Inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs

Cervicitis is an inflammation of the cervix that occurs when microorganisms penetrate from the vagina, or due to mechanical or chemical effects.

Cervicitis can be caused by:

  • sexually transmitted infections (gonococci, treponema pallidum, trichomonas, chlamydia, mycoplasma, etc.),
  • opportunistic microflora (streptococci, staphylococci, candida), which is activated when the immune defense is reduced,
  • microbes from the rectum (Escherichia coli) that enter the vagina due to non-compliance with hygiene rules (improper washing, for example),
  • infections that enter the cervix through lymph and blood.
  • The disease can also be caused by traumatic injuries during childbirth, abortion, diagnostic curettage, installation and removal of an IUD, chemical exposure to certain drugs during douching and other procedures affecting the cervix.

Most often, cervicitis develops against the background of other chronic inflammatory processes in the female reproductive system - colpitis (inflammation of the vagina), bartholinitis (inflammation of the Bartholin glands in the vestibule of the vagina).

Against the background of menopause, atrophic changes in the female genital organs are possible, including the development of atrophic cervicitis.

Types of cervicitis

There are:

  • Along the course - acute and chronic cervicitis.
  • By localization - exo- and endocervicitis. Exocervicitis is an inflammation of the vaginal cervix. Endocervicitis is an inflammation of the internal canal of the cervix, the cervical canal.
  • According to the prevalence of the process - focal (local) and diffuse (widespread).
  • According to the causative agent - specific and nonspecific cervicitis. Specific cervicitis is provoked by sexually transmitted infections, the causative agents of which are gonococci, chlamydia, and mycoplasma. Nonspecific cervicitis is caused by conditionally pathogenic microorganisms, such as gardnerella, streptococci, enterococci, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Candida fungi. Viral cervicitis caused by the genital herpes virus or human papillomavirus (HPV) is also possible.

Symptoms of cervicitis

In women with cercivitis, there may be no severe symptoms at all, or the manifestations may be minor - cloudy mucous discharge from the genital tract. Often the disease is detected during a preventive examination by a gynecologist. This is typical for the erased chronic course of the disease.

Signs of acute cervicitis and exacerbation of chronic:

  • mucopurulent leucorrhoea (vaginal discharge),
  • bloody discharge (with the development of erosions),
  • pain in the lower abdomen,
  • discomfort during urination or sexual intercourse,
  • itching and burning in the vagina.

In general, symptoms vary depending on the causative agent of the disease.

Cervicitis may be asymptomatic or have vague signs. In this case, you can find out about the development of the disease only during an examination by a gynecologist. Make an appointment with a doctor to identify hidden pathologies and restore women's health.

Make an appointment with a gynecologist

Inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs

  • Lesions of the lower section include vulvitis, colpitis (vaginitis), urethritis, bartholinitis and cervicitis (exocervicitis, endocervicitis).

    Vulvitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the vaginal vestibule. It develops mainly in girls. Infection is promoted by diaper rash, scratching, abrasions, endocrine pathology (IDDM), helminthic infestations, and childhood viral infections. In adults, as a rule, vulvitis is combined with inflammation of the vaginal mucosa.

    Clinic: pain, swelling of the vulva, purulent discharge.

    Bartholinitis is an inflammation of the large glands of the vaginal vestibule. Very often, if the rules of genital hygiene are not observed, various bacteria and STIs get into it. Its excretory duct becomes clogged and an inflammatory process occurs in the gland. Unilateral damage to the Bartholin gland is more common.

    It first appears as redness around the external opening of the excretory duct, then inflammatory swelling can clog the gland duct, preventing the release of purulent secretion, which, lingering in the duct, stretches it, forming a false abscess (ulcer), which protrudes the inner surface of the labia majora and closes the entrance to the vagina . Body temperature and soreness in the perineal area may increase. In rare cases, the inflammatory process can directly involve the gland tissue, resulting in a true abscess with severe suppuration and enlargement of the gland. The labia majora and minora are swollen. The inguinal lymph nodes are enlarged. Body temperature rises. A true abscess differs from a false abscess by constant pain, severe swelling of the labia, immobility of the skin over the abscess, and high fever.

    The abscess can spontaneously open with the flow of thick yellow-green contents, after which the condition improves. The inflammatory process can die out on its own (without suppuration). In this case, compaction and slight enlargement of the gland are observed. However, quite often after some time the inflammatory process resumes and becomes more complicated.

    Colpitis is inflammation of the vagina (vaginitis).

    The clinical picture includes a triad of symptoms: pain, leucorrhoea, itching.

