Treatment of headaches at the Yusupov Hospital

Every person experiences headaches from time to time. It is associated with various external factors and goes away quickly without taking pills. 15% of people suffer from frequent, severe headaches. Doctors at the Yusupov Hospital conduct their examination using modern instrumental and laboratory diagnostic methods.

For headaches, people prescribe analgin, no-shpu, askofen, citramon. They relieve pain, but do not affect the cause of the pain. After determining the cause of the headache, doctors at the neurology clinic carry out complex therapy. Rehabilitation specialists use innovative non-drug treatments.

Professors and doctors of the highest category discuss complex cases at a meeting of the Expert Council. Leading specialists in the field of headache treatment collectively develop further tactics for patient management. Patients have the opportunity to undergo complex examinations and treatment at partner clinics of the Yusupov Hospital.


In this parameter, the drugs are very similar. The main active component of these products has the maximum effect on the problem.

At the same time, the therapeutic effect of Tempalgin is more pronounced. Even large dosages of Pentalgin will not be able to provide a similar result.

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In terms of treatment speed, Tempalgin and Pentalgin work approximately the same. Bioavailability refers to the amount of the active component that reaches its destination. According to this parameter, the drugs are identical. High bioavailability parameters ensure minimal losses during the absorption of the drug by the body.

Treating headaches with NSAIDs

For tension headaches and migraines, neurologists prefer nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Helps with headaches:

  • acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) – the maximum single dose is 2 tablets, but not more than six tablets 3-4 times a day;
  • naproxen – you can take 2 tablets at a time, but no more than four tablets 2 times a day.
  • diclofenac - take one tablet 3 times a day;
  • indomethacin - can be taken one tablet 3 times a day or used in the form of rectal suppositories;
  • Ketonal, ketanov, ketorol should be taken orally no more than 2 tablets at a time, 3-4 times a day.

According to reviews, Nurofen and Nimesil help well with headaches. Doctors recommend taking all drugs in this group after meals with plenty of water. The effect develops 0.5-2 hours after taking the drug. The duration of the analgesic effect is 4-6 hours. The tablets can be taken independently for no more than 4 days. Dexalgin acts quickly and effectively for headaches.

Safety of use

This parameter is influenced by many factors. "Pentalgin" is considered a safer drug than "Tempalgin". The site of metabolism is no less important. Metabolic process - the ability of a drug to be excreted from the body in its original form or in a processed form (biochemical transformations). Metabolism is a spontaneous phenomenon that involves the main human organs (brain, kidneys, skin, liver) in this process.

When comparing Pentalgin and Tempalgin, it is necessary to look at which organ is involved in the metabolic process, as well as the level of criticality of the drug’s effect on it.

When choosing a drug, you need to consider the benefit-risk ratio. In some cases, prescribing medication is undesirable, but justified. It is important to be very careful when doing this. Tempalgin has more risks when used than Pentalgin.

The level of safety of the drug depends on possible side effects, which are expressed in the form of allergies or other disorders of the patient’s main organs. It is also important to evaluate the reversibility of harm caused to the body after using medications.

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How is Pentalgin different?

By the way, modern Pentalgin, which is produced on the territory of the Russian Federation, is not at all the familiar Soviet “five” that was well known to us and perfectly helped against headaches. Then its composition was a combination of analgin, paracetamol, caffeine, phenobarbital and codeine - drugs with a powerful analgesic potential against neurological pain, although quite strongly depressing the central nervous system. Currently, manufacturers have completely changed the composition of the modern product in favor of improving the safety profile and expanding the indications for use, but sacrificed analgesic activity.

It is now a combination of paracetamol, naproxen, drotaverine, pheniramine and caffeine.

  1. Paracetamol 325 mg is a non-narcotic analgesic with central action.
  2. Naproxen 100 mg is an NSAID that provides a peripheral anti-inflammatory effect that enhances and prolongs the effect of paracetamol.
  3. Drotaverine 40 mg is a myotropic antispasmodic, the active ingredient of the original drug “No-shpa”. Relaxes the smooth muscles of the intestines, urinary and biliary tracts, uterus, blood vessels.
  4. Caffeine 50 mg is a psychostimulant, in this case it enhances the analgesic effect of the main components.
  5. Pheniramine 10 mg is an antihistamine that increases the analgesic activity of paracetamol and naproxen.

Packaging 24 tab.
Analysis of indications for use:

  • Pain syndromes of various origins (including muscle pain, joint pain, radiculitis, menstrual pain, neuralgia, toothache. Headache due to fatigue, migraine, vegetative-vascular dystonia... Stop. Vegetative-vascular dystonia is a mythical diagnosis that is used by domestic experts to designate situations when the doctor doesn’t know what’s wrong with you and doesn’t want to figure it out. Most often, the cause of such headaches is beyond his competence and is the lot of neurologists and psychotherapists.
    The fact that the manufacturer, in the conditions of the development of modern science, makes medical archaism in recommendations for the use of the drug causes not only surprise, but also a certain awkwardness. Thank you, this information is only available on the official website. The instructions for Pentalgin are limited to “headaches caused by spasm of cerebral vessels" - also a rather vague term that combines various conditions from cervical osteochondrosis until a hangover.Migraine and migraine-like pain are no longer listed as indications in the instructions.
  • Pain caused by spasm of smooth muscles during cholecystitis, renal colic, cholelithiasis.
  • Traumatic and postoperative pain with the presence of an inflammatory process.
  • Fever due to colds.

