What can cause bitterness in the mouth? Possible causes, consequences and treatment
Tooth extraction: swelling Tooth extraction is a difficult operation that traumatizes the tissue surrounding the tooth. Therefore it is not surprising
Is it possible to have teeth cleaned and whitened during pregnancy?
Teeth cleaning Service Price, rub. Initial consultation with a doctor Free Comprehensive professional hygiene (including ultrasound
Inflamed gums - expect betrayal of loved ones (signs about teeth)
For many centuries, people have observed the events that manifest themselves after some extraordinary event. This
What to do if you have a bitter taste in your mouth: recommendations from practicing doctors
Why does a bitter taste appear in the mouth after eating? Bitterness in the mouth that occurs in the morning
Fluoridation of teeth in Moscow. Price of the procedure. Reviews
The main minerals in the natural enamel coating of a tooth are calcium and fluoride. The shortage of these
Articaine, Articaine with adrenaline, Articaine with adrenaline forte
Articaine Articaine is a clear, colorless or yellowish solution for injection.
Service installation of composite veneers in Kemerovo
Supply composite veneers in dental clinics in Kemerovo Dentistry Diamond Premium Boulevard Stroiteley, building
How to understand whether a tongue frenulum is short or not? Symptoms of dysarthria
Why does a child's color change? The tongue is a human organ that tends to clearly demonstrate the flow of
Thrush: a common problem with improper treatment
Thrush is one of the most common and not yet conquered infections that affects anyone
Filling out a dental patient's medical record for the treatment of chronic periodontitis
Since the creation of the modern structure of dental care, the dental patient’s medical record has been its base
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