    Colpitis can be caused by gonococci, trichomonas, chlamydia, as well as conditionally pathogenic microorganisms such as staphylococci, streptococci, fungi of the genus Candida, E. coli, etc. There are acute and permanent vaginitis. During an acute process, women complain of itching in the area of ​​the vaginal vestibule, burning, a feeling of pressure, heat in the genitals and pelvis, many note dysuric disorders. Characteristic is copious discharge - leucorrhoea. The inflammatory process caused by various pathogens has its own characteristics. For example, profuse, frothy, yellowish-green discharge with an unpleasant odor is characteristic of Trichomonas vaginitis; discharge of a white, curd-like appearance - for fungal. In chronic forms of inflammation, there is no pain; patients mainly complain of discharge, itching, burning, and small ulcerations in the area of ​​the vaginal vestibule.

    Bacterial vaginosis (diagnosed since 1980) Gardner's disease. The only complaints are about increased discharge of leucorrhoea (profuse discharge, foul-smelling). There are no symptoms of inflammation. Often women complain of discomfort and burning in the vagina. Recently, bacterial vaginosis has been considered as a kind of vaginal dysbacteriosis, which occurs when the number of lactobacilli secreting lactic acid decreases and the pH of the vaginal secretion increases (more than 4.5). This creates conditions for the massive proliferation of microorganisms such as gardnerella and obligate anaerobic bacteria. This disease is rare in prepubertal girls and postmenopausal women, indicating a significant hormonal component in causing this imbalance.

    Cervicitis is an inflammation of the cervix, which occurs as a result of penetration of gonococci, trichomonas, chlamydia, staphylococci, streptococci and other bacteria, and less commonly viruses, into the cervical canal. The occurrence is facilitated by cervical ruptures during childbirth, prolapse of the genital organs, infectious processes in the vagina and, conversely, in the internal genital organs. In an acute process, a woman is bothered by mild pain in the lower abdomen, discomfort in the vagina, sometimes itching, mucous or purulent mucous discharge from the vagina, pain during sexual intercourse. In a chronic process, complaints are less pronounced.

    Endocervicitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the cervical canal. It can occur with the penetration of various bacteria (staphylococci, streptococci, gonococci, intestinal Escherichia, etc.). Endocervicitis is often combined with an inflammatory process in other parts of the reproductive system - colpitis, salpingoophoritis, cervical erosion.

    Symptoms: mucopurulent vaginal discharge, no pain. Clinical signs are mild. In the acute stage, hyperemia around the external pharynx and mucopurulent discharge are determined. In the chronic stage there is almost no hyperemia, the discharge remains. With a long course of the process, hypertrophy (thickening) of the cervix develops - cervicitis

    Condylomas acuminata (multiple growths on the surface of the external genitalia and vaginal opening). May spread to the perineum, vagina, cervix. The cause of condylomas is a filterable virus (human papillomavirus); the development of the process is facilitated by abundant discharge from the genital tract during colpitis and endocervicitis. Genital warts grow very quickly during pregnancy.

    Symptoms: condylomas are most often localized on the external genitalia, perineum, and around the anus. In cases of necrosis of condylomas and the addition of a secondary infection, purulent discharge appears. Condylomas of the vagina and cervix during pregnancy and childbirth can cause bleeding. The diagnosis is made based on examination.

  • Complications of cervicitis

    Cervical erosion

    The lack of treatment and the transition of the disease to the chronic stage contributes to the emergence and development of cervical erosion on the inflamed mucous membrane - destruction of the epithelial layer, thickening of the mucosa. Erosion is a common complication of cervicitis.

    Ectopic cervix

    If there is no destruction of the integrity of the mucous membrane, but there is a displacement of the mucous membrane, typical of the cervical (intracervical) canal of the cervix, to the area of ​​the vaginal part, we speak of ectopic mucosa. This is not a complication of cervicitis, but a physiological feature that does not require treatment. But against the background of cervical ectopia, the development of cervicitis is possible. Equally, as against the background of chronic cervicitis, changes in epithelial cells are possible, replacement of the stratified squamous epithelium of the vaginal part of the cervix with a cylindrical one and the formation of ectopia.

    Cysts, polyps, atrophy

    Inflammatory changes in the mucous membrane of the cervix can lead to the formation of cysts in this area, polyps, and atrophic changes.

    Ascending infection

    The spread of the infectious process to the uterus and appendages can cause the development of endometritis (inflammation of the inner lining of the uterus), salpingo-oophoritis (inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes).


    Cervicitis can cause infertility (problems with conception, miscarriage).

    Complications of pregnancy

    Chronic cervicitis during pregnancy can cause miscarriage, intrauterine infection of the fetus and disruption of its development, and premature birth. And after childbirth it increases the risk of purulent-inflammatory complications in women. Timely full examination in preparation for pregnancy and in its early stages, timely sanitation of the cervix minimizes the risk of such complications.