Thus, the difference between the drugs lies not only in composition, but also in pharmacodynamics and indications for use.

Release form:

  • Tem - table. 10 or 20 pcs per package.
  • Pen-n - tab. 4, 12 or 24 pcs per package.


Tempalgin - Sopharma, Bulgaria. Sopharma is a pharmaceutical company with an 80-year history, its own production of substances and traditionally (since Bulgaria was a country of the former socialist camp) for more than 40 years focused on the production of medicines mainly for the countries of the post-Soviet space.

Pentalgin - Pharmstandard-Leksredstva OJSC, Kursk, Russia. Pharmstandard is the largest Russian pharmaceutical concern and declares modern production technologies and proper quality.

Price difference

On average, 24 tablets of Pentalgin will cost you 1.6 times more than your opponent’s pack of 20 tablets.

From the point of view of the reputation of manufacturers and the comparability of the price category, Tempalgin and Pentalgin are approximately equal. In order to determine which is better, you should be guided by the nature of the pain syndrome, taking into account the new composition and indications for use for Pentalgin. In any case, it must be remembered that combined analgesics are first aid products exclusively for pain relief, and are not intended for chronic treatment.


This evaluation parameter is influenced by many different factors that are important to consider when evaluating drugs. By addiction to a drug we mean the development of withdrawal syndrome and resistance. These indicators are similar for the drugs.

Withdrawal syndrome is a painful condition of the patient that appears after certain components of the drug stop entering the body.

Resistance is the initial rejection of a drug. That is, the immunity of the main substance can form over a certain period of time. Ascertainment of resistance occurs after an attempt to increase the dosage of the drug to the maximum possible level. The drugs "Tempalgin" and "Pentalgin" have insignificant resistance and withdrawal symptoms.

Antispasmodics for headaches

A common cause of headaches is cerebral vasospasm. In this case, myotropic antispasmodics help relieve headaches:

  • No-shpa (drotaverine);
  • dibazole;
  • papaverine;
  • revalgin;
  • dexalgin.

Neurotropic antispasmodics block the transmission of nerve impulses to smooth muscles, causing spasmodic vessels to dilate. Neurotropic vasodilators include:

  • buscopan;
  • scopolamine;
  • aprofen;
  • ganglefen;
  • hyoscine;
  • ganglefen;
  • Arpenal.

Does spasmalgon help with headaches? The drug has a pronounced antispasmodic effect and eliminates headaches caused by vasospasm. Baralgin helps many patients against headaches. Mydocalm can help with headaches if the cause of the pain is muscle spasm.

Panadol belongs to the group of non-selective non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. It relieves headaches thanks to the analgesic effect of the main active agent - paracetamol. The drug is effective for headaches caused by fever.

Adverse reactions

By side effects we mean an adverse medical phenomenon that occurs in a patient after taking a medication. The list of possible adverse reactions of the body after taking drugs is approximately the same.

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Tempalgin has a shorter list of possible adverse reactions than Pentalgin. The frequency of their manifestation is lower in Tempalgin, and higher in Pentalgin. The frequency of side effects refers to the number of possible and recorded cases of adverse reactions. The drugs differ in their potency, toxicity, and overall effect on the body.

It is important to consider the period of time during which the body will return to normal and whether it will be able to restore its original state at all after taking medications. The body recovers faster after taking Pentalgin.

What is the difference?

There are contraindications, consult a specialist

Tablets with a characteristic green color are Tempalgin, which over time became a household name and practically a second name for painkillers. Includes:

  1. "Analgin" - metamizole sodium, 500 mg, an analgesic with antipyretic and weak antispasmodic effects of the pyrazolone series. It has a strong analgesic effect, its main drawback is the ability to cause agranulocytosis - a decrease in the level of leukocytes, which is why Metamizole has been banned for use in the USA, Japan and the Schengen countries since approximately the late 70s of the last century. Currently, data on its inhibitory effect on hematopoiesis are considered significantly exaggerated, but it is worth limiting the frequency and dose of analgin.
  2. Tempidone, international name Triacetonamine-4-toluene sulfonate 20 mg, is an antidepressant with a pronounced sedative and anti-anxiety effect. In this combination, it is not only an auxiliary component that enhances and prolongs the analginic effect of analgin by 2-3 times, but also has a positive effect due to its influence on the neurotransmitter serotonin, which plays a pathogenetic role in migraine.

Analysis of indications for use:

  • Headache, migraine, peripheral pain of a psychosomatic nature (neuralgia, myalgia, arthralgia, dysmenorrhea) are logically placed in first place;
  • for pain caused by spasm of smooth muscles (renal, hepatic colic) - recommended in combination with an antispasmodic;
  • surgical pain;
  • fever due to ARVI.

20 tab.

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