered dangerous to dental health. It is better to immediately abandon this procedure or enlay the tooth without a nerve. An alternative is a crown with inlay.

It should be remembered that skyces are incubators of bacterial plaque due to poor quality care of the decorative element. Owners of a shining accessory take care of their jewelry and try to touch it as carefully as possible. As a result, plaque settles on the enamel, which contributes to the development of caries over time.

The pursuit of fashion and beauty always has a downside. If you decide to follow the fashion trend, be prepared to devote enough time to your teeth and give up many of your usual products.

What other decorations are there?

  • Twinkles , original name – Twinkles. This is one of the varieties of rhinestones. However, instead of glass or stones, a small figurine made of precious metal is used here. In some cases, the metal serves as a setting for a small stone.
  • Stickers are a thin film with a printed pattern.
  • Tattoos - special permanent ink is used to apply the design.
  • Grills are metal (precious and non-precious metals) decorative “cases” and overlays for teeth. The design is adjusted to the size and shape of the dentition.

Photo: Twinkles

Photo: Sticker

Photo: Tattoos

Photo: Grilzy

Indications and contraindications for installation

Since rhinestones appeared in dentistry for decoration, their main function is to enhance aesthetics . The bulk of people who are interested in the possibility of installation are modern youth.

This type of jewelry, although not overly bright, allows you to stand out from the crowd and add some zest to your appearance.

Therefore, the main indication for installing rhinestones is the patient's desire . However, in addition to this, with the help of rhinestones you can “hide” small enamel defects on the outer surface of the teeth in the smile area .

These can be small darkenings and spots that do not violate the integrity of the surface and do not threaten the development of caries, fillings that have changed their color and stand out on the surface, cracks. All these defects are previously eliminated using fillings.

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It is much more important to know in what cases doctors do not recommend installing rhinestones, as well as other types of jewelry.

  • Presence of caries.
  • Various dental diseases.
  • Tartar.
  • Pathologies and significant bite defects.
  • Children's age when the dentition is not yet fully formed - approximately up to 12 years.
  • Hypersensitivity of teeth.
  • Hypoplasia or small thickness of the enamel layer.
  • Crowns and implants.
  • Veneers.

From the above, we can conclude that installation should be carried out only on healthy teeth , possibly with minor cosmetic defects that need to be covered. It is first recommended to undergo a professional teeth cleaning procedure, and sometimes also whitening.

In addition, there is the possibility of installation on a crown. But only when this is done in advance - the crown is placed with decoration.

How to stick it

Before moving on to the decorating stage, the dentist carefully examines the patient’s oral cavity and determines whether there are any diseases. If caries, pulpitis, gingivitis or any other pathology is diagnosed, its preliminary treatment is carried out. It is important that there is no stone or soft plaque. If you need to carry out bleaching, then this procedure is also done in advance.

When the preparation is left behind, the customer is offered to choose the decoration. The part is degreased with alcohol. The tooth surface is treated with a special compound and polishing paste. Each layer is dried separately. Then the dental crown is coated with a finishing gel. It is held for about twenty seconds and washed off, and the surface is dried again.

The next step is applying dental adhesive. The skye is fixed onto the liquid composite. The decoration is carefully smoothed with an applicator and dried with a photopolymer lamp. Excess composite layer is removed.

Thus, decorating teeth with rhinestones is not associated with damage to the enamel, preparation, or the formation of an in-depth bed with a drill. The procedure does not affect the health of the tooth.

Skyce lasts for several years. Then it usually falls off on its own. It can be glued to crowns, fillings, and veneers. It does not change the characteristics of the “working surface”. At the same time, it perfectly masks stains, cracks, chips and other types of dental defects.

Detailed installation procedure

There are two main installation methods, which differ in the degree of invasiveness - intervention. This is applique and inlay. The choice of method depends on many factors, including the choice of decoration - its shape, size and material.


The first is the most common and popular due to its simplicity and almost complete absence of damage to the integrity of the enamel . You can also find another name for it – “dent-art”. The basis of the procedure is gluing rhinestones to the surface .

This technique involves the use of stones of a special shape - flat and thin, with a small diameter - up to 2 mm. Their surface should adhere tightly to the enamel to avoid peeling off when worn later.

The top of the decoration should also not be sharp or very convex. This will prevent injury to the tongue and oral mucosa. Application of rhinestones is carried out in several stages.