    To stop the progression of the disease and prevent complications, it is important to consult a specialist in time.

    Cervicitis is extremely rarely isolated. In the vast majority of cases, it is accompanied by cervical inversion, bartholinitis, erosion, vulvinitis and other pathologies of the reproductive system. Make an appointment with a doctor at the clinic on Yauza. Get an accurate diagnosis and effective treatment of cervicitis and all related problems.

    general characteristics

    Diseases of the oral mucosa can be infectious, inflammatory, viral or fungal. When an infection enters the oral cavity, the mucous membrane is the first to suffer. It can become inflamed, bleed, and become thinner. Conventionally, such diseases are classified as stomatitis. But besides stomatitis, there are many more problems that lead to deterioration in human health.

    In almost all of the diseases described below, the symptoms will be similar: pain, rashes of various types, discoloration of the tissues of the oral cavity.

    Oral diseases can be treated by a dentist, ENT specialist or therapist. When the first symptoms appear, you should consult any of these doctors for examination.

    Diagnosis of cervicitis at the Yauza Clinical Hospital

    Gynecologists at the Yauza Clinical Hospital diagnose cervicitis after examination, based on medical history, colposcopy results, laboratory tests (smear microscopy, bacteriological culture for microflora and sensitivity to antibiotics, PCR, etc.). When examined for cervicitis, hyperemia (redness) of the mucous membrane, swelling, inflammatory discharge, and ectopia may be present. Colposcopy allows you to study the condition of the mucous membrane in detail and track the dynamics during the treatment process. In acute cervicitis, a cytogram of a smear from the cervical canal and a scraping from the cervix reveals a large number of leukocytes, lymphocytes, and altered epithelial cells. At the same time, it is important not to miss precancerous cell changes, especially if PCR diagnostics reveal oncogenic strains of the papilloma virus (HPV). PCR will help identify other dangerous infections (herpes virus, chlamydia, mycoplasma, etc.) based on the genetic material of their pathogens.

    Diagnosis of diseases of the oral mucosa

    Modern medicine has a wide range of diagnostic tests to make an accurate diagnosis.
    Only a doctor can give the correct classification of the disease. For this purpose, he can use the following methods:

    • Mucosal smear for microscopic examination;
    • Conducting allergy tests;
    • Analysis for viral infections (herpes, tonsillitis);
    • General examination to identify the primary disease.

    Treatment of cervicitis at the Yauza Clinical Hospital

    Specialists at the Yauza Clinical Hospital provide comprehensive treatment for cervicitis (inflammation of the cervix) and associated pathological processes.


    In case of acute cervicitis, the doctor prescribes the patient treatment with antibacterial drugs, taking into account the sensitivity of the identified pathogen to antibiotics, or antiviral therapy, as well as anti-inflammatory drugs. Both general pharmacotherapy and local treatment of cervicitis are carried out - suppositories with antibacterial, antifungal and other agents. If the infectious nature of the disease is revealed, treatment of cervicitis in women must be carried out simultaneously with treatment of her sexual partner. 2-3 weeks after the end of the course of treatment for cervicitis, a control examination using laboratory tests is carried out.


    If one of the causes of chronic cervicitis is cicatricial deformation of the cervix, after stopping the inflammation and eliminating the infection, the woman can undergo surgical (laser or radio wave) correction.

    Cervicitis is a disease that can be avoided by following simple prevention rules. Sign up for a consultation with a gynecologist at the Yauza clinic. During your appointment, you will receive comprehensive information about the prevention of cervicitis and other diseases of the genitourinary system.

    Make an appointment

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    Therapy for diseases of the oral mucosa

    Prevention measures:

    • Visiting the dentist twice a year to promptly identify and eliminate dental problems;
    • Careful observance of local hygiene;
    • To give up smoking;
    • Avoiding too hot and spicy foods;
    • Rinsing the mouth with disinfectant solutions and herbal decoctions;

    Oral hygiene should be carried out regularly. Failure to comply with basic rules can provoke the occurrence of sore throat, problems with the gastrointestinal tract and other pathologies.

    The health of the oral mucosa largely depends on the condition of a person’s teeth.
    To successfully cure any disease of the oral mucosa, it is necessary to suppress the factors that influenced its development. If you suspect any problems in the oral cavity, you should contact a specialist. It is categorically unacceptable to get too carried away with self-medication and resort to non-standard methods of treatment. If you do not see a doctor for a long time, a minor problem can develop into a more serious one, lead to complications and worsen a person’s overall health. In addition, some oral diseases can develop into malignant ones. You should not put off visiting a specialist and expect the disease to go away on its own. Timely diagnosis and treatment will help avoid many problems in the future.

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