Toothache when pressed: why does it occur and what to do?

Symptoms Causes Degrees of mobility Diagnostics Treatment methods Splinting Treatment at home Prevention
Normally, healthy teeth have little mobility due to the elasticity of the ligamentous apparatus and the need to absorb the chewing load. Physiological mobility is 0.06 - 0.15 mm, completely invisible to humans. Excessive mobility, noticeable when pressing on the tooth, is an anomaly that requires the intervention of a dentist. Even if a mobile tooth looks normal and does not hurt, loosening indicates a violation of the dentogingival connection, which is fraught with loss of a dental unit.

Pathological tooth mobility occurs due to various dental problems or injuries. What to do if a tooth is loose? Go to the dentist. Timely diagnosis and treatment will preserve the integrity of the dentition, restoring the functioning of the ligamentous apparatus. The treatment method is selected according to the severity of the defect, its location, and the presence of associated factors. After a comprehensive diagnosis, specialists from the RUTT clinic in Moscow will select treatment taking into account the clinical picture and indications for one or another method.


The main symptom is one - when you press on a tooth, it moves left and right or back and forth. Associated symptoms depend on the cause of mobility and may include:

  • bad breath;
  • redness, bleeding, swelling, soreness of the gums;
  • abundant dental plaque;
  • itching, burning gums;
  • the tooth is loose and hurts when pressed;
  • gum recession (exposure of the neck of the tooth);
  • pathological abrasion of enamel;
  • muscle hypertonicity;
  • symptoms of intoxication - headache, fever, nausea, etc.

All causes are accompanied by corresponding symptoms - the tooth became loose after a characteristic crunch was heard, most likely we are talking about a longitudinal or scaly fracture of the root. A healthy tooth is loose - more often than not, this indicates an occlusal, mechanical injury. Several teeth in a row loosen at once - this is a manifestation of periodontal pathologies (periodontal disease, periodontitis).

Strengthening gums and loose teeth with folk remedies at home

If the gums have become loose and weak and are bleeding, even then a person is unlikely to immediately go to a specialist. Although only a doctor will make the correct diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment to strengthen loose tissues.

Self-prescription of antibiotics for loose soft tissues in the mouth and purulent inflammation can make bacteria resistant to drugs. Because of this, they will stop helping. Lack of adequate treatment leads to neglect of the disease, making it more difficult to cure. Sometimes it's impossible.

But while there are no consequences in the form of loose teeth or the threat of their loss, the person himself tries to use home remedies: from well-known herbs, beekeeping products to pagan spells to strengthen teeth and weakened gums.

The main rule is the frequency and regularity of the use of medications, for example, after any meal.

The following are used as strengthening preparations in the form of lotions and applications:

  • freshly cut leaves of agave (aloe);
  • finely grated peeled potatoes;
  • freshly squeezed plantain juice.

A paste is made from aloe, which is wrapped in gauze and left overnight in the loosening zone.

When strengthening teeth and gums using folk remedies at home, lotions with a decoction of pine needles are good: boil for up to 10 minutes in 100 ml of water, 1 tbsp. l. needles, keep in a thermos for half a day before applying to the loose area.

Fresh spruce resin disinfects and strengthens the gingival surface. Chewing it is beneficial, as is aloe leaf, if the patient can tolerate the bitterness.

Herbal decoctions to strengthen gums and teeth

Often used folk remedies to strengthen loose tissues are homemade decoctions:

  • sage (leaves);
  • mint (herbs);
  • chamomile (flowers);
  • oak (bark);
  • eucalyptus (leaves);
  • horseradish (root);
  • burdock (burdock, flowers).

How to strengthen gums at home inexpensively? Decoctions are one of the most accessible remedies. Yarrow decoction helps with bleeding.

Decoctions are usually prepared in a water bath for 10-15 minutes: 1 tbsp. l. herbs per 200 g of water. Cool, filter, squeeze. Before taking, add up to 200 ml of boiled water.

You need to rinse your mouth regularly to strengthen it and obtain a comprehensive anti-inflammatory effect that cleanses soft tissues. A single, rare rinse with herbal decoctions will not give significant results.