  • Preliminary preparation consists of cleaning, disinfecting and drying the area of ​​enamel where the stone is planned to be glued.
  • After this, treatment is carried out using a special gel, the composition of which makes it possible to enhance the adhesion of the surface to other materials to increase the adhesive strength.
  • Then a special glue that contains fluoride is applied to further strengthen the enamel. Most often, light-curing composites are used as glue.
  • The decoration is installed in the prepared place, after which the procedure of polymerization of the material for fastening is carried out using special lamps.
  • The last step is to polish the enamel around the installed rhinestone to enhance shine and remove excess adhesives.


In most cases , it is used when installing precious stones . They have more weight and a convex shape, which is explained by the peculiarities of cutting.

Doctors advise using this method only for initially damaged teeth that have enamel defects that in any case need to be hidden.

For installation, a small hole is made in the surface of the tooth using dental instruments, which in shape and size exactly matches the bottom of the decoration . The doctor must achieve maximum identity. Only then will the stone hold firmly.

A composite material is used for attachment, which after polymerization becomes incredibly durable. The composite is applied to the prepared (created, disinfected and dried) recess in order to install the decoration on top.

If the skyce fell off

There is no need to despair. You can make an appointment with the dentist on the same day and have it re-installed. The doctor will offer new options for stones, from which the patient will choose the one that suits his smile.

If, after peeling off the rhinestone, the client no longer wants to decorate his teeth, he should still visit a doctor. The doctor will grind the area where the element was located. Due to this, the surface of the crown will regain its former smoothness and lighten a little.

Advantages and disadvantages of wearing

Among the advantages, one can note the special aesthetics and originality of such jewelry, which gives the smile an unusual shine and shine. In addition, this is a convenient way to correct small defects on the front and side teeth, which greatly spoil the impression of a smile.

Unfortunately, disadvantages also exist. This is especially true for the second installation method – inlay. In this case, there is a need to violate the integrity of the enamel.

Accordingly, after removal, the hole will need to be additionally closed to avoid caries and tooth decay, as well as to restore the beauty of your smile.

Life time

Decorating your smile is a temporary measure. According to statistics, such stones last from one to four years. After removing the element, you need to make sure that no caries has formed under it.

It is also advisable to undergo professional oral hygiene. After all, while wearing a rhinestone, you have to very carefully clean the decorated unit and its neighbors, which means that tartar forms faster at their bases.

Wearing tips and care instructions

  • Particular attention should be paid to hygiene procedures at home, since the area around the jewelry is difficult to thoroughly clean.
  • Use additional hygiene products and tools, for example, an irrigator.
  • Do not eat foods that are too hard to avoid damaging the rhinestones. These also include nuts.
  • Do not use your teeth as a bottle opener.
  • Get regular checkups with your dentist.

We look at photos of lumineers before and after installation.

This article describes the composition of Sensodyne toothpaste.

Here: - read about the Aquajet oral irrigator.

Price examples

Now let's figure out how much it costs to put rhinestones on your teeth.

Original Swarovski crystals : about 3,000 rubles if it is special glass, and more expensive - about 5,000 rubles if artificially created diamonds or semi-precious stones are used as the material.

You should definitely inquire about the quality certificate of the product, since in rare cases you can get a less expensive and less durable analogue, the cost of which usually does not exceed 300 - 500 rubles.

Skyes , which are precious stones, will cost more - up to several thousand due to the high cost of materials.

Stickers are the most affordable way to decorate a tooth. You can buy them for about 500 – 1000 rubles and they stick to the surface much less than rhinestones.

Types of tartar

Tartar consists of one third of organic substances (epithelial cells, microorganisms, proteins, etc.) and 2/3 of inorganic substances (mainly calcium salts).

Stones are divided into:

  1. supragingival, which, as you can guess from their designation, are located above the gum. They are easy to see with the naked eye and are dark yellow in color. Removing such deposits is quite simple.
  2. subgingival. During a routine examination, they cannot be noticed, but their presence can be assumed by the bluish tint of the gums and increased bleeding in this place. It is possible that pus may be released from the periodontal pocket.

The presence of subgingival stones is the first sign of periodontitis and the beginning of tissue destruction around the tooth. Only a dentist can detect stones located under the gum by probing the pockets. Removing subgingival stones takes a lot of time, so not every doctor will undertake such work.


Rings and earrings are common and familiar to everyone. But rhinestones on the teeth are an unusual decoration that will give the whole appearance a touch of unforgettableness.

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In conclusion, you will find a video about dental rhinestones:

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