Propolis for loose teeth

It is useful when patients rinse their mouths with propolis tincture. In pharmacies, propolis is sold in the form of a ready-made alcohol solution.

Propolis tincture

You can stir 1 tsp. products in a glass of boiled water. Rinse 6–8 times a day for 2 weeks. After a break of 2 months, the course is repeated.

The chemical composition of propolis has a nutritional and anti-inflammatory effect.

Propolis is applied to loose areas of the mucous membrane in its natural form. This strengthens them and prevents loosening of teeth.

Sea salt

A remedy for strengthening gums, rich in nutritional minerals and vitamins - sea salt. It is an antiseptic that kills bacteria in the mouth and removes plaque. The solution used includes 1 tbsp. l. salt for 1 tbsp. boiled water.

Soda and salt solution

To strengthen loose mucous membranes, wipe it well with a mixture of salt, lemon juice and hydrogen peroxide solution 1:1:1 or rinse with a salt solution.

Honey and garlic for teeth and gums

Honey has a wound-healing, anti-inflammatory effect when rubbed into loose areas, rinsed with alcohol tincture - no more than 2 times a day, and applied as lotions. This way you can strengthen your gums at home.

To use garlic as a strengthening folk remedy for the mucous membrane, peel and chop a clove of it, add 2-3 g of leaf tea, and pour boiling water over it. The infusion is ready in 0.5 hours. After filtering, rinsing is carried out after eating and brushing your teeth for 0.5 months.

Nutrition and products to strengthen gums and teeth

What the patient eats is also a means to strengthen the gums.

Healthy foodsEffects
DairyStrengthening tooth enamel with calcium, gums with vitamins and minerals
Fish, seafoodPhosphorus strengthens enamel, vitamins A and D accelerate the healing of the mucous membrane
Fresh vegetables and fruitsRich in minerals and fiber. Chewing them is a massage to stimulate blood flow and strengthen the muscles of the mouth
CitrusPrevents the development of vitamin C deficiency - an antioxidant, strengthens cell membranes
Onion garlicContains zinc, prevents inflammation
EggsLots of vitamins, calcium to strengthen gums and dental bones
Drinking waterThe fluoride content must comply with accepted standards, otherwise fluorosis (fluorosis) is possible, which prevents the strengthening of the mucous membrane

You need to give up:

  • fatty and salty;
  • excess sugar in food;
  • alcohol and tobacco abuse;
  • drinking coffee (no more than 4 cups per day).

Then the health of the teeth and the gum tissues supporting them will be preserved.

Causes of tooth mobility

The roots of the teeth are located in the sockets (alveoli), they are firmly connected by the periodontium - a layer of connective tissue, collagen fibers, nerves and blood vessels. It is the periodontium that provides the necessary shock absorption of the dentition, allowing units to move in different planes, dampening chewing pressure. Periodontium is part of the periodontal tissues, such as gums, ligaments, cement, and bone surrounding the roots. If the connections between the alveolus, periodontium and tooth root are disrupted, the dental units begin to move beyond normal limits. The reasons for these changes are:

  • inflammation and destructive changes in the periodontium (periodontitis, periodontal disease, periodontitis);
  • dental diseases (flux, cyst, etc.);
  • chronic systemic diseases (osteoporosis, diabetes mellitus, thyroid dysfunction and other diseases accompanied by metabolic, circulatory, and tissue regeneration disorders);
  • malocclusion, uneven pressure on one tooth or group of elements (occlusal trauma);
  • bruxism;
  • jaw injury (bruise, fracture);
  • prosthetics errors (incorrectly installed prostheses, implants);
  • damage from solid food;
  • large interdental spaces (teeth begin to shift towards the empty space);
  • age-related changes (puberty, menopause, pregnancy and lactation, old age);
  • bad habits;
  • long-term use of certain medications.

Natural mobility associated with age occurs exclusively in children, when baby teeth are replaced by permanent teeth. If a molar tooth in an adult is loose, we are talking about pathology. The cause may be improper redistribution of chewing loads, disease, and not necessarily dental disease. Increased mobility may occur during orthodontic treatment. To eliminate it and stabilize the correction result, after removing braces or aligners, retention devices (retainers) are used.

Gum massage

Regular gum massage will help improve blood flow in the jaw and avoid the development of inflammation in the future. You can do massage yourself, even if you are far from medicine.

  1. First, wash your hands thoroughly.
  2. Then move your thumb and index finger along the gums: using circular movements, you need to massage the gums from the central part to the sides.
  3. Massage your gums for 5 minutes.
  4. Repeat the procedure morning and evening.

It is recommended to end each massage session with a herbal rinse, for example, a decoction of chamomile or oak bark.

Degrees of mobility

  • I
    – the tooth deviates back and forth from neighboring units
    by no more than 1 mm
    , there are no symptoms from the periodontium or gums;
  • II
    – amplitude of swing back and forth and sideways
    by 1 mm or more
    , tartar and plaques are visible on the enamel, redness, swelling, bleeding and soreness of the gums are possible;
  • III
    – the teeth swing strongly in any direction with slight pressure with the tongue or chewing, the amplitude of the displacements
    significantly exceeds 1 mm
  • IV
    – the tooth shifts in all planes, rotates around its axis, and
    barely stays
    in the gum tissue.

Pathological mobility of any degree requires complex treatment. If the tooth is located in the gum, the periodontium and socket are intact, the process is reversible. Dental units begin to become very loose when periodontitis or periodontal disease is advanced. With deep periodontal damage, weakening and destruction of the ligamentous apparatus, bone atrophy, tooth extraction may be required, followed by implantation and prosthetics.



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Diagnosis begins with collecting anamnesis. The dentist finds out when the tooth began to become very loose, whether this happened before, and what chronic diseases the patient has. Next, a dental examination of the oral cavity is carried out, the general condition of the dentition and periodontium is assessed. The degree of unsteadiness is assessed according to the subjective sensations of the patient and the dentist. The doctor checks the direction and magnitude of the deviation using tweezers:

  • the instrument is applied to the upper part of the dental crown and moved in different directions;
  • to identify vertical or circular displacement, the crown is clamped, carefully lifted up, and rotated.

Additionally, X-ray diagnostics are performed: orthopantomogram, CT scan, targeted X-ray to identify periodontal pathologies, injuries, and assess the depth of tissue damage. Based on the results obtained, effective treatment is selected. If mobility is due to a chronic disease, a specialized specialist (endocrinologist, therapist, rheumatologist, etc.) is involved in treatment. Why the lower teeth are loose, what is causing the mobility of the upper incisor - the doctor will be able to accurately answer these questions after a comprehensive dental examination.

Experts' opinion

Numerous detailed studies of the line’s products have established that the joint use of Asepta dental line products allows one to achieve a complex effect. Taking into account the active components that make up many Asept products, their clinical properties and the effect they have on the soft tissues of periodontium, they can be used as independent agents in the initial stages of diseases, or in combination with medications for severe forms of chronic periodontal diseases.

Considering the therapeutic and prophylactic properties of the Asepta line of products, based on practical tests, dentists recommend using them for inflammatory diseases of the oral mucosa, such as catarrhal stomatitis, glossitis and cheilitis.

Treatment methods

The treatment regimen and the scope of medical manipulations are selected according to the patient’s somatic status. The inflammatory process is eliminated, professional oral hygiene is performed, and antimicrobial therapy is prescribed. Treatment of mobility is aimed at eliminating the underlying cause that led to the weakening of the ligamentous apparatus. If it is periodontal disease, then infection and inflammation are treated; in case of malocclusion, orthodontic treatment is carried out; in case of injury, a temporary splint is applied.

Treatment includes various methods, including grinding crowns, normalizing occlusion, splinting, and prosthetics.

  • Thanks to bite correction, the load on the periodontium is normalized, the teeth occupy a more stable position in the sockets.
  • Wearing a special mouthguard that prevents clenching or grinding of the teeth will help strengthen loose teeth in the gums during bruxism or clenching.
  • In case of physiological changes, hormonal levels and nutrition are corrected, vitamin therapy is carried out, and the immune system is strengthened.
  • In case of injury, a special device is installed on the dentition - a splint, which helps to fix loose units and correctly distribute the load between healthy and injured teeth.

In some cases, it is impossible to save a loose tooth. Direct indication for extraction

is mobility of 3-4 degrees with loss of bone tissue by 70%, atrophy of the jaw bone by more than 50% with damage to the dental pulp. In such situations, it is advisable to remove the loose tooth, preserving the bone tissue for subsequent implantation.

How to cope with pain?

Toothache is always a good reason to see a doctor; it’s worth taking the time to avoid complications!

If professional dental care is not possible, first aid is to relieve pain and minimize inflammation.

Analgesics of various effects used in dentistry - tempalgin, ketorol, nurofen; standard dosage regimen - 1-2 tablets every 4 hours; The effect of the drugs begins within the first 15 minutes and lasts up to 6 hours.

Splinting teeth

The method is aimed at strengthening the teeth in the gums and preventing their further loosening. The essence of the manipulation is to combine mobile units into one block with healthy ones using a special fixing structure. Splinting can be temporary ( up to 1-3 months

), long-term (
up to 1 year
), permanent. Tires are divided into:

  • removable
    – mouthguards, clasp dentures;
  • non-removable
    - tape, fiberglass or aramid thread, crowns, pin inlays (intradental splints), cap splints.

An effective option is fiberglass splinting

, aesthetic nanomaterials or ceramics. A strong, translucent white tape or thread is fixed to the inner surface of the teeth using a light-curing composite. The material is biocompatible with the human body, does not absorb saliva, does not enter into chemical reactions, firmly adheres to the enamel, and reliably holds the units in the desired position.

With temporary splinting, the structure is fixed for several months. This option is used for mild forms of periodontitis, periodontitis, to consolidate the result of orthodontic correction or mobility caused by injury. A permanent splint is installed in the treatment of moderate periodontitis, the presence of voids in the row (removed or fallen units). The fixing structure is replaced with a new one every 4-5 years

, sometimes more often (according to indications).

Splinting clasp prosthesis

Clasp prosthesis

– metal base (arch) with plastic gum and artificial crowns. Since the design has an attachment for each dental unit, the prosthesis can replace several lost teeth while simultaneously splinting loose elements. This method is used in the treatment of pathologies of moderate severity, when in addition to movable units there are healthy ones that serve as support for the prosthesis.

Splinting with crowns

The teeth are depulped, the root canals are filled, ground, and crowns made of durable material (metal-ceramics, ceramics, etc.) “soldered” to each other are fixed on them. This method is characterized by high reliability and long service life. The elements under the crowns are firmly locked together and completely motionless.


I recently had a tooth removed, after a while I noticed that the neighboring ones have now begun to wobble and seem to be moving, what should I do?

Mikhail (09/02/2019 at 10:52 am) Reply to comment

    Dear Mikhail! You need to contact your dentist as soon as possible and consider one of the possible options for prosthetics or implantation of an extracted tooth. When a tooth is removed, but there is no rush to restore it, the neighboring units are left without support and support, they begin to shift to the place of the lost tooth, and due to the fact that they have a double load, they can collapse and become loose. You need to not miss the moment when the teeth move significantly, because this will lead to difficulties in implantation and prosthetics of the missing unit, because the distance between them will not be enough to install a crown.

    Editorial staff of the portal (09/08/2019 at 09:19) Reply to comment

I have periodontitis, everything is exactly as you write, I was treated for a long time, now the disease seems to have subsided. Recently, several teeth were removed against this background, but most have been preserved for now. I wore a temporary partial removable denture, but it is uncomfortable, I want to install a fixed bridge, will it be more comfortable for me?

Oksana (10/06/2019 at 12:44 pm) Reply to comment

    Dear Oksana! You have periodontitis, which means the teeth remaining in your mouth are weakened and mobile, but the bridge must use those located on the sides of the lost ones as support. Accordingly, these already weakened teeth will be subject to a very strong load, one might even say that they will be overloaded. As a result, the structure will begin to wobble along with the supporting teeth, causing you pain and discomfort, which, of course, should not be allowed. It is not advisable to install a bridge, because most likely in 1-2 years it will fall out along with the supporting teeth - the probability of this is very high, because up to 30-40% of such cases are registered in clinical practice every year.

    Editorial staff of the portal (10/12/2019 at 08:59) Reply to comment

Write your comment Cancel reply

Adjuvant therapy

The main treatment involves auxiliary therapy aimed at preventing further loosening of the teeth. It includes:

  • prescription of anti-inflammatory drugs, vitamins, biostimulants;
  • ointments, gels to strengthen gums;
  • antibiotic therapy;
  • systematic professional teeth cleaning;
  • physiotherapy (electrophoresis, plasma lifting, etc.);
  • gum massage

If the front tooth becomes loose after an impact or several lower units become mobile due to bleeding gums, treatment should begin as quickly as possible. Complex therapy in the early stages around the moving element will help to form healthy tissue, ensuring reliable retention of the tooth in the gum. In complex, advanced cases, with 4 degrees of mobility, removal followed by prosthetics is advisable.

The gums are inflamed and swollen

If the gums are not very swollen, brushing your teeth with a hard brush may be the cause. But if your gums are swollen and inflamed significantly, you need to go to the dentist. Most likely, the matter is due to the inflammatory process and infection of the gum or tooth tissue. When the gums near the tooth are swollen and painful, this is characteristic of gumboil - inflammation of the periosteum. This is a dangerous disease that can lead to widespread infection.

Swollen and bleeding gums can be a sign of gingivitis, an infectious inflammation. It can then affect deeper tissues and cause a serious disease called periodontitis. In this case, patients complain that their gums are swollen and their teeth are loose.

One of the most dangerous diseases is a dental cyst. A benign neoplasm forms in the root area, it gradually increases in size, causing pain and swelling of the gums.

In any case, make an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible to avoid making the situation worse.


To prevent tooth mobility, you must maintain careful oral hygiene and use brushes and pastes recommended by your doctor. Don’t forget to floss, irrigate, and rinse your mouth after eating. Regular visits to the dentist (every 6 months) for a preventive examination and professional cleaning will help identify pathology at the initial stage, avoid complications, and maintain a healthy smile.

Author of the article Voznyuk Vladimir Aleksandrovich Maxillofacial surgeon-implantologist of the highest category

Work experience: 28 years.

Consumer Reviews

yuliya1305 (

“Hello dear friends and readers of the site. Today I want to share with you a review about the Vitamin and Mineral Complex Coral Calcium Asepta

These vitamins contain:

  • Coral calcium;
  • Coenzyme G10$
  • Vitamin C;
  • Vitamin D3;
  • Vitamins B3, B6;
  • Vitamin A;
  • Green tea extract.

These vitamins come in 721 mg tablets.

To prevent my gums from bleeding, I also use other drugs from this company. I have already written my reviews about them... By the way, these vitamins are contraindicated for pregnant women.

Well, I’ll tell you honestly, I’m very pleased with these drugs and recommend them to everyone. Because Vertex lives up to expectations!\3

Svettik19 (

"Hi all!

A little background. Having had a sore throat, which I successfully cured myself at home without taking antibiotics, I was glad that everything worked out. But that was not the case.

Two weeks later, I realized that something was wrong with my gums. An unpleasant sensation appeared in the mouth. I noticed that my gums became more sensitive. Pain occurred when brushing teeth. I was very afraid that periodontitis would develop.

I immediately purchased several gum rinses, as well as the Asept vitamin and mineral complex, a domestic manufacturer. The course of administration is designed for 40 days, 1 tablet per day.

I felt an improvement after 2 weeks of regularly taking vitamins, and also lightly massaged my gums with tea tree essential oil.

At the moment I have completed the course and can already give a real review. The composition of the complex is very successful and is aimed specifically at strengthening the gums and maintaining healthy teeth.

Its composition is excellent:

coral calcium, coenzyme, vitamin C, vitamin D3, vitamins B3, B6, vitamin A. And also green tea extract.

All these components are in reasonable dosage. Can be taken without fear. The tablet itself is oval in shape and is very easy to swallow.

It took me a while to find this complex; I had to go around several pharmacies in the city and ordered a pharmacy online.

I can confidently recommend it, I liked how they work. I think they can also be taken as a preventative measure.”

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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